Still running! I have to make an early run to the lumberyard this morning, but I wanted to keep things moving here. I’ve toyed with the idea of cloning myself, but I can’t help worry: what if instead of halving my pressures and problems, it doubled them? You know, the inevitable unforeseen consequence that has kept horror stories alive since Mary Shelley.

Running Mate
By Jimmy Johnson
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148 responses to “Running Mate”
And I need to get a t-shirt like his.
Hi, guys. Catching up after several really busy days. Good luck to Jean and Jackie on knees. Mine is hurting right now, which reminded me to call the orthopedic doc to see if they have gotten the Synvisc they are trying to order for me.
Jackie, props on “enmity grows hourly.” Great phrase! Also, a question about the near fatal auto immune attack. Was it triggered by something specific, or did it just happen?
The busy days are happening partly because Saturday we adopted a rescue dog to be a new member of the family! (Yeah, I know we have a bunch of cat people here.) We have named her Lady, they say she is 8 months old, and she appears to be an American foxhound, at least mostly. We love her a lot already.
Trucker Ron:
Thanks for the memory jog (that’s not a pun on today’s retro strip).
I had forgotten that the two men were found in Bowling Green, which surprises me.
I was born there, still have two relatives there, and went to WKU for my freshman year.
It was quite a shock to read that the men were there, of all places.
Nancy, I’m an animal person, and especially a dog person. Congratulations on adopting Lady!
Good light show tonight –
Ruth Anne:
Nice show. I’m lucky to have lived in Bemidji in a reasonably dark in-town neighborhood for 46 yr., ’59-’05. Have seen the real thing ‘live’ scores of times, often filling more than half the sky. Moved to a light-polluted town home in ’05, which has compensating advantages: somebody else does the outside work [e.g., plowed us out over last night] and am a short drive / walk from the hospital which I visit 3-4 x/wk. Today’s volunteer gig was a delight. Workout yesterday, and probably Th. and Sat. Can’t complain, and generally don’t. If I did, it would be political [see sev. posts above].
Congratulations on the addition to your family, Nancy. I love beagles and similar breeds.
I got to see some pretty impressive Northern Lights shows when I was at [undisclosed location] north of the Arctic Circle. Where I am now, not so much…except on-line. 🙂
Nancy thank you for adopting. You know I love dogs. Rescued is my favorite breed.
About near fatal auto-immune attack at 17. I had a VERY bad attack of mononucleosis or kissing disease in summer school. Ended up with a spleen that almost ruptured and in hospital a couple of weeks.
Got out and between semesters went to Mississippi Gulf Coast beaches for a long fraternity rush party that involved very little clothing on beaches.
Part way through big party I had major sun response that even Ded with glands swollen all over body and a fever so high I was semi concious. Don’t remember who played at the various dances, except it was rich fraternity and great bands. My date though, him I remember. He was special.
Ended in hospital near death for days, cursing nuns, for which I am ashamed. I apologized to those little blue nuns until last one passed away.
Question for Mr. Ghost you are a Southern man from a good family and a good university. We’re you in a fraternity? What was your opinion on the parties?
Went to pick up Blackjack and they had to put him in shop for door dings. I am to go back tomorrow to pick him up.
We went to Los Cabos to eat Mexican, I had seafood enchiladas, here came credit manager to get my signature before books closed at 9 tonight. I left their check but he needed my signature.
Cornell had lots of fraternities & sororities. I was a confirmed Independent [and teetotaler, back when 18s could drink], member/officer in Independent Council, met Elaine there. ‘Nuff said. Don’t think fraternities on average are good for higher ed. Peace,
I was asked to resign or kicked out of mine take your pick. I am more of an independent than they could deal with. I continued to attend fraternity parties simply because they were parties with fun bands. I continued as an independent but didn’t condemn or oppose fraternities.
There never seemed to me to be any betterment of education in fraternities, simply an excuse to party. I was thinking about this tonight for an altogether different reason but Nancy’s question about how I nearly died from the sun exposure involved fraternity parties.
Cats are in the West minister dog show this year. Chaos erupted. My Charlie is a breed known as Beaglish which apparently is real since Hal had in his vocabulary.
This is pic I was trying to post that was in Members Only
GM Debbe where ever you are.
These are pix of the WW&F starting in 2002
(#9 in 1998)
Click on the blue cars to see how far they have come.
Old Bear I plan to call Debbe tomorrow and I will tell her. I do not think she has access to a computer or WiFi but I did suggest she could use library or McDonald’s. Not sure how large town is.
She misses all of us.
Thank you Jackie – just let her know we are thinking of her and she is in our prayers.
We miss her also. Dogs have personalitys just like cats do. Dean Koontz wrote a wonderful book about his dog Trixie. I will find the book and give you the name tomorrow (today actually).
This little fur ball that sleeps with me is funnier and smarter than most humans.I mean Dickens of course.
Old Bear:
Great photos – thanks!
Retro Strip – In my case, I can’t keep up with my wife when she’s power walking, let alone jogging.
Old Bear, thanks for the photos.
I was independent as well. Of cours, frats were very controversial at Texas A&M when we were there, and not officially recognized by the university. They couldn’t recruit on campus, etc. I was too busy studying and courting my wife-to-be ( and still is!), not necessarily always in that order. 🙂
…of course… can’t type. Good night from OZ!
Rusty you must have been VERY fit to be at TAMU back then, mentally and physically. We’re you Ineed Corps?
You know I am legally an Aggie too, having more diplomas from there than anyone I know courtesy of their continuing education classes courtesy of the Benz School of Floral Design and Buddy’s donation to establish the Benz building on campus. A wonderful donation.
Daughter is full diploma Aggie and worked for them awhile.