Still running! I have to make an early run to the lumberyard this morning, but I wanted to keep things moving here. I’ve toyed with the idea of cloning myself, but I can’t help worry: what if instead of halving my pressures and problems, it doubled them? You know, the inevitable unforeseen consequence that has kept horror stories alive since Mary Shelley.

Running Mate
By Jimmy Johnson
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148 responses to “Running Mate”
In the corps. Hal again.
They were male only in my day.
Going back to bed like the ground hog.
Nancy, congratulations on your new family member! You have done a wonderful thing!
About to leave for the hospital. I’m not sure if I’ll be home tonight or tomorrow, but I’ll let everyone know how it went when I’m able. See y’all on the flip side!
Careful Jackie. It’s Groundhog Day tomorrow. Don’t step in that puddle.
See you there, Trapper Jean!
Jackie, when you talk to Debbe, please tell her she and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Will do folks.
Here is another shocking news story, cats at Westminister. Ludwig you can watch now.,amp.html
Waiting to hear when to pick up Blackjack. He is in shop being “fixed.” Not same as cats and dogs.
Got interesting call on car asking who I was buying for? I said myself but I could understand since most senior citizens didn’t drive Mustang convertibles.
They asked what totalled vehicle was? I said 2015 Ford F-150 super cab I use to pull my sailboats.
Do they think I am fronting for a money laundering drug ring?
Just talked to Debbe who was cooking dinner for her dad. Relayed all the personal messages. She was overwhelmed.
Debbe said to say she is praying for everyone and misses everyone. She said she thought her chicken stories must bore us all. I told her just contrary.
She says they have library and McDonald’s but she has no transportation. Her dad wrecked his truck and hers was wrecked as well.
Are you getting Black Jack today, Jackie? You had a long gap between postst there. If so, have a safe trip.
Am here. Car wasn’t ready again! We went to Abuelas for Mexican food, I had avocado and spinach enchiladas with papa’s and steamed fresh veggies. Tony got tacos.
It was my birthday free meal so at this rate I will be really fat, celebrating my birthday daily for a week. I have several more to use. And waiter treated me to cremation avocado dip to boot or butt.
What do they cremate to go w/ the avocado? Peace,
Groundhog day is my second ex’s birthday. I’ll wear black tomorrow.
On the basis of 58 years of seeing no woodchucks [Marmota monax] on 2 Feb., I predict that Bemidji will have 6 more weeks of winter. Doesn’t matter if sun’s out or not; cannot see your shadow tomorrow if you’re asleep in the master BR w/ the shades down.
Jackie, thanks for the post about Cats at the Dog Show. I got a lot of laughs from my daughters by reading it aloud like Earl Pitts. “Wake up, America!!!”
I’m thinking that Jeffrey Lord is very glad that Trump has small hands.
That was a Hal. I typed crema and he doesn’t do Spanish. He put cremation again.
Good news. Black Jack is safely in my Boat Palace to protect from vandals who might “key” him or cut roof. Why are people so cruel like that? They cannot tolerate someone owning beauty?
Also to protect against cat vandals who jump on hood and get on top and use as a scratching post. I hope none got locked in with it.
If Groundhog sees his shadow 6 weeks more winter.
If not then there will be a month and a half.
In my boat & car shed there are kitty prints all over vehicles- but then they keep the
rodent population down.
Or 3 fortnights. Peace,
Y’all are funny.
Here is the photo of Black Jack I promised as soon as I got him. Will take one in daylight tomorrow.
He’s a beauty.
‘Whoever said nothing is impossible obviously hasn’t tried nailing jelly to a tree.’
John Candy (1950-1994)
Where is our resident spirit? I miss him.
New strip. Jimmy hangs out under tables and has our homes bugged. Too true.
For those on Facebook, several of my friends and I have begun a grass roots effort to fill posts with art and beauty. Any form of art, paintings, photos, sculptures, carvings, gardens, flowers, animals, nature. Anything you find beautiful and joyful.
Please join us in this effort and invite your friends to join in. This is to show that art, beauty and love must survive.
Llee, Nancy, Ruth Anne, Mark, emb, Smigz, anyone is welcome. I know some of you aren’t on Facebook but some are. Help us counter the unpleasantness.