We’ve had a lot of fun the past few days, skipping up and down the halls of GoComics.com and making noise, but when I read back over my posts here, I sound something like an old man who just discovered the Worldwide Web. True, online comics and “like” buttons and social media and associated falderal have been around a long time, and I’ve dabbled for years. I think what has changed for me is, I have come to believe what I’ve “known” for a long time but, as an old print journalist, did not really think possible. Newspapers as they have existed truly are on the way out. Digital publishing, mainstream digital publishing, is here and growing. It makes me nervous, but it’s also exciting. It’s fun running around, pushing buttons and marveling at the mystery of it all. However, one thing remains the same. The best thing I can do is to draw the best comic strip I can draw at the given time. So, if you’ll excuse me…

Sleeping Beauty
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
79 responses to “Sleeping Beauty”
Repeat from 10 min. ago:
emb on 20 Oct 2017 at 9:30 am #
Grevy zebra; r. giraffe offstage to L.
Gazillion migrating ducks, mostly lesser scaup and ringnecks, I think. Bald eagle flew over, but didn’t disturb them much.
Prairie dog, Sask., Can.
Thought those not on Facebook might enjoy this tribute to Arlo and Janis and Jimmy that I just posted on Facebook. Everyone is curious about “Why Ghost?” And how we met and fell in love?
The Village knows of course but my friends who number in hundreds if not thousands. It does seem unlikely if you are not part of the Arlo and Janis fan family.
Good thing I have no secrets to keep from The Village, isn’t it? Well, except for the whole identity thing, anyway.
“The best thing I can do is to draw the best comic strip I can draw at the given time.”
Sayth the man who has solved the “mystery” of flourishing no matter what the media.
Oh my! This is me except Ghost wakes me to say “Baby put your Cpap back on, it has come off.” Meaning I am probably about as pretty as Janis.
Jimmy, as my friend and ex-editor Josh Colvin of Small Craft Advisor said to me last year, “The ground is shifting beneath our feet.” Referring to the magazine print business. This month he admitted in an editorial that their subscriptkon readership has stabalized flat for first time since they began publication.
Wooden Boat magazine began declining readership years ago and they have tried to get into online publishing.
Sounds like a day of drawing and punch-lining is ahead for our fearless leader!
And that’s a GOOD thing!
Jimmy: Discovering new things, even if they are old, is fun and makes us young. Have a great weekend.
The former manager for the Detroit Tigers, Jim Leyland once said ” I’ve never seen a smiling runner.” This is a picture of my son, Dan, being offered a beer at about mile 24.5 of the Detroit Marathon.
Wishing this blog had a “like” button so I could give Ghost at 11:40 one.
The daily offering sure fits us at present. This house was not bought as a fixed up, rather we saw it as a base camp for a few years. Now, after Harvey, our half full glass feels nine-tenths empty. The good news is the flood insurance money will let us build it out again to half full.
Now, about that lawsuit with the Army Corp of Engineers…
Many of my Canadian friends are in mourning over this guy:
Sask. coyote again.
I think this is the very first appearance of Jimmy’s blog. I found it while Googling for Arlo and Janis archive: http://arloandjanis.com/index517-18.htm
Good Saturday morning from an African buffalo in Kenya.
Thank you Mark, for the heavy flashback. I’m not sure that my local paper had A&J from day one. I believe it was a Hart-Hanks Newspaper at the time, sold sometime in next couple of years. Yet both the tissue packet/little black dress, and the drive-thru seem familiar, maybe by seeing them later. But I was definitely on board by 1993 and Ludwig’s big day. Large dose of nostalgia there, thanks for spotlighting.
I remember the blog of those days — almost
I remembered that I meant to mention: the frame where Gene writes himself a note gave a double whammy of reminiscence. Strong suggestion of Charlie Brown, especially holding that tongue just so in order to shape his letters juuuust right.
You’re welcome, guys. I never knew about Jimmy’s blog till I moved back to Alabama in 2010. None of the local papers had it and I was trying to find it online. Lo and behold, there was the Village. And at first I just read the comments, gradually getting bold enough to offer my own. And now I’ve been a citizen for over 7 years.
Everybody have a good and safe weekend. Supposed to get really stormy here tomorrow night. And this is the weekend Tulsa is having its Oktoberfest at an outdoor location!
By the way, if anybody remembers an old strip where Gene asks Arlo why he talks baby talk to Ludwig and Arlo answers he doesn’t know English anyway, please post a link. Somebody on FB is looking for it, having lost the copy they’d kept for years. Thanks
Way back when Jimmy began the strip and Gene was little and Janis jealous and insecure I didn’t like the strip that much. The sailing and boating jokes I liked but Gene and Janis were annoying back then.
The strip matured, Jimmy got better as an artist, Gene got older and Janis aged well. I began to read it consistently and following the link from the cartoon I stumbled on the blog back in 2013 at a time in my life I really needed humor and the Village.
Thank you Jimmy for all you have given us. You gave me Ghost and a new life. He admitted tonight that he agrees I am a good imitation of Janis whom he already loved.
Are you sure the parsonage doesn’t need some paint?
One of my favorites, because I have done just this: http://arloandjanis.com/Cathork.htm
On 7 Oct. I posted comments / evolution of language [as opposed to the notion that two naked grownups spoke perfect Hebrew], and said I’d read good stuff on it way back when, but “I’d have to dig.” Authors’ names came to mind, and I just dug.
Current Anthropology 1964 | Center for a Public Anthropology
In this article Ascher and Hockett attempt to provide a “narrative account of the evolution of our … more complex speech. … Hockett and Ascher are …
That’s the first entry of several, most of which deal w/ their article in Current Anthropology and later comments on it. Hockett also wrote an article in Scientific American, which I will try to find.
Meanwhile, 4 mature bald eagles and oodles of unfazed waterfowl.
Chs. Hockett published a 1960 article in Sci. Amer. Did a search and found:
which contains more references than you want. He was at Cornell from ’46-retirement in the Modern Language dept.*; I was there ’47-’51, but foreign languages are my weakest subject, so I had no clue. *The other dept. is Classic Languages, mostly Latin and Greek, maybe Hebrew. Hockett, of course, was interested in steps leading to language itself, MYA.