We’ve had a lot of fun the past few days, skipping up and down the halls of GoComics.com and making noise, but when I read back over my posts here, I sound something like an old man who just discovered the Worldwide Web. True, online comics and “like” buttons and social media and associated falderal have been around a long time, and I’ve dabbled for years. I think what has changed for me is, I have come to believe what I’ve “known” for a long time but, as an old print journalist, did not really think possible. Newspapers as they have existed truly are on the way out. Digital publishing, mainstream digital publishing, is here and growing. It makes me nervous, but it’s also exciting. It’s fun running around, pushing buttons and marveling at the mystery of it all. However, one thing remains the same. The best thing I can do is to draw the best comic strip I can draw at the given time. So, if you’ll excuse me…

Sleeping Beauty
By Jimmy Johnson
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79 responses to “Sleeping Beauty”
Read newspaper report, govenor was at Beach Boys concert and had to be evacuated twice from casino by her security detail.
There were three touchdowns last night of storms with damage. Wind damage around us was just straight line.
you know there’s a song there when it involves the Beach Boys and water in the performance area…name that tune 🙂
not that you know I was being glib about the surrounding circumstances…sometimes I feel like we are in some sort of a domino effect with all the catastrophes in these past few months
without comment…
I didn’t notice this at the bottom of that Non Sequitur strip before:
To my readers:The original art for today’s edition is being auctioned to raise funds for animal rescue. Go to tailsofjoy.net for details.
All funds go directly to animal rescue.
Oldie but still true for real life.
Good night…sleep tight…
From a friend on FB: I’m at PetSmart buying a bag of Iam’s dog food for my dogs. While in the check-out line, a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. Why else would I be buying dog food, RIGHT??? So on impulse I told her that no, I didn’t have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again, and that I probably shouldn’t because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I’d lost 50 pounds before I awakened in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and all you do is load your pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff a poodle’s butt and a car hit me. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Better watch what you ask me and be prepared for my answer. I have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say. Now that you’ve read this, I have to confess I copied it. You do the same and make someone else laugh!
Ghost is in kitchen making me French toast from leftover beer bread he baked to go with our chili the other night. I must still be dreaming.
Life is wonderful.
I’m having a very strange problem today at work. Our internet is down, with our only being able to access CNN, the Daily Mail, and the Village! The tech guys are really scratching their heads over it all, muttering about DNS servers.
A great morning in the village I hope….home and hanging around doing some Fargone cooking myself….made Grandma’s(Mom’s side; she couldn’t cook to save her life, but her blintzes and hullupchas are to die for)hullupchas, a huge butternut squash from the neighbor’s garden and scratch brownies…anyone here ever heard of hullupchas? Basically stuffed cabbage in a sweet and sour sauce with shortribs, carrots and a few other things to make it special. Yes if contacted can provide the recipe but the quantities are vague in the original(things like handful etc)….just sayin’.
This year has flown past . Hard to believe that in a year’s time I’ve moved twice, lost my mother, rented my first solo apartment and bought a car.
Without the Village, I would not have got acquainted with Jackie, who helped me find a place to live when my home had been jerked out from under me. Nor would I have had the pleasure of making friends with others from the Village who have given me laughs and good advice.
And without Jimmy, my life would be poorer and less joyful. Thanks for your work, Jimmy, you make my days better.
That is sweet Mark. You are welcome. I am proud of you. You also took control of your health and sought the medical care you needed to survive and get better.
You owe Jimmy your very life.
Symply Ghost and I want recipe to cook. I have eaten it, didn’t know name.
Handful is fine with me. That’s often how I cook. My Granny only owned one measuring cup, a metal dented one she got for free in a sack of flour. She NEVER owned any measuring spoons.
“Jenny” is a retired BSU employee whom I’ve known since a small rural UMC closed a half century ago and she [age 9 or so?] and her folks came to BUMC. She got her bachelor’s in biology at BSU, took most of my courses, and just emailed, asking that I proofread the text for a booklet on things to be grateful for, to be sold a upcoming craft fairs. Says I am her favorite proofreader, has earlier told me I’m her favorite theolog. Talk about things to be grateful for! Wonder if she realizes how much she has taught me, and others as well. We are all blessed.
Why “Jenny”? Doesn’t apply literally here, but it is literary.
emb, from the novel Jenny by the Norwegian writer Sigrid Undset? Of course I’ve never read it, but I hope she’s following a brighter path than the eponymous character.
Same poet who wrote “Abou ben Adam” wrote a shorter one, “Jenny kiss’d me.” This “Jenny” has not, but the effect of the request for editing is much the same. I learned of the poem from Elaine, when I told her that a departing houseguest had impulsively kissed me as she was leaving us after spring term. Elaine was not worried, and never had any reason to.
Here’s proof from Down Under that road rage is dangerous for everyone…
Debbe, Jackie, and Ghost — you are so sweet to ask about me and wish me well. I have been a bit unfocussed lately, my iPad and hp desktop have both been hateful. Annoying and distracting, also they don’t get along with each other.
In better news, I had “CertaPro” paint my large three story house (with five dormer windows) and wouldn’t you expect endless aggravation with this? Not at all, the crew did a great job, they didn’t bother me at all and the house looks very nice. They cleaned up all around, perfectly; and the price seemed reasonable for the work they put into it.
Also, the weather has been warm and pleasant the last few weeks (sorry Villagers, many of you have had storms). Looks as though none of you live in the places in California with the awful fires? It’s horrible to read about the people who lost everything, and to see the pictures.
Conditions have been perfect in NH for house painting! We would not expect it at this time of year; strange.
On Sunday some of my daughters came over, with a very large pizza from a place just up the street. We enjoyed it!
When you have time to write, I want to know how you liked Faust. I heard a recording of Verdi’s Otello on the radio that was awfully good; the voices and the orchestra were to die for.
Miss Charlotte Faust was very good. Best voice was bass who sang Mephistles the devil. Valentin the brother was next best.
This clip is NOT who we saw but is Sam Ramey singing Mephistles role. Sam is argueably best voice to ever sing the role or tied with one other.
He was far more dramatic than our devil!
good morning Villagers…
Been ‘cruising’ the interweb….lots of allegations flying around out there. People just can’t keep their hands to themselves….
But I did come across this slideshow of the old west…pics are pretty cool.
Going to stop at my house on way back from Jasper and pick up my bread machine. Been a while since I’ve used it, that I will need to read the recipe which at one time I knew by heart and only measured the amount of flour needed, or is that kneaded????
GM Old Bear and Miss Charlotte…a three story house, I bet you get your exercise just climbing the stairs. So what color did you paint your house??
And how is Jackie doing? You have a wonderful caretaker there, you do know that 😉
back in a bit