A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Sleeping Beauty

By Jimmy Johnson

We’ve had a lot of fun the past few days, skipping up and down the halls of GoComics.com and making noise, but when I read back over my posts here, I sound something like an old man who just discovered the Worldwide Web. True, online comics and “like” buttons and social media and associated falderal have been around a long time, and I’ve dabbled for years. I think what has changed for me is, I have come to believe what I’ve “known” for a long time but, as an old print journalist, did not really think possible. Newspapers as they have existed truly are on the way out. Digital publishing, mainstream digital publishing, is here and growing. It makes me nervous, but it’s also exciting. It’s fun running around, pushing buttons and marveling at the mystery of it all. However, one thing remains the same. The best thing I can do is to draw the best comic strip I can draw at the given time. So, if you’ll excuse me…
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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79 responses to “Sleeping Beauty”

  1. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Mark, I liked the tail wag of Luddie. I don’t remember the original post, but I was reading A&J.com from nearly the beginning. I know that I was reading it before Katrina hit and even got a signed print for donating a blanket to the relief efforts.

    Arlo and Janis in the 90’s certainly were looking in our windows practically all of the time. Today it might be less often, but when it does, it is really relevant. It is still roll on the floor funny, which is really a tribute to a very talented author.


    Tbis is only time I recall seeing Arlo in tidy whities. I recall pajama bottoms and boxers.

  3. Debbe Avatar

    Will this work, Mark?

    Missed out a lot this week…here. In real life, life happens.

    We laid to rest my BIL, #2 sister’s husband….he was a corker. Loved to tease, loved his grandchildren, and just loved horses. When his only daughter went on her first date, the date drove up, parked his car and walked up to the front porch, and where was my BIL…..cleaning his shotgun on the front porch ๐Ÿ™‚ Taught kids to ride horses by telling them there were only two very important rules…hold on tight with your legs and hold the reigns very tight..then he’d slap the horse’s rear…I’ll miss his teasing and his grinning

    Sister #2’s husband ran over their 10 year old Aussie shephard (he was deaf). Sammy didn’t make it.

    THEN….Ian sprains his left ankle.

    It’s a grand life if one doesn’t weaken……right Jackie!!!???

    Good night….but not before….

  4. Debbe Avatar

    I would love to have that on a T-shirt….and it was not aimed at any one in particular….here

  5. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Sorry to hear about that chain of misfortunes in your family’s life Debbe. But you are still chugging along, so it’s not all bad. Just keep hanging on. That picture would be funny on a T-shirt. Maybe you could get somebody to make you one of those iron-on transfers. You can get the kit to print your own using an ink-jet printer.

  6. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    So sorry, Debbe… hugs & prayers…

  7. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Interesting photos: https://abandonedsoutheast.com/

  8. Ghost Avatar

    Miz Charlotte, you’ve been quiet here in the Village, and Jackie says the same for Book of Face. We hope you are well.

  9. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    Yes, I too have noticed Miss Charlotte’s silence…..

    gotta go, Dad is stirring, and Ian has to work at 9 (he worked the cash register from 1:30 to 10:00 at $ General wearing his boot for the sprain)

    Life’s tough, and the tough should get going I told him ๐Ÿ™‚

    ๐Ÿ˜‰ https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9085997312/h217B9ED1/

  10. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Yesterday, if I were one to wear tee-shirts with phrases on them, I saw one yesterday at the Circleville Pumpkin Show that I liked greatly:

    “Stupidity should be painful.”

    It’s amazing how often that saying applies to me.

  11. emb Avatar

    Posted years ago, but some of you weren’t here then. Tee shirt seen at Peak Performance:

    Obverse: I have gone to find myself.

    Reverse: If I get back before I return, keep me here.

    Cannot remember: Maybe the whole thing was on the front.
    Reminiscent of Mencken’s “Ice is really a vegetable organism that forms on the surface of water to keep it from freezing solid.”


  12. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I’ve been reading Sally Forth where her husband Ted is losing his Father. One of those times where a comic strip loses it’s funny, but in a way it’s still a bit funny.

  13. emb Avatar

    A buteo hawk, I think. Why doesn’t the operator focus? Cannot find it in Peterson’s.



  14. emb Avatar

    Got a better look when it flew. Best I can do is White-tailed Hawk, which Peterson’s maps as getting only as far N as Galveston or so. Site is in Saskatchewan. However, birds fly.



    Big storms here last night but no tornadoes, just watches. Bad in Tulsa too where Mark is.

    Ghost and I are going to afternoon performance of Faust. Read a funny review by a college student who said only the devil could look scary in yellow tights. Also the plot made explanation of term faustian bargain clear since Faust sold his soul for a one night stand!

    Ghost is going to love this. The lead female is even young and beautiful although she kills hers and Faust’s child, then dies painfully before ascending to heaven in a flock of angels.

    I laughed at student’s comment about the stabbed and dying Valentin only having one song left in him. I always loved that no matter if the fat lady was dying of consumption it still wasn’t over until she sang.

    By the way, we are going to hear both Tulsa Symphony and Tulsa University symphony orchestra this week. Lord thank you for Ghost!

  16. Symply Fargone Avatar
    Symply Fargone


    Sorry to hear your travails…

    Symply seems to be Fall again….will be putting the bike away soon. Getting ready to bring in the outdoor things and get ready for that “other” season I loved as a child and find so Fargone different now…Wish you all a gentle Autumn. Such good weather here in the village. Regards to all, your private peripatetic lurker, P.

  17. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Yes, bad storms here last night. I stayed up till nearly 2am because I didn’t want to be in bed asleep if anything happened. But as far as I can see from my apartment nothing is damaged here. One of the high-rise casinos near Oklahoma City got tornado damage last night though. Wind pulled part of the brickwork off the front of the building and water got into the performance theater, just after the Beach Boys finished a show.