A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Stuffing Nonsense IV

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’ve noted the doubt creeping in about the much-discussed, often-promised A&J tee shirts. Expect a semi-big announcement toward the end of next week. And give me a break: who goes Christmas shopping before December, anyway?

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153 responses to “Stuffing Nonsense IV”

  1. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    C in NH
    MPR has 3 stations – Classic, Contemporary, and News
    So if you go to listen do MPR Classic and then choose listen.

  2.  Avatar

    I remember so well those hours in our university studio as disc jockey for the pre-NPR version for Louidiana. I spun classical and opera. I already loved the music but zip came away loving it even morel. Listening to classical piano and violin duets as we speak.

    Of course I woke up to the Paris attacks listening to Queen .

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, here is the online link for wqxr. Clicking on the play button at the top left should get you going. Haven’t tried it, just looked it up.

  4. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    About Paris, obviously these goons had already gotten their weapons and targets picked some time ago. Now France closes its borders. Too late and too near the source with land routes to use. Just awful for all of France. Good night and better days for all of us.

  5. TruckerRon Avatar

    I’m not holding my breath waiting for any news source or politician to accurately describe the terrorists’ affiliation with any particular group or religion. The motive will also remain a mystery.

    From Wiki:

    The Trolley Square shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on the evening of February 12, 2007, at Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. A lone gunman, identified as Sulejman Talovi?, killed five bystanders and wounded four others before being shot dead by police. The FBI was not able to determine a motive, declaring it was not an act of terrorism.

    I happened to be in Utah that day and heard the live reports from local radio stations. The “lone gunman” was shouting, according to witnesses fleeing the scene, an all-too-familiar phrase as he hunted for unarmed innocents to slaughter.

  6. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Yesterday, my co-worker, Mikey, came into work with a deer that had just been hit by a car and was laying dead not far from the road. It was a young buck. I went out to look. As we stood there I noticed how beautiful he was, and was sad.

    Mikey said, you don’t like hunting do you? I said not really, I like life. If one is hunting for food, then so be it, but to hunt just for the thrill of the kill I do not approve of. I looked at him and said…one day, we may become the hunted……not knowing about was taking place in Paris.

    My prayers are with those whose life tragically ended and for those who survived.

    And I am so depressed about my Dad and his inability to see his living conditions. Going in again today, also will be talking to my sisters about how to remedy this situation.

    GR 😉 and yes, I am willowy and wiry 🙂 and can be full of BS when I want to be.

    Have a blessed day everyone.

  7. Debbe Avatar

    …now here is a word one does not hear that often.


  8. Debbe Avatar

    Jerry, here is the name of the group playing at the concert hall: California group Eagles of Death Metal. Ironic, isn’t it?

  9. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Well said, Debbe.

  10. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I said after 911 and it fits today. I am shocked, but not surprised. There is Evil in the world and we cannot reason with it. Prayers Up.

  11. emb Avatar

    Mark: Thanks. http://www.wqxr.org/#!/ is now in my favorites. emb

  12. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I do not hunt. Having said that, if I am ever at the scene of a mass shooting throw a chair at them , pick up a table, do something. If there are many people they can’t shoot everyone. And it usually does no good to say please don’t shoot me. Locally we are the sister city of a town in France. I will be placing flowers at the sign later.

  13.  Avatar

    Some how music from Les Miserable has been playing on my radio in background not put there by me, other appropriate beautiful piano and cello music mainly. It brings me peace.

    I am not selecting it but someone is, Imagine, Hallelujah, similar songs, beautiful tranquil music.

    Try it. Love.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, you’re welcome. Enjoy.

  15. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Debbe, I agree with you entirely about hunting. You are such a well put together person. I hope you can figure out your father’s problems and tactfully (or not!) do what needs to be done.

    Jackie, listening to music all day is a journey through a host of memories and feelings. The feelings are all different but they are all good. It’s the best thing to do. You follow this path also, I see.

  16.  Avatar

    Ms. Charlotte, I turned the car radio on as I drove from the hospital after taking Mike off life support. I have rarely turned it off since. I go to sleep with it and wake up with it. A lot of different types of music.

    Right now I am in car and Mozart Piano Concerto #22 is playing.

    When I woke up to learn about the Paris attacks it was the English rock group Queen playing. Sometimes it’s baroque, sometimes it is opera, sometimes it’s country and western, bag pipers, you name it, I listen.

    By the way, the inspector did not show up yesterday or today so I am without gas still. In the overall scope of things, a minor inconvenience.

  17. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    You are right, Jackie — with so many awful things going on in the world, our problems seem tiny, indeed. And because tomorrow is Sunday, the gas person won’t show up. But you can handle everything with ingenuity.

    We are so fortunate to live in the 21st Century and be able to hear any music we want, with almost no effort at all. (As long as we have electricity!) When I think of the untold generations who couldn’t do this at all, I feel sorry for them. Well, they didn’t know what they were missing.

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Charlotte in NH, I agree about the music. And that’s why I belong to two different services. Spotify allows me to pick what I want to hear and will either play straight through the list or play randomly. Pandora allows me to list who I like, and then randomly mixes my group/genre choices with others it finds similar, so many surprises. And gives me ideas to add to the Spotify list.

    And of course you can now listen to streaming radio from all over if you can stand the commercials.

    Anonymous, I’m looking for a radio to replace the original in my car. It’s so old I can see the display anymore and it won’t let me hook my smartphone to it so I can listen to my favorites. Unfortunately it was made in the period between the end of cassettes and the smartphone era. So I can’t use the cassette type adapter or the USB plug either.

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    can’t see, not can see. That’s as bad as when I texted my brother this morning. I told him I was not going to be home before 12 due to having my car worked on. His response was OK, hope the kitty is ok. Kitty, what kitty? was my thought. I reread my text and it had gone out as having the cat worked on.

  20. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Charlotte: Yes, we are fortunate to be able to have all the world’s music at our fingertips. However, while there are still lots of musicians out there, there are even more people who are only listeners (and never think to be anything more). A hundred years ago playing an instrument was almost expected of a reasonably educated person. Gathering to sing together was not limited to organized groups or the exceptionally talented – it was regular entertainment, pre-broadcast media. So we’re missing something too.

  21.  Avatar

    I have learned to try to look to see what phone has said I said which is often interesting and sometimes it seems to change it in mid air, I touch send and something else arrives.

    Hsl, they are all Hals.

  22. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Ruth Anne, I was thinking about that too. We do now have wonderful resources for music. (My son once came in from school and said this was the only house he knew of that had classical music playing all the time! I’ve actually branched out some in recent years.) But back in the day (really back), families and friends got together and entertained each other. That’s why we have “chamber music.”

  23. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Ruth Anne and Nancy Kirk, I’m glad you reminded me of this; it’s true, of course, and it is a pity that most people don’t do this at all any more. It is a sad loss.

  24. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    My father told me that his father was one of the first people in the area to own a radio. The radio was about half the size of a modern day refrigerator. I know that because it is presently sitting in my den.

    On Saturday nights when the weather permitted, folks (as many as 40 or 50) from miles around would come to the house and gather on the large front porch and in the yard to listen to the broadcast of the Grand Ole Opry from Nashville on WSM. After the broadcast, people who had guitars and banjos would often have a jam session. Certainly not chamber music, and only “classical” by the loosest definition of the word, but I’m sure a good time was had by all.

  25. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Of course, this is from the generation that was never going to “sell out to the Man”. (See: CiCi Pizza’s Stuffed Crust Pizza commercial)
