I’ve noted the doubt creeping in about the much-discussed, often-promised A&J tee shirts. Expect a semi-big announcement toward the end of next week. And give me a break: who goes Christmas shopping before December, anyway?

Stuffing Nonsense IV
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
153 responses to “Stuffing Nonsense IV”
Good morning Villagers…
Gal 😉
Miss Charlotte, I don’t know about being a well put together person as there are times I am so fragile…that is why I take the long way home from work and listen to my music…I do love my music.
GR 😉 my maternal grandparents had the same size radio. It didn’t work when I was growing up, but I knew it turned out tunes from the Grand Old Opry….Grandpa made and sold moonshine and there were Saturday night card parties in my mom’s youth.
Ian called yesterday….Andrew answered and talked with him for a while, I wanted to turn the packer back on and Andrew said that this call was more important (I didn’t know who it was)……they talked, then he handed me the phone…I almost cried, it had been two weeks since I had heard from him. Andrew then took the phone from me and told Ian to call me at least once a week. And if he could (Andrew’s mother passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 62)…and if he could he would be calling his mother….Ian has a new job, the other folded, he starts Monday helping with the construction of remodeling a new restaurant….He said he needed to call his old boss because he still owes him a paycheck.
May the Lord’s day be blessed on all…..
GR 😉 logically, this still applies today as it did when first recorded
without comment……
Debbe 😉 My granddaddy didn’t make whisky but was a carpenter who built, among other things, barns, back in the day when that was still a growth industry.
Glad you heard from Ian. I know that’s something that’s important to most moms, which is why I always tried to stay in touch with mine as much as possible. Of course, I’m in touch with her several times a day now, bless her heart.
Regarding the strip of 11-14-15, in which Janis discusses “Vince”:
Our Humble Author was running some “Vince” retro strips last year in the latter part of November. Given the ambiguous nature of Janis’ reply about Vince in the 11-14-15 strip, I shall quote my post from a year ago regarding ol’ Vince”:
Evan on 22 Nov 2014 at 8:21 am #
“…for the rest of the week will offer what I call ‘The Best of Vince.’” (says Our Humble Author.)
Saturday is the last day of the week, and the cartoon has remained the same. Very short “best of” resume there, Vince. 😉
Just kidding, JJ. 🙂
The dénouement that I recall (the apogee of my distress over the Vince subplot) was Janis sitting on the famed family sofa alone. In the next panel, a thought balloon appears. “I wonder what Vince is doing?” she thinks.
It was only the second panel, and I pretty well fell into the Slough of Despond. We were on the Expressway to a “Very Special Episode of Arlo and Janis” and all that would entail.
But there were 3 more developments.
In the next panel, a look of unmitigated horror comes over Janis’ face. And in the final panel, she is with Arlo and Gene, and all are laughing.
What was the 3rd development? VINCE NEVER APPEARED AGAIN.
My gratitude for how this turned out has been expressed before, and I reiterate it here. JJ did not “go there” as a number of other strips have. Instead, my existence is festooned with strips cut from the paper and I own several copies of “Beaucoup Arlo and Janis.”
The road not taken, indeed, has made all the difference. Thank you, Brother Jimmy.
(I note for the record that I had a lot more white space between lines of my Spoiler Alert above, so that the Wandering Eye would not catch a glimpse of something anyway, but the commentary software for the site efficiently compressed my comment and did away with the buffers. Still and all, I hope nobody drove through the roadblock that later wished they had not…)
Mark in TTown, is your radio too old to have both AM and FM? I picked up an FM transmitter that plugs into the earphone jack of iDevices and smart phones (about US$4.00 with free shipping on Ebay). You can select the frequency to transmit on, adjust the radio to that FM frequency and Bob’s your uncle. It last about 4 hours on a single charge and can be plugged into a micro USB to recharge (even while it is running).
My wife setup the play lists for our trip this weekend and we had music all the way.
Gary, I had picked up a similar device that plugs into the car outlet for power. But I could not get a single signal from it on my car stereo. As I said, the display that tells you what frequency you are on does not even show, making it impossible to tell even whether I was on AM or FM. Oh well, the car and radio are 2000 models, so after 15 years I guess it’s time to go to a newer unit. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I’ll just keep playing my CD’s till I get something else.
Debbe, you mentioned “blowing out” the coop before getting in the new layers. Many decades ago when I was a teenager, I had a part time job cleaning chicken barns with high pressure water equipment. We would clean the fans, walls, floors, cages and the poop gutters. And then disinfect the entire place. These places smelled strongly of ammonia when we started but we either got used to it or it was washed out of the air in the first 1/2 hour.
We worked 12 hour shifts but it was good money at the time.
Don’t know if I mentioned my maiden name, Hodgson, as in singer you postrd. It is a common name in England, the famous author being best known but lots of athletes, rugby players. Wife of Babe Ruth I think was a distant cousin.
Any way, I am descended from a Quaker orphan and my relatives lived in a town called Harmony where some still do. There are at least eight generations still buried in a rural cemetery and a road called Hodgson road. Of course by then they had been expelled from Quakers and we’re Methodists.
As long as we are remembering grandparents and moonshiners………love.
So, this was spooky, I opened the next box of “stuff” from warehouse and my genealogy notes and copies of Hodgson family were shoved in there. Sounds of Twilight Zone here.
AdBlockerPlus stopped working on YouTube and gocomics this morning; the auto sign-in for A&J, Amazon and few other sites I visit regularly disappeared; and a few other oddities occurred. I began to wonder if my PC had suffered a TIA.
Not being insensitive, Anonie; it really did remind me of my dad’s symptoms the time he had one. And although a reboot seemed to cure the PC’s problem, I wouldn’t necessary recommend that for you. 🙂
As both of my major career tracks include dealing with records on many, many people, I can say pretty authoritatively that “Hodgson” is not too common a surname around here. Of course, using that criterion, all four of my grandparents’ surnames appear to be even rarer, so…
Ghost, I loved your front porch story. Since my chamber music reference was really talking about music created in a home by and/or for the people who lived there, rather than any kind of genre, I believe the front porch in that case was a “chamber”!
Thought I’d give you all the information Ghost in case you ever have to track me. Mine are from Harmony, NC It wasn’t common in Louisiana either.
Funny, I was thinking of you as I put this sweater on, “Ghost would say the see through holes are too small.”
This is a note about music and beauty and what makes us happy to all the Village. Surround yourself with the things that bring you joy, whether it be people, objects or sounds and smells. Or animals.
Earlier today I joked that my house was starting to look like an upmarket bed and breakfast but it did look like a woman lived here. What is wrong with that? I have surrounded myself with all the beauty I can gather and I am finally getting my house reclaimed as mine after years as a dumping ground. This is not me purging but rather restoration of my life.
I think we owe that to ourselves as humans to live in all the joy and beauty we can muster, where ever we find it.
The Louisiana grandmother who raised me had a pump organ in the big double hallway of the farm. We held prayer meetings, Bible study and held “singings” there regularly. We did not get paved roads until I was in 20s and many had limited transportation unless church had a way to gather them up. Church was poor wooden one room about 13 miles away, so we filled in.
She did try mightily to provide a Southern Baptist upbringing to me but failed mightily. Love.
“Community” was not just a word in those days, was it?
Anonie, this would be the Ghostly Gold Standard for sweater weaves:
The only Hodgson I’ve encountered is the Hodgson Mill line of products at the local grocery store:
Yep, a branch of the same family from that same orphaned child. Raised by Quakers and in the mountains they spread into Pennsylvania or the original Quakers were in Pennsylvania and some went back?
I always wondered about the Hodgson Mill and sure enough, when I did the genealogy search it is a branch.
To me one of the remarkable things was finding Graves of direct line generations in that little cemetary. There was another on the family farm across road that had Graves dating to early 1700s, limited Gene pools indeed.
My Louisiana bunch did the same thing, came from Carolinas in 1805 and married each other for 200 years.
I am of course owner of sweaters that have far thinner and wider weaves but I have not started wearing them Braless yet, Ghost. In fact, I usually layer them over other tops or under another.
Although when the plumbers showed up and almost left while I threw on some clothes I debated answering door nekkid as we say in south. I couldn’t decide if it would run them off or keep them from leaving. So I threw on jeans and sweater and chased them to truck.
Anonie, if you’d really wanted to bamboozle the plumbers, you’d have chased them to their truck *while* naked. 😉
I just got back from a quick Wally World run to get something for my Mom. She was out of “dusting powder”. (Yes, some sweet little elderly ladies still use that après-bath. Or at least one of them I know does. Or perhaps some you not-so elderly ladies do, too. 🙂 )
A big sign at the entrance proclaimed “40 Days Until Christmas”. (Sigh) When I was a child, we counted “Shopping” days until Christmas. Now, obviously, every day is a shopping day.
Were I an eight-year-old, I’d probably be, at this very moment, relentlessly harassing my parental units to get me either the half-scale Darth Vader or Imperial Storm trooper figure ($89.95) I saw there. Actually, when I was eight, what I wanted more than anything in the world for Christmas was (sorry, World Peace) a pair of Hopalong Cassidy cap pistols with matching holsters, which was probably about three dollars in the Sears catalog. Of course, that’s likely $89.95 in 2015 dollars.
p.s. I got the cap pistols. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
All I want for Christmas is an HK VP9.
Not a bad choice, sand, since it’s available in .40 S&W as well. 🙂
Wow. If Carrie Underwood’s legs looked any nicer while she’s performing the Sunday Night Football theme song, I’d probably be caressing my TV screen right now.
Wait, did I say that out loud?
Hey Ghost! I got that Hoppy gun and holster set too! Yes… I was the world’s biggest tomboy at that time. But I sure did have fun!
Gal: Pew! Pew! Pew! 🙂
GR6, will be going with the 9×19. Good punch and expansion. Cheap. Available world wide.
For me it was the Lone Ranger mask, hat, pistols and holster.