A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Tackling Dummy

By Jimmy Johnson

I didn’t update Tuesday, because I was traveling back from viewing the total eclipse with some friends. I won’t say a lot about that, because so much has already been said, but it was a very interesting experience. The weather in north central Tennessee was perfect, and I feel lucky to have seen the full effect. I will say that I am now an eclipse snob. I have known about the coming of this solar event for several years and long ago made plans to be in its direct path. What I did not know until recently was that my own hometown and surrounding area would experience something like 95% totality. I couldn’t help thinking, “I’m driving six hours for an additional five percent?!” However, when that sun winked out completely, as if a celestial switch had been thrown, I knew it was worth it. The difference was dramatic, and I’m going to rub it in with all my buddies who thought they saw the eclipse.
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173 responses to “Tackling Dummy”

  1. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    No kidding, there will be huge costs from this hurricane. I only hope that the loss of life is minimal (or none?). I’m afraid that too few people retain common sense, though, and that there will be needless death. Another group that I participate with related to camping and travel had someone that said they knew four RV’ers that STAYED in Port Aransas with their campers. That can only have a tragic ending. :/

  2. TruckerRon Avatar

    I heard on the radio that one of the mayors in that area asked those staying behind to write their SSNs on their arms so the recovery crews could identify their bodies later on.

  3. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    We are in the early stages of one of the biggest catastrophes in history. And, oh yeah, that hurricane looks like bad news too.


    When we did not evacuate in s mandatory evacuation when we lived on Galveston Bay south of Houston, the police came door to door and made us do same thing. I had two small children and there were some bitter words and probably hysterical crying on my part.

    I was saying I hate tornadoes in Oklahoma but hurricanes have tornadoes in them too.

  5. emb Avatar

    Jerry! Aanh, aanh, aanh! Naughty!


  6. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    I’ve often wondered, if I lived in a place that, should evacuation be required, would I go? It’s not that I worry that someone would steal my things or they would be destroyed, but could I take my pets with me? When I adopted my dogs and cats I accepted responsibility for their well-being as surely as if they were family, and I cannot abandon them.

  7. Llee Avatar

    but funny 🙂

  8. Llee Avatar

    My brother is home again. Wow.
    About 10 days in rehab and they sent him home. (They talked of doing it sooner and Allison’s eyes bugged out) When he first awoke- for real- he sort of recalled the crash. Now, he doesn’t. Not the flock of birds just before, nor climbing out of the airplane and walking around after. He is wearing a “dog-like collar of shame”, but Allison’s got his back so he can neglect looking over his shoulder. He got home first day of school for the two youngest- was there when they got home- and able to to take daughter #2 to college in Philly. (#1 had already reported to class)

    THank you again and again for all the prayers and good wishes and letting me be among friends.

  9. Ghost Avatar

    Great news, Llee! What we’ve been waiting for.

  10. Ghost Avatar

    What does one do when one gets the results of a third-site biopsy that is also positive for adenocarcinoma, meaning one will lose her left breast to the surgeon’s knife? Well, if one is Jackie Monies, she rounds up her trusty sidekick Ghost and moseys on down to one of the area dealerships to get a replacement for her beloved Trigger…which is what we did yesterday afternoon. It’s a 2016 Ford F150 King Ranch Edition, and it is both awesome and a worthy successor to Trigger. (See photo below)

    We had originally anticipated finding that truck in black, to match Black Jack, her black Ford Mustang convertible and Bullet, my black Ford Explorer. Its name would have been Black Jack II, with personalized tag BLKJAC2. But although it is so dark it almost appears black, this one is Green Gem Metallic. We were getting a bite to eat after leaving the dealership, when the new truck revealed its name to me. It’s from a novel in which the Canadian River (which runs through Lake Eufaula practically behind Jackie’s house) and McAlester (where it was purchased) play key parts. More importantly, to me it personifies Jackie, who has dealt nobly with grief, discrimination and chronic illness her entire life. So the new truck’s name is TRUE GRIT.

    We thought about TRUGRIT as a personalized tag, but in talking about it, it came to me that the star of the original True Grit movie also personified Jackie’s determination and perseverance in dealing with adversity. So we will get a front tag made that reads TRUE GRIT, and the Oklahoma personalized license tag will be WWJWD…for What Would John Wayne Do.


  11. Ghost Avatar

    While we were eating last night, an older guy wearing cargo shorts and a wife-beater shirt wandered in and took a seat at the bar.

    Worse. Pokies. Ever.

  12. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    “True Grit” Someday, I wouldn’t mind that being my epitaph, “He had true grit.”


    I love the big billboard with John Wayne that says “We don’t much like quitters, son.”

  14. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    Had a beautiful day in Flint Mi this morning. I walked / ran an N 8K ( 5 miles) on an absolutely gorgeous day. I actually saved up enough to run the last quarter mile on the bricks. On of the ladies handing out water yelled out ” Unleaded”. Bands we’re playing and everyone had a great time!

  15. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Jackie and Ghost, the truck is awesome!

    Good news from Llee, very glad your brother is feeling so good! Also glad that Steve from R. O. had a good race, and fine weather.

    Since I do not watch the news on TV I don’t know much about the hurricane yet. Will check The Boston Globe, online, shortly. Alice is here to visit and has heard from her twin Amy that grandson Jack in Houston is okay. Did hear on the radio, between nice bits of music, that Harvey is downgraded.

  16. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    P.S. I like the name True Grit for the new truck. (What is a wife beater shirt? And did the man have “pokies” or did the wife have them?)

    Trapper Jean, probably it varies with circumstances, and who you are dealing with too. I used to worry too — no pets now. An article I read years ago gave very helpful advice! You need to plan ahead for running out of the house, getting ahold of the pets whatever way is best — leashes for dogs, and something to stuff cats into, I’m remembering a large onion bag in the article; remember those? Strong string mesh, 25 or even 50 pounds? They don’t sell them that way any more! Maybe restaurants still get them in those bags, orange colored mesh. (Getting into stream of consciousness here) remember seeing these bags of onions at the Fairgrounds, behind the tables or trailers of sellers of fried onion rings; or makers of sausage, pepper and onion hero sandwiches. ANYhow, cats would be frightened if the house were on fire and would run and HIDE. I’ve forgotten what the advice would be for that situation!

  17. emb Avatar

    If you are in your primary MD’s waiting room and the wait it getting long, that’s apt to elevate your BP, right. Recommend you have this URL available on your laptop or other device for relaxing:



  18. emb Avatar

    P.S. It’s on the East Coast, so is getting dark now. But your MD annual is probably earlier in the day. Lovely site.

  19. TruckerRon Avatar

    emb: I’m sure that’s why many doctor’s offices have large fish tanks with colorful fish to watch.

  20. Ghost Avatar

    Miss Charlotte, “wife-beater” refers to the sleeveless “vest” type undershirt. According to Wikipedia… Tank top style undershirts for men are called “wife-beaters” because they appear in a lot of American movies from the 30s and 40s in which uncouth (often ethnic working-class) husbands wear them while abusing their wives physically and/or emotionally.

    Here is a classic example:

    I believe it is a term widely used by police officers these days, as many of the domestic disturbance calls they answer seem to involve men wearing that type of shirt…if any shirt at all. The man I saw last night wearing one was alone; so sadly, the pokies in question were his.

  21. emb Avatar

    ‘Wife-beaters’ also are called the non-PC term ‘dago tee,’ at least currently in Chicagoland, without reference to wife-beating or other misbehavior, just what my mother, in NYC but from middle class MS, referred to as ‘common’, meant disparagingly. As The Planter sang, ‘You have to be taught.’


  22. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    emb: “Common” brings back memories of my grandmother. She lived with us (in her own garage apartment) when I was growing up. Whenever my friends and I got too boisterous for her taste she told us we were acting “loud and common”. She was born in 1884, grew up in/near Chicago – a contemporary of your mother perhaps?

  23. emb Avatar

    Ruth Anne: Dad was b. in 1878 nr St. Louis, MO, Mom [his 2nd wife; first had died] in 1892, in Bay St. Louis, MS. They met in the NYC area in ’20 or so. Decided in late 1928 they were well enough off to afford a kid. They were wrong. I was b. about 3 wk. after Black Tuesday.
