My friends, I hope things are getting better for you, wherever you are. Spring weather finally has arrived here. I sat on my front porch last night until well past dark, and it gets dark later these days, you know. You can almost see the buds growing on shrubs and trees. The groundhog in the ditch has been receiving, and the birds are going berserk. The window of my office is open as I write this, and it’s going to be very difficult to get much paying work done today. I repeat: I hope things are better for you, too.

That Synching Feeling
By Jimmy Johnson
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133 responses to “That Synching Feeling”
Met the DW in high school, but only were casual friends. The summer after Freshman year of college, my folks wanted to know if I cared to go with them to the church carnival. I initially said “No” but at the last moment changed my mind. My future spouse was working at the carnival and was cornered by a boor; she spied me and ran over to say “Hi” to me as an excuse to dump the boor. We spent the rest of the night together and soon became inseparable. Our parish priest made sure to recount that story at our wedding.
OF due SOON 1736-1756 CDT. herd of bison to the N. emb
Miz Charlotte, you do be careful now, you hear? There are worse things than your leg that can be broken.
Add two other signs of spring to those mentioned earlier by Our Fearless Leader…mosquitoes buzzing around my front door this evening when I arrived home, and blooming Bradford Pear trees, the ones with the lovely white blooms that smell like, well, I believe that’s been discussed here previously.
OF due 1847-1907 CDT. herd of bison still to the N and NE at 1804. They don’t care, a nice example of habituation. emb
Searched ‘Yellowstone cougars’. Apparently there are a dozen or two in the NP. Site didn’t mention bison as prey. Cougars were native AK-Argentina wherever deer were common, but not in mature tropical forest [jaguar terr.].
Peace, emb
Blame spring fever.
Some years ago, I read that some scientists had determined that spring fever is real and that it causes discernible effects in the human body.
In other words, it’s not your fault.
In a review of the new Bill Watterson book (, I read:
“A comic strip, like anything else, has a natural life span,” says Watterson, like a man ever-cognizant of at what stage and state his strip was at.
“Art has to keep moving and discovering to stay alive, …”
This reminded me of how A&J keeps moving and staying alive.
Driving US 1 from mainland to Key Largo instead of Jimmy Buffet my daughter turned on sad Elvis music which is not the right choice. We were at Flamingo where I spent so much time rescuing Mike and the Red Scamp. Talked to the same head ranger I did then. Tonight is hard.
Love Jackie
Jackie, those moments will never go entirely away. But I suspect you already know, as I’ve said, that time does heal but sometimes very slowly.
Boise Ed-
Mr. Waterson is correct and you are correct in noting that A&J keeps moving and staying alive. Actually, when you think about it, it is pretty amazing that a strip that only has had three (four, counting Ludwig) main characters for the life of the strip still is fresh and entertaining after so many years.
Very bitter sweet memories at times my friends.
Had one awful total for lunch with Carne al pastor and found the little shop I was looking for on way back from Flamingo an had a total with Carne asada which was better For those not familiar with tortas they are best made with freshly baked Cuban or Mexican breads, avocado lettuce, tomato, meat and some like onion and cheese with sour cream and peppers. I don’t and some are made with small smears of beans mashed. This shop has tons of fresh sauces and vegetables and is popular with locals I have never seen a tourist there.
One of our retired pastors sent this. You may have to copy the link into your browser. Peace, emb
“I’ve received many remarkable nature photographs over the years, but this photo of a nesting falcon is perhaps one of the best nature shots that I’ve ever seen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Nature is truly breathtaking! I’ve sent this to most of my older friends.
The younger ones probably have never seen a falcon and wouldn’t recognize it. (just click on link below)
Thanks, emb! I have seen falcons but never quite like that 🙂
Dang, we sure changed the subject quickly from yesterday’s musings on Janis in her underwear and etc…
Speaking of food, if you have a hankering for a deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich coated with Cap’n Crunch, covered with bacon bits, fresh bananas and caramel drizzle, you can get one (all 900 calories of it) at Phoenix International Raceway this weekend.
Sounds like good eatin’ to me. Not. As a former boss used to say, I believe I’ll save those calories for something better. Carne asada would definitely qualify as “better”.
Muse away friends . Wish I looked like Janis and I will pose in black underwear. And I wish to God that spellchecker would stop changing my words and yes I am trying to override them. The word is torta which means sandwich in Spanish or so I believe However, I once asked for an iron and got my entire suitcase sent to dry cleaners.
Not going to let me type “plancha” in Spanish
Jackie, your story of the spellchecker that doesn’t know Spanish reminds me of one I read years ago. A company in Texas had hired a new manager from out of state. Most of the employees he was to manage were Hispanic women who spoke more Spanish than English. He didn’t know much Spanish but thought he would walk through the shop and try to be friendly, telling them Good Morning in his Spanish. After a while he noticed the women were looking at him nervously. He asked his assistant what was wrong. She asked him what he had said. “Buenos Dios”, he answered. His assistant began laughing. When she stopped she told him, good morning is Buenos Dias. You’ve been going to each of them and saying “Good God!, Good God!”.
Remember, Evan, Jimmy told us that there “will be dressing and undressing in the days to come”. And there are all those clothes of Robin’s to try on.
I still think the tops may be a bit large for Janis. Except for that blue one. 😉
My absolute worse Spanish error was being sleep deprived and exhausted and being asked by rich Mexican rose baron if I were married and I thought he meant tired, which I denied and apparently agreed to get on his helicopter and fly out to the ranch for a few days. This was of course in my satin jumpsuit and strap heels days with blonde Texas big hair. Nothing like a ditzy blonde to attract rich ranchers, like flies to honey. I got out of date after my translator told me what I’d done.
Robin does not look very sexy at all, more matronly in fact.
Maybe JJ is less obsessed with pulchritude than some cartoonists:
Peace, emb
Jackie, I love the story of the wrong Spanish words. Did I ever tell you that we lived in Sevilla, Espana for a year and a half when I was in my very early twenties? One day I got into line to buy tickets to the bullfight (sorry, but Sevilla has an arena to die for — real golden sand.) But I asked for the Correro de Toros (sp?) or Post Office of bulls, not La Corrida de Toros. No problem, they could see I was Americana, and a blonde as well. I have ordinary brown hair, but in Andalusia I was considered a blonde! Men even called me that on the street, for I didn’t mind going out by myself; nice girls didn’t do that then in Spain. Probably it’s completely different nowadays. Good thing my mother couldn’t see me, anyway.
Charlotte, I coild never go out in pub;ic without them yelling “mira la rubia_ and hanging onto taxi and bus windows. With all the improved hair bleaches and plastic surgery it probably doesn’t happen as much nowadays, if at all!
I understand Saudi princes have a thing for blondes, too.
I wrote a long exposition on subject Ghost which thru divine intervention disappeared in to space with this darned keyboard. I may tell you if we ever meet!