My friends, I hope things are getting better for you, wherever you are. Spring weather finally has arrived here. I sat on my front porch last night until well past dark, and it gets dark later these days, you know. You can almost see the buds growing on shrubs and trees. The groundhog in the ditch has been receiving, and the birds are going berserk. The window of my office is open as I write this, and it’s going to be very difficult to get much paying work done today. I repeat: I hope things are better for you, too.

That Synching Feeling
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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133 responses to “That Synching Feeling”
Must have been a good story if divine intervention had to step in. 😉
It was a really good one , I promise involved a dictators son. I always really thought Blanche Devereaux was a composite of every good Southern girls stories the writers ever heard admitted.
I forgot this one, which you may have heard but it came from an antipodean friend:
“Can’t sleep tonight? Neither can I. Let’s not sleep together.”
Jackie, you mentioned the rather casual attitude toward nudity in NZ, which reminded me of this Air New Zealand campaign from a while back. All the employees were played by actual employees.
Of course, what I’d pay good money to see would be the bloopers reel. 😉
Debbe 😉
Good morning Villagers….
Ah, blondes in Mexico. When I lived in Corpus, my mother and two sisters came to visit me. We decided to treat them to Matamoros, just across the river. My one sister’s hair is so blonde, she had a young Mexican boy run up to her and gave HER a peso. My friend, tourist guide, told her that was a compliment and was to suppose to bring good luck to the giver. Now, we’re to give them subsidies….oh, don’t get me started…….
Running late…..and just like Jimmy promised, there is more undressing. I still prefer black lingerie to the white Janis is wearing today. Wouldn’t jaws drop if Jimmy drew Janis in a thong???
I’d better go on that one.
ya’ll have a blessed day…..rain coming in tonight and tomorrow….but at least it’ll be in the sixties.
GR 😉
Where is it 3:40 at, my time is 5:40….
Strip of 03.12.15:
And the first shot across the bow is fired.
Let slip the dogs of war.
emb, thanks for the blast from the past! My Dad had a ’60 or ’61 in Henry Ford’s favorite car color.
Jimmy, it’s warming up quickly here in Michigan, so the melting snow and thawing ground mean puddles are everywhere right now. Grass is greening in snowless spots, spinach seeds are waiting patiently in their packet. Soon we will have a morning that smells like earth and rain and worms, and it will be spring.
Arlo has gotten too smart to respond
But maybe Janis is not . There is no drama when everyone acts rationally. Personally I like calm but we would be without suspense, novels and cartoonists with no irrational characters.
Jackie @ 8:58 — oh, I don’t know, I’d say she looks “comfortable” . GR6 @ 8:31 for sure, my wife would always say, she’d save her fat calories for something she likes. Makes me think of a show – The Texas Bucket List, they have the Burger of the Week and it’s often just a place where they pile all the crud on they can think of just to be different and it’s a stupid slop mess bigger than your head
You’re welcome.
Today’s A.Word.A.Day is limerick, and Anu Garg gives this example:
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I’ve seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
Peace, emb
I just had a banana and Diet Coke for breakfast and an over ripe one at that Made me think of our late troll and laugh. I slept in the yoga pants but I am not running nine miles. I am wishing for a more wakeful travel companion with better eating habits than daughter and grandson. The old lady could stagger next door for the shrimp or lobster omelet
TIP BlogSpot and comic are the same:
Peace, emb
Title is simply “In the woods.” emb
Last week we had ice, snow, and temps in the teens, this week we have rain and mid-50s, and we may yet have another round of ice and snow. It is not unheard of to have an ice storm in April.
Speaking of food, I saw this the other day. Would I eat one? Not on a dare! I would like just the plain bun, though. 🙂
How I feel after the change to DST:
Mark, I just refuse to change, staying on GMT. If GMT is good enough for NASA and the airlines then it works for me too.
Some of my favorite limerick humor is not even a limerick…
OF erupting now.
OF due 1319-1339 CDT. Lunch, nap. emb
I know this author had a large following, though I haven’t read any of his work personally:
Chances are someone here is a fan of his.
I will just say I have many friends who are fans. They are devoted.
Got my delicious shrimp omelet with sliced tomatoes and artichokes, met a wonderful Internet friend and his wife and I am so happy I did. I need someone to inspire me like that daily. I am going to get him some sinker cypress in south LA and carry it to Wyoming for him to use for boat building