Today’s classic was a subtle—or not—plug for this blog that appeared in newspapers in 2008. When cartoonists first began to insert web addresses and such into printed newspaper comics, a lot of editors weren’t keen on the practice. They felt as if they were forced to share a property after they’d paid for exclusive rights. It was even muttered that syndicates and cartoonists perhaps should pay for “advertising.” The editors might have had a point, but, muttering or no, that horse left the barn a long time ago. What we now call “social media” are an intrinsic fact of life. What, you thought we were going to talk about the art of inking? We will, but not today. Instead, I want to call your attention to the new GoComics web site, which went live this week. I will refrain from comment now, but I very much would like to know your opinion.

The new GoComics site is up
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
312 responses to “The new GoComics site is up”
Southern works for me. I have the tee shirt, Speak Southern to Me.
Well, good news, my assistant *should* get to go home tomorrow, pending ice and/or orther disaster. She is no longer critical, and medicines seem to be working – slowly.
Bad news, both sides of her heart are now malfunctioning, she is getting put on a transplant list, and there is also a strong tentative diagnosis of lupus. AND they found cells in the fluid they drained of undetermined origin. An MRI is scheduled to make sure nothing else is wrong (but they strongly suspect a couple other things.) Amazed they are letting her go, but basically, not really a whole lot they can do right now but wait and let medications, test results, and time determine the next move.
Ghost you better be able to see these because they may get me banned from Facebook.
No doubt Mr. Ghost has gone out on a hot date with a real woman and I am going to take a lot of ribbing (ahem) over those teal melons over on Facebook and I will be forbidden to come see my grandson.
Unless he had joined the masses at the ‘book of faces’, I think he called it, before now. He might be busy setting up a plausibly deniable account now.
Mindy, that is indeed a mixture of goodish news. A sensitive reading has hopes rising and falling at every other phrase. I’m happy for the progress your assistant has seen, and hope it continues through the cautious treatment offered.
Prayers also, that all your plates stay spinning.
Interesting, Jackie. That photo gives me a sense of, ah, proportion. And puts thing in, ah, perspective.
Thanks for the update, Lady Mindy. As ambiguous as what your assistant was told was, it still beats, “I’m sorry; there is nothing more we can do.”
I am indeed getting laughed at or something. At least I didn’t use this crate full of extra large Texas Ruby Red grapefruit and put each in a different color, since this set came in six colors. The grapefruit were too small. Somehow the bras don’t look as bad on me as they do the melons.
Just remember, I have been out of that garden a long time.
On phone with my guardian over Trigger. He was very depressing and not encouraging at all.
On the other hand he is my first cousin and like my brother. So I enjoyed talking to him about alligators in Stock pond at home, his new hunting dog, his son, the rats that ate the wires in his new sports car. He is sweet, as are we all.
Good save Jimmy. I see my life over more in Gene and Mary Lou sometimes than I do Arlo and Janis, although sometimes I am so like Janis is scary.
Warning, I am a lot like your ex-wife, so glad you are happily married. To someone else.
But I see myself as a younger person in Mary Lou too.
In case I never told you, Gene has grown up to be a fine young man. You should be proud of him.
GM Debbe
Prayers for your dad
Now is the time to call/contact the Better Business Bureau
once a week until the situation is resolved. Also as stated the state
insurance regulator – they have deeper pockets than the insurance
company. Of course the pockets the state is reaching into are our pockets.
Shouldn’t the insurance co. be paying for a rental to substitute for Trigger
till you get him back?
Trying to catch up — again
Where is Mindy From Indy?
Greetings Mizz Charlotte
My contention is 75% of people behind the wheel are not driving –
just pointing the car down the road.
The other morning before daylight, icy slick roads, cars were doing 45 mph (still too fast)(in a 55mph zone)
bumper to bumper, that is 1 car length between cars. I was leaving 5 to 6 seconds
between the car ahead. A pickup and trailer passed me – 10miles later I was 6 seconds behind him. He risked the ditch for 6 seconds.
Now “Up the wooden stair to Bedfordshire” quote from Vera Lynn.
Sorry Mindy – did not see to your entry till after
I posted – Prayers for you and yours.
Good morning. Is the test of the Village buried under ice and snow? Just rain here, miserably cold and wet. Going back to bed.
Cats and Dickens say hello.
And Good Morning to Cats and Dickens. It’s a frigid 50 degrees here now, on the way to a high of around 80. Try not to hate me.
Jackie, re OB’s question (and I had wondered the same): My Slippery Hands™ auto policy would pay, I believe. a max of $40 per day for 30 days for a rental vehicle. I assume you got one, to get home, but did you keep it for the first month? Also, that coverage is optional (at < $100 per year), so you may have declined it when the policy was written. Or, since your agent seems to have such insensitive notional testicles, she may have failed to offer it to you.
They did not write policy for a rental car or gap insurance. Nor mention they had not done so. I had in past.
When I asked why I didn’t have it they said because I had a second vehicle they assumed I didn’t need it! Now they knew darn well how much driving I did and how much we had done for 22 years they covered us! I make it no secret.
Same thing on gap, I did not specifically ask because it was there on prior jointly insured vehicles with my mom. Until I moved mama in with me and took her keys away she wrecked vans frequently and never repaired, just got a new one and the ones she wrecked were new too.
Ghost I would be happy to come down to Gulf Coast and buy Triggers replacement with your Ford dealer. My guardian says I am going to end up having to do that probably.
Want to help me truck shop?
Of course, guardian is calling the totalling department on Monday when he heads back to Florida.
Here is where Jackie admits ignorance until recent past couple years. I did not realize that semi-obscene underwear existed. I never shopped online until recently and never shopped places with racy lingerie. Remember I am not fitting in Victoria Secret sizes.
I knew that in many states like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas the women had mostly moved into being plus sized clothing. What I didn’t know is that plus sized racy underwear is the biggest seller (it is) not the petite skinny stuff!
Who would have known that men favored Ruebenesq women in flamboyant teddies? I didn’t. So, is it a result of fact women have gotten that big or men like large women?
Weather in Big BR, LA Wednesday broke a 1980 record for the date:83! About the same today. The birds think it’s Summer. Will probably need to cut grass in a couple of weeks if this keeps up.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
We missed you too, domaucan1! Welcome home!
Morphy, my repair technique is also to take it mostly apart and put it back together again. I tighten what seems too loose, loosen what seems too tight, clean everything, and lubricate what seems to need it. That seems to solve any problem 90% of the time.
Mindy, from my experiences with friends/family in hospitals during the last fifteen years, doctors will sometimes send a patient home if they consider that the risk of contracting a nasty, antibiotic-resistant infection in the hospital is greater than the risks involved in being sent home. That may be the situation in your co-worker’s case.
Hopefully not just insurance issues or worse. I went through that with Mike’s mom and a little with Mike.
Southern Tool Kit: WD-40™ and Duct Tape
Directions: If it’s supposed to move and doesn’t, use the former. If it’s not supposed to move and does, use the latter.
You left out the baling wire and twine. Or does no one carry those anymore?
It it corroded pour Coke on it to eat the corrosion. If that doesn’t work, hit it with a bigger wrench.
Of course in the 21st century, duct tape is being replaced by a new product:
I still love that commercial!