Today’s classic was a subtle—or not—plug for this blog that appeared in newspapers in 2008. When cartoonists first began to insert web addresses and such into printed newspaper comics, a lot of editors weren’t keen on the practice. They felt as if they were forced to share a property after they’d paid for exclusive rights. It was even muttered that syndicates and cartoonists perhaps should pay for “advertising.” The editors might have had a point, but, muttering or no, that horse left the barn a long time ago. What we now call “social media” are an intrinsic fact of life. What, you thought we were going to talk about the art of inking? We will, but not today. Instead, I want to call your attention to the new GoComics web site, which went live this week. I will refrain from comment now, but I very much would like to know your opinion.

The new GoComics site is up
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
312 responses to “The new GoComics site is up”
I keep thinking Mindy, go work for the Beaver! Buc-cees pays phenomenally and rewards their employees, huge loyalty of employees and customers.
They are Disney of convenience stores.
For those who have never seen a Buc-ees here is wiki on them.'s
Thanks for the update, Lady Mindy. I was beginning to wonder if something really catastrophic (as opposed to normally, for you, catastrophic 🙂 ) had occurred. Good fortune in your job search; you deserve much better than what you have now.
Lying here in bed I have been looking at expanding my chicken pets. Our chickens have started laying, we have two that lay lovely blue eggs and two that lay two different beige shades.
We will have to keep the new chick’s inside in a cage until they get big enough to go out in chicken yard with the adults.
Decided to get six more chickens and get those that lay colored eggs, greens, blues, browns, beige. Just for fun.
Easter egg chickens?
Stopped in at my neighborhood market this afternoon. Noticed an empty table with sign: Coming Soon! King Cakes!
Mardi Gras is February 28th, and Easter is April 16th.
Yes, exactly, Easter egg chickens naturally colored.
Tomorrow I clean and tidy up around house. I am going to get it clean and have Trula and friend, her assistant help me keep it that way.
Trula loves Ghost Kitty, she picks him up and loves on him all the time.
Actually that reminds me of this genius idea I had back in 1980s when I had florist shop. I bought beautiful large white mums and we sprayed each flower a different color, did fancy ruffled and ribboned baskets all in ribbons and Easter treats and toys. They sold like crazy.
So this lady gets one and comes in to ask how to get it to rebloom like that the next year?
We said buy eight different cans of spray floral dye. She didn’t think we were funny.
Mindy, it’s so good to hear from you! Marie is in my prayers, as are you. Strokes and recovery from them are such unpredictable things, but it’s really promising that she’s fighting to recover. She’s so lucky to have you, sweetie.
Jackie, I’m sorry for the bad news about Trigger. I know how much you loved that truck.
Ghost, I’m fortunate to be a quick healer. My finger is still pretty sore when I put pressure on it, but in a few days I won’t even need a bandage anymore. There is no shortage of Bandaids in this house; each time my husband has a Bandaid coupon about to expire, he buys another box. In addition to the usual assortment, we have fingertip, knuckle, medium, extra-large, sport, and Lord knows what else. Come the Apocalypse, I will knit socks and he will bandage boo-boos, apparently.
Gene and Mary Lou need to hold hands across the kitchen table and talk this out.
Pibgorn is now full length. 9 CL is at the end instead of ## before letters. Peace,
Sage advice, Li’l Smigz. Parsley, rosemary and thyme advice, also.
Too clever Ghost. I just woke up and I had to reread to get it. But I like it.
Since Jimmy is Jimmy none of us know where this is going, unlike other predictable strips.
Should have said I like men who are clever early in the morning but it occurs to me this is not early for you, just me.
What is difference between pink ice and purple ice on map?
The ice is just north of me, getting ready to hit Tulsa.
Llee in Carthage, MO is covered up already, the storm following the road from Oklahoma City to St. Louis as I was expecting.
I’m hopeful that they will work it out. Neither has an angry expression in the final panel. Gene is shocked and Mary Lou seems remorseful.
From last night– Jackie, my hand-to-mouth method to slow down the eating as therapy is salted, in-the-shell sunflower seeds. It is high sodium, but with a healthy working kidney and no other salt retaining pathology the sodium levels test fine. A side benefit is that it “seems” impossible to fall asleep if eating seeds while driving. A boost to my on-the-road safety!
That last Anonymoose is me. Had to clear cookies for a problem with another website.
Saw a map on cptr weather channel. Believe pink was in the center of the danger area, and weather person indicated worst damage was due there.
-30 here this am, hi pred. to be +3. Hi 15 tomorrow: heat wave.
In any case, avoid yellow snow.
Jackie, the convention is Green for Rain, Blue for Snow, Pink (or puce or something) for Icing Conditions, and Blue for Mixed Precipitation. The darker the shade of each, the heavier or more severe the condition.
Currently here, 70 degrees with a “heat index” of 74. I’ll be thinking of you guys today. 🙂
Thanks to’s Word of the Day, I now know there is a word for what results when I attempt to write a limerick:
crambo (n) – inferior rhyme
I just walked by a TV, on which toothy and toothsome Giada appears to be cooking in one of her nightgowns. The one that doesn’t button up very high. At all.
Good morning again. Can I come visit you Ghost? I need some Southern therapy. I miss the south.
So, thinking about our young Days, I see a solution but only because I have been there. Gas can have a heart attack or other survivable illness, move to farm, help with the farm stand restaurant and Meg.
And bring back a senior character I liked and enjoyed.
Not telling JJ how to write his plot, but it would benefit all.
Gus dammit Hal! He did it again in this sentence. I typed Gus and he changed it two times before I forced Gus.
We seem to have a clash between book learning and on-the-job training developing in the strip, don’t we? The restaurant business is tough, as evidenced by all the places that open and close within a couple of years. Surely there is no hard-and-fast formula for success in that field, or most would continue for the owner’s lifetimes.
About Giada and cooking (Hal had no trouble with her name).
I am surprised she has never caught one on fire or cut it off.
When I wore long flammable nails I was always setting them on fire or slicing them off with knives and scissors, both in flower shop and kitchen.
Closest I got was that Russian Blue of ours using his back feet to launch off my super structure and almost slicing me in half. I have a scar that runs from top to middle and only improved with application of first aide with some British horse wound salve.
Seriously, my veterinarian that is best product to treat open wounds. I did not show him the scar but think I did most of my human doctors.
Noticed in rereading workers compensation schedules that breasts, along with other personal body parts, have been designated as scheduled members, so should she damage one and it is not heavily insured, she is covered if she does it on television.
Here’s my contribution today to pulcrutudeness and staying forever young.
Go Village! Make them drag us kicking and screaming! Not us!
Oops, the link
Sorry, I had a senior moment there.