Today’s classic was a subtle—or not—plug for this blog that appeared in newspapers in 2008. When cartoonists first began to insert web addresses and such into printed newspaper comics, a lot of editors weren’t keen on the practice. They felt as if they were forced to share a property after they’d paid for exclusive rights. It was even muttered that syndicates and cartoonists perhaps should pay for “advertising.” The editors might have had a point, but, muttering or no, that horse left the barn a long time ago. What we now call “social media” are an intrinsic fact of life. What, you thought we were going to talk about the art of inking? We will, but not today. Instead, I want to call your attention to the new GoComics web site, which went live this week. I will refrain from comment now, but I very much would like to know your opinion.

The new GoComics site is up
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
312 responses to “The new GoComics site is up”
Am I only one who orders stuff and don’t remember? Unpacking boxes that includes gifts I ordered for others which is fine, I love to give gifts and they will go to friends and service people starting with Trula my yard and animal person.
But I have two hats that look like Evil Eye Fleegle the cartoon character to go with my Dick Tracy watch. Sharp.
Maybe I can wear them to go with the thigh high black stocking with red bows or the rhinestone ones? And the lingerie so small it fits in an envelope so small it wouldn’t hold a letter. Boy, do they have nerve charging that much for no fabric!
Fun times.
“Content not found” was the result I got from clicking on Jackie’s link.
Why does Facebook hate me?
I always try my best to not damage my scheduled member.
Yes, I used to hate having to explain that term to both attorney and he who had lost one.
I never had a woman lose a breast but there are always injury precedents.
Sitting in my Janis suds so I need to actually use them before I drop phone in tub.
Jackie, Gus dammit, HAL! caused a near spit-take. Might become my new swearing euphemism.
May the great Gus above rain HAL upon you , sir.
A bit of Simon and Garfunkel sprinkling from the spice rack is nice.
And Smigz, I second GR6 that is a very sweet wording that I like better than the admonition, ‘don’t go to bed angry’. Positive direction is always better than negative prohibition.
Not gonna touch the whole ‘scheduled member’ discussion, just gonna leave it hanging there. Turn back, I see danger.
Art interest: Wikipedia today showcases View From the Artist’s Window by Martinus Rørbye of the Danish Golden Age. To me, I would say it attempts photographic level realism in oils; and does it very well. Short article for such a detailed work, discusses some symbolic themes. Download image available in high quality 4,281×5,430 pixels, and smaller. Caution the big one is nearly 7MB in size.
Legal humor is not unlike graveyard humor.
I forget, Jackie! (ok I forget my name but that’s another thing….) Day before yesterday the maillady brought me a breadbox-size box. What’s that? Don’t YOU know? ummmmmm no return address that I know, no name…..
It was a crowdfunding perk! They’d gotten a bigger response than expected and it was delayed…and I forgot 🙂 I’d heard shipping was going to start soon but it was not on my radar at all. Surprise! Fun.
Jimmy, is Gene going to stay Arlo Blond or revert to Janis Brune on Sunday? I apologize if the GoComics color dept is following your directions, I had thought they were on their own initiative. Like the neighbor woman being mistaken for Janis. Or is it giving over to the inevitable, as making Ludwig into a Blue?
Also just realized Sunday may not fit daily story line, so…
Wow! Am I glad to be back in The Village! For some unknown reason, I have been unable to get into The Village for several weeks. I tried everything i could think of, and being semi-illiterate about computers, had no luck. I kept getting a note saying, “the server could not be reached” or something like that. I was “found” by Morphy on my e-mail and even what he so graciously told me to try did not work. I really don’t know what I did to get back but I am back. I don’t usually write much but I have really missed all the great comments. I’m not going to try to catch up since it would be too much of a task but I will keep up from now on, providing I am able to access The Village. Thanks to anyone who missed me. I really missed all of you!
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
We are addictive. I am at beauty shop in a cougar outfit that involves a scoop neck spotted cat of some kind sweater, dark brown tights, knee high leather boots, a black fur vest that looks like Sonny Bono would wear. Plus that black Evil Eye Fleegle hat,a cat skin jacket and purse, plus assorted jewelry.
No Walmart pajamas for me.
Real animals are never killed for me.
Glad to see you domaucan1, I was puzzled how to help. You could read and respond email, much more involved from a browser standpoint than loading a page. Like David/Austin above, I thought clearing out old information might do it.
My father used to take a broken toaster or vacuum cleaner, tear it apart, fix absolutely nothing, put it back together. When it worked, he just shook his head, said, “don’t ask”, and moved on. I’ve reused the same technique many times.
Sounds like you found a Baton Rouge corollary that worked for you too. The trick is remembering how you did it next time.
GR6 is making the rest of us jealous with his weather. Hope yours is good too.
Interesting outfit, Jackie. Does it include the envelope lingerie was well?
I agree that lingerie pricing often appears to be inversely proportional to the coverage it provides.
It’s not the value by the yard, GR6. It’s the value in the eye.
I am a political animal, but even I have to tune out from the never ending drivel time to time for sanity’s sake. A small AM/FM(actual dual speaker stereo capable) portable radio is close to hand. I like it for small size, but analog design; do not require amplification provided by larger units with an AC cord, can grab to change stations easily or move to another location. But I did learn that FM stereo circuits demand a bit more from two AA batteries than old style AM band radio. My area still has four non-talkers, one that may play anything from big band/crooners up to hip-hop/grunge and 21st C. genres I can’t name. So it gives lots of surprises.
A big grin came from the heavy beat of Funky Col’ Medina performed by Tone L?c (written by other, not familiar). Weak on a 2¼” speaker pair, but hit all the synapses to fill in the beat from deafening club speakers. As my focus drifted past the storyline in the song, a humorous take on dating, it occurred to me that our definition of aphrodisiac morality has gone through several changes, just in my lifetime. Wishing it were true, laughing about the possibility, fear of the misuse, and round the cycle at least three times. More if I haven’t paid attention.
Love Potion #9, oh that’s cute bubble gum pop. Baby It’s Cold Outside, naïveties [scratched idiots, I’m overusing it] who don’t have perspective to know that the young woman was the rebellious one on the fence at the time, think it describes date rape. Funky Col’ Medina plays it both ways then turns it on its head in an L-O-L-A Lola kind of way. Being hip hop of the DJ/MC combo era, it has sampled riffs from bigger artists, Stones, Free, BTO, Funkadelic and others.
It’s got a strong beat, Dick. Fun to dance to. I’ll give it a 79.
ï in naïve comes through. But I cannot do Tone Lõc justice with a macron. Sorry, Anthony.
Morphy: Did you try this page?
Ghost I always have one of those European Balconette bras on.
I haven’t looked in on TDS, but I’d bet good money at least one person there has posted that where this current kerfuffle between the kids is headed is to bed, for make-up sex.
Based on the fact that ML received what I would presume, from her reaction, to be a substantial sum for her share of the sale of The Dock, I’m going out on a limb and proposing that what we may have going on here is related to male ego and social norms. Gene may feel that his perceived duty to be the “head of household” and provide for his family is being undercut, or at least rendered unnecessary, by his wife’s reserve wealth.
If so, ML snapping that “Pop and I ran ‘The Dock’ when you were in high school!” (even without adding the implied “…without you!”) was exactly the wrong thing for her to say. A fact she seems to have realized (if a bit late) in the final panel of today’s cartoon.
All this analyzing of human emotions and motivations is making my head hurt, so I’m going to lie down for a while now.
“European Balconette” bra? Related to the French expression for a busty woman, “She has the world on her balcony?”
Or, “Elle a le monde sur son balcon.”
Everything sounds better in French, doesn’t it?
Thanks, TruckerRon. Way back in the day, when ‘the computer room’ was wallpapered with dot matrix printouts of reference charts, I had a photocopied extended ASCII code table. Xerox photocopies didn’t fade like worn out ribbons would. It even cross referenced old teletype bell codes. Over the years I’ve lost lots of lists. These days I keep a .txt document of special characters I’ve looked up in a character map out of need.
Like your suggestion, I’ll do the small effort of [alt]+#### if I know it; degrees°, daggers†‡, fractions ¼, but don’t bother with unicode. I have a blank spot on copyright and registered marks.
Anthony Smith’s stage name was copypasted the first time, then I printed Tone Lõc with the tilde instead of macron using Alt0245. Had to look it up.
I used to do it dreamily thinking I may impress some young French mademoiselle with my accent graves and dangling cedillas. Alas, it never came up. Now I just do it because I can. Or in this case, because a Wild Thing of a whim comes out.
Oops, again.
Hunh, looks like our threads are converging.
Don’t cross the streams, Ray!
Apparently Italian works pretty well, in some cases.
And Russian, too. Who knew?
Jamie Lee Curtis made me wish I had studied Russian. Never could grow a ‘stache like Kevin Kline or Tom Selleck. Got John Cleese and Michael Palin beat though.
I always thought it had to do with the robust, authoritative, staccato delivery that did it. Kind of a Harley vs. Yamaha as a Russian vs. French.
My first boss swore by the loins loosening power of a Harley-Davidson.