Today’s classic was a subtle—or not—plug for this blog that appeared in newspapers in 2008. When cartoonists first began to insert web addresses and such into printed newspaper comics, a lot of editors weren’t keen on the practice. They felt as if they were forced to share a property after they’d paid for exclusive rights. It was even muttered that syndicates and cartoonists perhaps should pay for “advertising.” The editors might have had a point, but, muttering or no, that horse left the barn a long time ago. What we now call “social media” are an intrinsic fact of life. What, you thought we were going to talk about the art of inking? We will, but not today. Instead, I want to call your attention to the new GoComics web site, which went live this week. I will refrain from comment now, but I very much would like to know your opinion.

The new GoComics site is up
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
312 responses to “The new GoComics site is up”
We must be getting really good at work. Ran out of charts to code early. Asked for rest of day off and got it. Going to get and enjoy my new car and go places before the rain and possible winter storm sets in. Later, y’all!
Good morning and good night again, going down for another nap. I am back to that 2 a.m. bed time again.
Had such a fascinating night printing grocery coupons. So looking forward to cutting them out and organizing them. NOT!
Go comics is not cooperating at all.
About today’s current strip, when I was 40 I opened my gift shop florist candy shop. I had a legal kitchen inspected by Harris County, Texas food inspectors monthly. Not unlike the kids. We were legal for selling bulk candy, making food and fruit baskets, making candy, jelly, packing our bean soup mix, all of which we did.
People begged me to cater. Mike always said if I added catering he would divorce me. Or a tea room to serve lunches.
Genes point is same as Mike’s. You end with no life because it all goes to business. Mine did.
Deep South weather at its Deep Southest…
A week ago: Sleet, snow and freezing rain with a low of 20
Today: Partly cloudy with a high in the mid-70s
In central Texas we had wind chills in the teens last week. Temps to 80 this week. A few more cold fronts and it will be spring!
I hope the wounds of our two recent Purple Heart candidates, Li’l Smigz and Jackie, are healing apace.
Yep, that super glue seems to have fixed me right up.
First aid not necessary, second or third will do. Lucy Van Pelt.
Just gave away another boat, my Tender Behind “Fancy Free”. She is going down to Texas to live with a good friend and hang out with boats in his barn.
Leon is another one of us, he belongs in the Village, is probably lurking. You’d like him.
Finally got dressed to go to tag office and post office. I gave away boat in my pajamas, just like those Walmart shoppers except mine looked not unlike my regular clothes today.
“A granny in Leopard tights, just what I always wanted,” words of a Rotary Club member when I told him I was too old for him but I had dated his brother long ago.
New animal tights, I think these are cheetah, tee shirt and big bulky sweater. The cold weather has arrived back here.
AccuGuesser is reporting the local temperature as 74, with a chill factor of 73.
Temps here 39 feels like 32. We are just south of ice storm per weather channel. I need to see what local guy in Tulsa says.
Snuggle weather. I will change the bedding and try to get cats in tonight. And wear some warm pajamas. That’s the best I can do I am afraid.
Ghost and friends, Allstate found my truck. They towed it to Springdale, Arkansas and those were Ford people. They got their experts on it and they said Trigger was not repairable but totalled.
I am still absorbing this.
Next step, Jackie: See what the Slippery Hands (well, they did sort of let your claim slide between their fingers, didn’t they?) people offer you as a settlement. (Was an adjuster ever actually assigned to your case?)
If you don’t mind saying, was the vehicle financed?
Yes, through Ford with a LARGE down payment in lieu of trade. I do not honestly know what I should do. That doesn’t sound like a hard ___<___<___ car salesman does it?
Trigger was an emotional purchase for me, one of those in your face gestures. "You can't tell me what to do! I want my truck!"
Do I get another one just like it? Do I get another one nothing like it? Do.I listen to the advice I flaunted and accept driving a mini van? Do I proceed with selling and giving away all my boats so I have no need of a truck to justify it?
Taking Ghosts advice and sleeping on it and with it while I come to terms with the emotion behind all this.
Slippery Hands, I see an opportunity for J.K. Simmons to make a plaque out of that for a Farmer’s commercial.
Not an endorsement, just really have fun with their ads. Stark contrast to those Statue of Liberty idiots who’ve never heard the concept of insurance before.
I’m using ‘idiot’ too much lately, I think. Should moderate tone, or open a thesaurus; one or the other.
Morphy, I am a customer of those Statue of Liberty folks. When Nephew wrecked my car while driving without permission, they paid me off and did not charge me a higher rate when I bought the Honda Element. In fact, a local agent called me about the online quote I got and she managed to reduce the yearly rate by $700. Beats Jackie’s experience.
Jackie has had an English muffins, a Boost shake and an apple all day. I have been fighting an overwhelming inclination to eat fried chicken, biscuits and Diet Cokes.
Feed your body, not your emotions, Jackie. But you knew that already, didn’t you? 🙂
Be strong.
Mark, glad to hear Liberty Mutual services policy-holders promptly. Yours is the first second hand knowledge I have, good to know. Hope you were not personally insulted, because it is the advertising agency they have hired, or their in-house marketing geniuses, that have written such abysmal 30-second spots, that I am openly mocking. Not their apparently capable agents. Or the customers who support them.
Ghost, I think of you every time I am tempted.
Fed my body and my soul on boiled peel.your own shrimp, sautéed mushrooms, sautéed chicken tidbets, sautéed shrimp and six slices of oranges.
My friend the chef made steamed dumplings for me, not on menu. I am eating some pecans that require shelling.
Anything that involves hand to mouth slows you down. My friends know I don’t like gravy or fried foods or starches. They are very fit and healthy, unlike their customers. I am their only customer that eats anything like they do.
I generally prefer the reverse, Jackie, that women are tempted every time they think of me, but thanks.
Sounds like an excellent place to eat.
Read that sentence again Ghost. I think of you every time I am tempted,
Think of how often that is.
By the way folks, just in case you think a Chinese buffet reflects how Chinese people eat, it does not. Nor do they comprehend our obesity and over eating, the piles of food we balance on a plate.
They cook it as we want to eat it and serve the unhealthy food to us, but they know we should not eat it. They just have to do it or no one comes to eat.
That is sad. I am special customer and I love them, the only language we speak in common is Spanish.
Morphy, I know that one bad ad campaign can taint a company’s images for years beyond the run of the spots. One can only hope that they will hire better help the next time.
I had never had a claim on an insurance policy and I have been driving since 1972. Now I’ve had one thanks to someone who wasn’t supposed to be driving a car that was being transferred to my brother and was not supposed to be driven at all till he insured it himself. Under the circumstances, I was very glad to learn that the company did not hold it against me.
I did have a car totaled by another driver, but their insurer (the same ones Jackie is having trouble with now) paid me promptly and without haggling.
Just had a cat-astrophy here, one tried to squeeze himself into bookshelf that won’t even hold all the books. He knocked off Larry McMurty and Texasville plus about a 30 inch huge rose vase. Only the book survived and cat lost a life.
Dickens just turned a pink sweater into a dog bed on table, I am heading for bed with a book on flower gardening or two.
Thank you Ruth Ann for thinking of me. My helper got all excited about the passion flower seeds today. I knew she would. That’s why I bought them.
Mark, I wish it was years past, if it has been it has really stuck with me. Because it seems like less than a week since I last saw a young woman pining for ‘Brad’, her first car. Or another being surprised that rates might be determined by prior record and actuarial formulas, rather than how pretty they are. I’ll back up a DVR to enjoy J.K. explain another bizarre, possibly true story. But if I see a yellow banner with a green statue, I stab the forward button from 2nd gear to 4th. Braaaad.
Could be they are really frugal with their policy-holders money, and don’t pay an Oscar/Globe/BAFTA/SAG/… Award winning actor and stunt-puppies on a water proof soundstage. It works both ways.
Brief check-in: Marie got to go home from rehab the Tuesday after Christmas. That Thursday, she had a mild stroke (ruptured vessels in brain, not thrown clot). She had a large continuation of that stroke a couole of days later. Her right side has been affected. She was to be released on the 6th, but an ill-timed bout of a-fib,combined with indigestion and exhaustion, delayed her release until the 7th. She turned 93 on the 8th. When I saw her that night, most of her slurring was already gone, and she is working diligently to recover her right side mobility.
Work is still stressful, but at least, FINALLY, useless boss finally quit* at the end of the year. Have yet to meet my new boss. Grandest Pooh-bah did a turn, and deemed my store sub-par; complaints mainly geared toward broken, missing, or rubber-band-and-baling-wire repaired equipment. I missed the dog and pony show, but get to be on-site for the second-string rerun tomorrow. Sadly, I have yet to get my application in elsewhere, but am still planning on doing so – I do not like the direction the company has taken.
Can’t bail on this round because I am currently sans-assistant. She is in the hospital. Long story short, congenital heart failure. The right side of her heart does not appear to be working at all, and they have only managed to drain TEN of the TWENTY POUNDS (all gained in a couple weeks) of fluid she is retaining. There are other things terribly wrong with her, and the doctors are already talking transplant. She is 35. She is scared, but trying her best to be upbeat. She is worried I will replace her. Can’t replace her, but will have to do something, she is going to out for a while (probably permanently, but she is in denial), and I’m not staying. Long hours for me until then.
*Strongly suspect it was a “quit or be fired” situation. There was already a replacement lined up when she told me Christmas Eve.
Mindy, you have dedication most employers would love to reward, if only they knew how to see it. I long to hear of the day you have a proper owner/corporate support for whatever position you move into. Well done, keep going.