One of the things a person quickly learns as a beginning cartoonist is that he or she must master onamonapia, a word that replicates a sound, as in the “clink” of glasses. Of course, in the case of cartoonists, we most often are called upon to invent our own words using onamonapia. Using the above cartoon from last November as an example, how does one replicate the extremely arresting—and grating—sound of that horrible horn, the klaxon, which blares repeatedly when the heavy metal doors are about to close and you have 30 seconds to get to the last shelter on earth before the nuclear bombs start raining down, or the sound a game-show contestant hears when giving a disqualifying answer. Well, this was my stab at it. Onamonapia can be fun! Splut. Blop. Plap. Try it at home.

The Sound of Mayhem
By Jimmy Johnson
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237 responses to “The Sound of Mayhem”
On relative ages – I had tried to console my sister with this one; will probably miss here too.
In his early 40’s, Max von Sydow, former young knight facing Death incarnate, formerly cast as our young Lord and Savior, played the role of OLD Father Merrin, sometimes described as elderly, in The Exorcist (1973). Just last year the same highly experienced actor had a role in the hottest film ever (by ticket sales, in an always expanding population) Star Wars ep. VII. In his career 40 is ancient and 86 ain’t dead yet.
It didn’t make my sister feel any better.
Is this the guy, Jackie:
Yes, that is he. Look how good looking he was! I knew most of the astronauts up to the late 1980s and none were this good looking yet I in my teens thought he was ancient, an old man.
I wonder why this is about all I could find on him besides his Find A Grave marker? Does fame disappear that fast along with technology?
Wondered why he did not become astronaut as almost all the XR-70 group did? I believe he was made an astronaut post humously because of his successful flight into space with the XR-70.
He is buried out in same cemetery with his parents and my family.
The thing is this was the pre-NASA days and these guys and planes were all over news reels and early television, Life Magazine, Time, News Week all did covers and articles.
They were the real deal, the Right Stuff.
Debbe and Jackie: Strength and tranquility to you as you pursue your worthy goals. I believe in you.
(I have to add this meaningless parenthetical because cockamamie software will not let me post “same” message twice.)
Jackie, I meant to check on your condition this morning but got sidetracked. Sounds as though you are not doing too well. What are your travel plans now? Looks like some rain but no wintry precipitation along your route.
Ghost, I am down seven pounds from my regained weight. I am doing fairly well avoiding sugars and fats,, bad carbs. Had English muffins for brunch with butter and a drizzle of honey.
My blood sugars are back to normal as well.
Debbe had a bad day yesterday and smoked two cigarettes. I would probably eaten them
My head is spinning and hurting so badly I am going back to sleep. There is a yellow cat keeping me company.
Right now Mr. Ghost I am trying to determine if I feel well enough to drive up there. I don’t feel well enough to make it the six miles into town right now.
Air shows at my local airport in 80’s may have had flight characteristics changed due to location in a valley. Close passes and sudden maneuvers were impressive, but happened high overhead instead of ‘on the deck’. And no ‘splody things allowed. But that Marine Corps support platform, ‘Fat Albert’ would close the event with all eight JATO (?) rockets engaged. Really caught your attention if you were trying to get to the car early.
Jackie, use the good sense I know you have in finalizing your travel plans.
When you next talk to Debbe, tell her I’m proud of her…I don’t know how many cigarettes she previously smoked per day, but I’m fairly sure it was more than two.
I did tell her just now, Ghost. She is at her dad’s and was preparing to cook hamburgers on a George Foreman grill for dinner. She sounded more upbeat and says she is doing better.
Her son Ian is going to come stay with her beginning tomorrow. She has been very worried about him
Big news is she had a job offer from Dollar General which I think is wonderful because she will be good at that, she is so hard working.
Here’s my corrected name. Hal doesn’t think I know it.
Ghost, I feel.awful. my head hurts badly, as does body. I just hate to disappoint my grandson. My decision is to wait until I feel better to go.or no bad weather.
Right now I must drag myself to kitchen and laundry. And that seems marginal.
Scrabble troubles, lucky enough to hold Q and can build on a U but don’t hold any other vowels. Too bad proper names are against rules. HAL is such a stickler.
Jackie: Yes, I’d definitely recommend not traveling while ill, even if it means missing actual Christmas Day by a few days.
Posted without comment…except for this: It’s not too late to donate.
Getting there is the only important thing, Jackie. What day it is is not. Christmas can be celebrated at a later day. We have done so in the past when necessary.
Allstate has sent my truck to a SECOND body shop that cannot do the aluminum repairs on the new Ford pickups. Not one but two!
I vote with Ghost and Nancy! Depending on when your grandson goes back to school, there will be plenty of days in the coming weeks that need to be filled with fun.
Jackie, what Nancy K. said.
Waiting for Allstate to call back. They were wanting to send it to Nashville which I pointed out was wrong direction.
I notice I have a different person on my case now.
Does the new person seem more capable? Or a newbe cutting their teeth?
Hope strong people are helping you.
And with all the rest, I say nephews have more fun with healthy aunts.
Bless your efforts.
sorry, thinking of another situation.
This one is working on Bentonville or Roger’s, Arkansas which is quite close, less than three hours away.. And my cousin has ALLSTATE agency there whose dad is my guardian. I have not called in this one yet.
My other guardian used o be with State Farm but I am waiting to sic him back on them.
Ghost, I would have sent it to your area if I could, give me an excuse to visit Mississippi again. Since the shop has to accept, all is not settled yet.
This one is working on Bentonville or Roger’s, Arkansas which is quite close, less than three hours away.. And my cousin has ALLSTATE agency there whose dad is my guardian. I have not called in this one yet.
My other guardian used o be with State Farm but I am waiting to sic him back on them.
Ghost, I would have sent it to your area if I could, give me an excuse to visit Mississippi again. Since the shop has to accept, all is not settled yet.
Just be glad they didn’t have to send Trigger back to Detroit (or where ever it was built) for repairs, Jackie. Were these Ford dealership body shops that could not do the required repairs?
I assume the aluminum in question is the floor of the bed that Brand C uses as a sales point in their advertising.