One of the things a person quickly learns as a beginning cartoonist is that he or she must master onamonapia, a word that replicates a sound, as in the “clink” of glasses. Of course, in the case of cartoonists, we most often are called upon to invent our own words using onamonapia. Using the above cartoon from last November as an example, how does one replicate the extremely arresting—and grating—sound of that horrible horn, the klaxon, which blares repeatedly when the heavy metal doors are about to close and you have 30 seconds to get to the last shelter on earth before the nuclear bombs start raining down, or the sound a game-show contestant hears when giving a disqualifying answer. Well, this was my stab at it. Onamonapia can be fun! Splut. Blop. Plap. Try it at home.

The Sound of Mayhem
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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237 responses to “The Sound of Mayhem”
I keep looking for the like button. Did you borrow that florist friar from me Mark?
I just heard this on the radio. I hope y’all enjoy it, too.
‘Christmas music for tomorrow’: The best, IMO, = Nine Lessons and Carols from Cambridge University’s King’s College Chapel, live at 0900 CST Sat. morning [which is 1500 Greenwich time] and re-run at 1700 that evening, on Minn. Public Radio [88.5 FM in Bemidji], and all the other MPR classical stations. I suspect it’s available via American PR elsewhere. Go to for details, or search for ‘Lessons Carols King’s College Cambridge’. I’m in Deerwood for the weekend, but Brian will have the radio set for me to turn on the Brainerd station at 0900.
The King’s College Choir, all males, comprises two groups: pre-pubic [see, I know the difference] boy sopranos and altos, and adult Cambridge men tenors, baritones, and basses. The 9 lessons are read by assorted men and women from CU and the city of Cambridge, not all of whom grew up in the Fenlands. The assortment of accents can be delightful. If you don’t already have tickets to the event, forget it; it’s likely sold out. Just listen at home. The microphones are of course up front. The sound will reach you before it gets to the rear seats at KCC. It’s a long narrow bldg. We’ve never been in it / the ‘scaffolding committee’ that seemed to be on alert for our visits both to the UK and the Continent.
There are more than 9 carols interspersed among the lessons, including one new carol premiered at the event. The lessons are the same each year, all KJV, from the Hebrew Bible [starting with ‘sinful Adam’] and the New Testament, through the Annunciation and the two birth stories.
Merry and Happy,
I’m not a sports guy because I get too involved which upsets my heart 🙁 — but even I had to enjoy this pinball-like touchdown (shown twice):
I recommend turning off the sound because the commentators are clearly not paying attention to the game during this play.
Good one, Mark/TT!
In case you have never been to Radio City Music Hall or seen the Rockettes, here they are with an over view of their holiday show.
So, I am lying here feeling terrible and surfing Christmas music when I fell over this group whom I did not know existed but are superb choral group. Fantastic Rockettes.
Set a bare aluminum pole in the corner. Get ready for the Feats of Strength. Festivus is upon us!
Some art commentary on a favored hobby of mine. Horton, ejh, here and on a previous blog he shows a link to, covers a wide range of items chessic. Here a theme has been recreated many times, open to various interpretations.
Fair Warning, the review does wander down toward our baser natures. But I believe the humor is supported in the original work. It presents more as analysis, less of a drive-by mockery. Enjoy, or pass as you like.
Horton writes with the views of a British education. If I recall, without verifying, he is an ex-pat somewhere on the high Spanish plains.
Here’s an unusual presentation of “Hallelujah”:–WjeN7o
The soloist has autism; it’s at a special school for differently abled children. The lyrics are not as Mr Cohen wrote them but are appropriate for Christmas.
Boy am I feeling weird! I am either asleep or surfing weird reading on net. I started reading about NASA astronauts from the 1980s back when I lived among so many which led me to female astronauts since that first group had included the first women, first blacks and first oriental.
Did anyone realize there had been over 400 females and there was even an all woman astronauts team that flew? I didn’t.
Saw the Rockettes Christmas Show when I was 7 or 8. We went in the back door,
as my Grandmother worked as a caterer there. She knew Russel Markert the founder.
Will be listening probably in evening 99.5 in The Cities
Those with computer
Nancy, thank you for the kind comments on my “words.” I know there are those here that don’t do Facebook so I thought I would share my Christmas memory with you hete. This is my Christmas letter, my Christmas card, my mama who died in my arms the Thursday before Christmas. I may not have been understood but I was always loved.
If there are people in your life yet, tell them how much you love them every day if you can. If they are not with you, tell them anyway, I expect they may yet hear you.
Love, Jackie Monies
My decades-long best friend has been scheduled for a biopsy just after Christmas. I just got word that a former neighbor died, alone at home, a few days ago. They didn’t find the body until today. The needle on the 2016 Suck-o-Meter continues to rise. Christmas of 2016 has the potential to be my worst one ever.
If I let it.
Which I won’t.
One way will be to cater a Christmas day meal to someone who would otherwise not have much of one. (Poulet de Normandie, my mom’s-recipe asparagus casserole, cranberry sauce, and a desert.) I’ve done a few Secret-Santa things already this month for others, and I’ve decided that will be how I deal with the sad things.
I’ve also decided Santa has a pretty neat job.
Jackie, get better before you try to drive. I have been fighting this cold for almost 2 weeks. I thought I was getting better but it decided to come back. I have a 6 hour driver ahead of me tomorrow. If I get too tired, I may try to switch off with my wife for a 1/2 hour snooze.
I was thinking both you and your daughter would benefit from a little technology and Skype. We have done Skype video calls with family that can’t get together over the holidays.
Ghost, it is what I give to others or do that brings peace. You will find that to be true. Sometimes it is just smiling, laughter and words. Kindness doesn’t always cost.
“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
Ghost, I’m so sorry for your loss and for what your friend is going through. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.
The cat has spoken for Christmas eve and he is a cynic?
For shame, Luddie!
Thanks to all for your kind thoughts.
Travel day today. In case I don’t get a chance to tell you later, happy Hanukkah and the very merriest of Christmases to everyone. Or a jolly good Festivus, as the case may be.
Luddie delivers his annual commentary, let the drinking begin. 🙂
Happy Christmas to all!
And this from Oxford University on why we now say Merry.‘merry’-‘merry-christmas’-mean
Well then, for those who indulge, have a very MERRY holiday. For those who don’t indulge, have a happy holiday. As for me, I had a sunny Solstice.
I will give you a laugh this morning. Dickens and I just woke up after our long winter’s nap. I am wearing flannel boy shorts on flannel sheets, no satins involved.
Seemed I threw legs in air, body upright and slid onto floor despite best efforts to stand up on feet. Where I found myself sitting and unable to stand up, too weak.
Finally got upright and to bathroom and now back in bed. Wondering how badly I want an English muffins and a Diet Coke?
No further argument from me about driving eight to ten hours to Illinois today.
sand, thank you for that link. I have always wondered if it was a distinction without a difference, but now see there was some reason for the dictinction in many cases.
Our circle generally begins celebration with the solstice and carries on through January 7, so I’ll wish everyone Happy Holidays, whatever your holidays be!
I haven’t had time to keep up with postings, but I do wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. 2017 WILL be better – I have faith!
Ghost: That is absolutely the best way to handle sadness at Christmas. We can pause to remember the loved ones that have passed, but do something positive in their memory.
I am not sure if 2017 will be much better. The greatest generation is dying and the Baby Boomers (many who live life a bit too hard) are getting older. But our response to the sadness in life is the key. Merry Merry Christmas to all. Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Man.