One of the things a person quickly learns as a beginning cartoonist is that he or she must master onamonapia, a word that replicates a sound, as in the “clink” of glasses. Of course, in the case of cartoonists, we most often are called upon to invent our own words using onamonapia. Using the above cartoon from last November as an example, how does one replicate the extremely arresting—and grating—sound of that horrible horn, the klaxon, which blares repeatedly when the heavy metal doors are about to close and you have 30 seconds to get to the last shelter on earth before the nuclear bombs start raining down, or the sound a game-show contestant hears when giving a disqualifying answer. Well, this was my stab at it. Onamonapia can be fun! Splut. Blop. Plap. Try it at home.

The Sound of Mayhem
By Jimmy Johnson
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237 responses to “The Sound of Mayhem”
There are a few times when you wish for someone sleeping with you larger than the 10 # Adventure Dog. One is when you are changing bed sheets. Dickens idea of help is to run up and jump into the sheets as you fling them up and down.
Managed to get clean sheets on bed and totally exhausted. Resting up. Next miracle tomorrow is putting away clean laundry.
These are all Allstate approved shops, not Ford dealerships. Apparently they are not one and the same. I was told that to be Allstate approved you must agree to take a reduced price for the work.
Have not seen commercials but apparently truck is all aluminum.
But Ghost, that’s military-grade aluminum. I know that because a sarcastic Boston comedian is a good authority on these things. No?
Personally, I buy only military-grade aluminum foil.
Fortunately, my only recent experience with body shops was about six years ago when Crown Vic #2 had to go to the local Ford dealer after I ran over a truck tire and wheel on a dark road one night (yeah, that’s what I said, too) and did $5K worth of damage to CV2, mostly under the front end. I was doing business with the Gecko’s company at the time and had no problem with either the company or the dealership. I changed instance companies about two years ago for a better price and because the Allstate agent did a tremendous favor for a close friend of mine.
Dickens and I are crawling back in bed, having had a healthy dinner of ground steak, plain, carrots, snow peas and brown rice with gluten free brown gravy and an apple and mini prunes. Dickens and Ghost were nose to nose a minute ago.
Ghost has a white mustache that looks like he stuck his nose in whipped cream and is totally adorable. He thinks he is the big cat in training, hanging around with Ashes who is the Senior Cat and not sure he wants a pleb at his pawside.
What with feeling miserable I forgot to post a Christmas song for Ghost and the Village. Here’s the ultimate one in my opinion, the original Eartha Kitt 1953 recording of Santa Baby.
Opened today’s email from Victoria Secret and they are offering what looks like an emaciated underage model in a sagging pajama set that says “Be On Both Lists”. Well, her abdominal and lower muscles were quite visible but I was feeling awful.
I went to VS’s website and found a blonde with a bare midriff and a vacant expression on her face that said, “The roofie just kicked in,” sort of wearing dark colored PJ’s with little red-capped snowmen on them. Was that it?
And here is Marilyn Monroe doing same song with even more wiggle power.
No, mine had a cropped tee shirt with above saying Be On Both Lists and rolled down boy shorts held below her public area with stick on tape. I will copy for you. I am a terrible enabler.
Well, I looked at this while I was lying here in dark too dizzy to move my head. What I thought was a shaved public area was apparently her skinny young bare stomach. Sorry.
Ha! Found the entire cast of Victoria’s Angel’s singing Santa Baby.
“Public” is a bit blatant, eh?
That’s what Hal says. He thinks so.
Be sure you are not spreading before you visit GS
It took BH a week before she could do anything without
resting every 10 feet –
but if you can eat more than toast and Green Tea
you are on way to recovery.
Tell Debbe GM
VS calls it a “box set”, Jackie? Really?
And I won’t even ask about those bead things she is holding behind her back.
Jackie vice Debbe 😉 I like the visual story in this one.
It is a box set because it is shipped in a gift box with a tee shirt, shorts and a pair of soles. The green one is sold out.
Those beads are a Christmas tree garland, not a Rosary.
Yes, your video was.amazing and beautiful. I have not seen Trans Siberianot or Mannheim either in years. Both came to Tulsa this year. I have already found Christmas music for tomorrow.
Didn’t subject you to Madonna or some of other versions of Santa Baby but Betty Boop was fun.
Jackie, stay home and get well. Jack will enjoy an extended holiday…and your daughter will like not getting sick.
yay Debbe! hang in there 🙂
Jackie, I had a cold the week after Thanksgiving. I got it from a four year old. I don’t blame him. He didn’t know he was contagious, but his mother did. Jack and his mom will like having a healthy woman visiting them.
Thanks guys, I hope they understand. I just woke up, still nauseated and aches . Hal isn’t cooperative today. Had an English muffin and iced tea. Going back to bed. Had nightmares all night. Not horribly sick, no first aid needed, second or third aid will do.
Quick, where is that quote from? Loved it forever.
Boy Named Charlie Brown:
Patty: Does anyone here know first aid?
Lucy Van Pelt: It’s probably not serious. Second or third aid will do.
Jackie, I’m so happy you decided to let this malady take its course at home rather than on the road. Your grandson and daughter will be there will open arms no matter when you safely get to their home!
Debbe, I hope you are having a good time with your Dad. I’m picturing the two of you and Ian playing cards around the kitchen table and eating black licorice. Through my early twenties, I was lucky enough to spend a week at a cottage each summer with cousins, aunts, and uncles. Lots of board games, fishing, cooking, and storytelling. Really good memories!
For me, this holiday season won’t be quite what I would like it to be; but then, they never really are, are they? Yet when I look back, I can say that most have been happy, most have been joyful, all have been more wonder-filled than I expected or deserved. And for this goodness, I am thankful.
I have to start your Charlie Brown Christmas memories with Snoopys Christmas.
And for this I watched every Red Baron vs. Snoopy video on YouTube. This is the best.
Good pun here:
Some different Christmas music: