Today’s oldie A&J isn’t so moldy; it’s from 2014. I recently turned in a week of Arlo & Janis that included only one cartoon with more than a few words. I really didn’t notice this until I’d almost finished the batch of six. You’ll know that week when you see it. Most of the strips were like the one above, with only one panel of dialog, if any. I do this more often the longer I’m at this game. I take a bit of pride, because it’s an old saw in the biz that a cartoon which can be understood without words is a “pure” cartoon, while a cartoon which can be understood without the drawing isn’t really a cartoon at all. Perhaps that is a bit extreme. If it literally were true, “Henry” and “The Little King” would be the greatest comic strips ever. However, I get it, but as usual there’s a happy medium. That is one thing that sets a comic strip apart from other forms of cartooning. It is a happy marriage of image and word, a little play within which the two components reinforce one another. I must remember that.

Think “Disco”
By Jimmy Johnson
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220 responses to “Think “Disco””
Prayers, Jerry…
Did that a bit over 5 YA. Sanford Fargo hospital had cptrs, played solitaire on breaks. Acute leukemia, top notch care, but pneumonia did her in. No code. Hard. 58+ yrs. Thoughts and prayers.
Sorry, Jerry. I’ll be walking in your moccasins all too soon. Even if it’s ten more years, it will be too soon.
It’s always too soon for those left behind, even when it’s not soon enough for those who leave.
It was years too soon, maybe, but not hours too soon. We don’t know what those years would have been like, but we will not forget what those last hours were like.
Folks, I have like Ghost, lost almost all family. I have a huge extended family of boaters I have become very close to. I am losing them too now and it is too soon. I am not prepared for this.
GR6 from Spring Freezer
Debbe 😉 Hi, hon! Miss me?
Live Video? now that is an oxymoron.
Prayer from here also Jerry, In my case it was not active just a case
of giving up.
Prayers also for those in the wake of the storm.
Yes, Louisiana is in state of emergency and National Guard called out. I need to look at some flooding news. I heard I-20 was shut down. How are the rest of us faring? Today was OK here but my weather alert couldn’t figure out where I was and kept sounding tornado alarm. Who got hit?
Add me to the list of those caring & praying, Jerry.
Debbe 😉 Remember this one?
Good morning Villagers….
Jerry, so sorry to hear about your Mother……hugs and prayers are coming your way.
In a hurry here….leaving in 30 minutes for hospital, husband having minor surgery this am.
Jackie: ‘I am losing them too now and it is too soon. I am not prepared for this.’ A less final variation on that theme. N. MN student graduated from BSU, eventually got his Ph.D. in Communications. His mother died, obit in Tuesday’s Bemidji Pioneer, mentioned one son was in Ithaca, NY. I’d forgotten he become a prof. at Cornell U. So went to website of the College of Agric. and Life Sci. He’s a prof emeritus. Actually, this is not the first time. Many of my former students have retired, and several that I [and wife] had been in touch have died.
Just checked the Baltimore peregrine site. One of the birds was tearing at some prey [likely pigeon or starling], but couldn’t see which, because it was below the lower margin of webcam view.
Jerry, sending you hugs and prayers.
‘… had been in touch with have died.’ Duh!
This is day I do a list of things I don’t want to do. My list is getting overwhelming. First is getting out of bed.
Next is feeding cats. The Endless Kitty Buffet has fewer eaters, I am afraid the Hawks and owls and dogs loose are getting them.
Then I start the phone calls and going through mail. That’s bad part.
While we are praying and asking for help, don’t forget Mark and his mom and her leg. I can’t. Or Ghost and his mom whom he loves and nurtures. Two good sons.
Jerry, Jim and I have lost all four parents, all under quite different circumstances. It’s always hard, though. we hope you can take comfort from your friends both where you live and here in the Village.
Jerry, you are a good son too. I didn’t mean to leave you off. We have no edit button here!
Jerry and everyone that needs it, my prayers are with you. I have been there also and it’s not easy but God will help, if we let Him.
Weather here in Baton Rouge is rainy but nothing compared to North West LA. I hope things begin to get better.
God bless us every one.
Talked to a couple friends in Northwest Louisiana which is indeed serious. Left message for my guardian there but haven’t heard..
Jerry, so sorry for the difficulty. I watched my mother die slowly, in and out hospitals and treatment for several years while I was in high school. My father much later, when I had children of my own. It is never easy. I pray that you and your mother will have as much peace and comfort as possible in your circumstances.
Hi Anonymous. Not sure how Jazzercise works, but Zumba is a trademarked group fitness program in which dance moves are incorporated into aerobic exercise. Mostly Latin (salsa, cumbia, merengue, etc) but non-Latin styles too. The music is very contemporary. Movements can be high, medium, and/or low impact. The participant controls her or his degree of exertion. Queuing is provided by the instructor for all levels of impacts. Another trademarked group fitness program is BollyX, which is dance aerobic exercise to Bollywood style music. Also geared for high and low impact. If you hate doing treadmills and other repetitive equipment (like me), both Zumba and BollyX are immensely fun. I know Janis would LOVE them both. And maybe she already does! *wink wink*
Jazzercise was popular in 19 70s and 80s and was trademarked dance aerobics. I tried but never got into it. I have not heard of zumba and definitely not Bollyx here but there are no dance studios in this little town. I will Google and see if in Oklahoma. We are provincial here. And old.
Truly the only connection to Zumba I had heard was the sex scandal.
The wellness and fitness center I belong to 25 miles south of me lists zumba and about 20 other trademarked forms of exercise but not Bollyx but I wasn’t aware of it. I knew about yoga and pilates and some of the others. I don’t actually go to classes but exercise in pool alone. Their water aerobics are too high impact for my knees.
Jerry – My mother’s birthday is coming up soon. I am currently trying to clean up her blanket chest, so the many blankets she made have a proper home. So many emotions right now. Many hugs.
Jackie, check this out: