Today’s oldie A&J isn’t so moldy; it’s from 2014. I recently turned in a week of Arlo & Janis that included only one cartoon with more than a few words. I really didn’t notice this until I’d almost finished the batch of six. You’ll know that week when you see it. Most of the strips were like the one above, with only one panel of dialog, if any. I do this more often the longer I’m at this game. I take a bit of pride, because it’s an old saw in the biz that a cartoon which can be understood without words is a “pure” cartoon, while a cartoon which can be understood without the drawing isn’t really a cartoon at all. Perhaps that is a bit extreme. If it literally were true, “Henry” and “The Little King” would be the greatest comic strips ever. However, I get it, but as usual there’s a happy medium. That is one thing that sets a comic strip apart from other forms of cartooning. It is a happy marriage of image and word, a little play within which the two components reinforce one another. I must remember that.

Think “Disco”
By Jimmy Johnson
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220 responses to “Think “Disco””
Yes, that is university I went to and my mom’s house I just sold is on that same street, down from University less than a mile on same Bayou Desiard so probably flooded too.
This is song that made me cry.
Un sueno en la floriesta, a dream in the Forrest by John Williams on classical guitar.
Good night John Boy.
A funny story for today:
After a long, hard day at work, I was exhausted and ready to head home. I started to look for my car keys, but they weren’t in my purse, coat pockets, or briefcase, so I began to scramble through the drawers in my desk. Slowly, I came to the conclusion that the keys were nowhere to be found. Palm to forehead, I realized I must have left them in the car.
My husband gets pretty irritated when I do that. To me, the ignition is the best place to store keys so you never lose them! Ever the voice of reason, however, my husband has explained that leaving the keys in the ignition is a superb way of having my car stolen.
Immediately, I rushed out to the parking lot only to find it empty, my heart sinking in the process. Fumbling, I dialed 911 and alerted the police to the car theft.
Dreading it, I then called my husband and had to explain how, once again, I had left my keys in the car and it was subsequently stolen.
“Oh sweetheart,” he said, lightheartedly. “You need sleep. Do you not remember that I dropped you off at work today?”
With a wave of relief, I replied, “Thank God! Then will you please come get me?”
He laughed again, “Sure. I’ll be there as soon as I can convince this policeman that I’m not a car thief.”
Be well, stay safe, and SMILE (it makes your face
feel good), and if smiles are good, laughs are even better.
It’s been said, “You don’t stop laughing when you die,
you die when you stop laughing!!”
Old Bear you are so right. Laughing and smiling are what keeps us going. I joke about these expensive teeth of mine that I expect to get my money’s worth out of the investment. Not from eating, I did too well with the old ones on that use.
The smile, that beautiful smile, is why I did it.
Jimmy, today’s strip reminds me how much my DVR has spoiled me. If I miss something, I just rewind it and then catch up on the next commercial. Can’t due that with a sunset!
Insane rain. Local water rescues; many roads under water/washed out; many traffic accidents; water eroding dam spillways; falling trees taking out utilities; and yes, reports of catfish swimming across county roads last night. Haven’t seen the numbers yet, but rainfall will surely exceed that of Katrina. And not over yet.
Ghost are you and your mom all right? I am seriously glad I chickened out on going to Florida because coming to Gulf Coast was part of that plan. I would not be happy.
The radar last night looked awful. I was talking to relative who bought my house and water isn’t in it but he was worried aboat boxes of stuff he’d put in a low added on room for me to pickup from there. Monroe is quite flooded and still raining.
To Anonymous: Aqua Zumba is designed for lower resistance exercise performed in swimming pools. And Zumba Gold is a program designed specifically for those who want to dance but need or want gentler movements. If not offered at a gym/fitness club, check out senior centers or wherever seniors live or congregate. Some Zumba instructors offer on-site classes there. But I’ll also mention that my regular Zumba classes include many seniors who simply scale back on the intensity to suit their particular situations. In the end, just keep moving and have fun doing it!
We’re fine. There was a several-hour-long period last night when I could not get to her apartment. Actually, I could have if required, except for her telling me on the phone, “Don’t you dare get out in this weather!” And one is always well advised to listen to one’s mother when she ends a sentence with an exclamation point, isn’t one?
Jackie, give this one a listen:
Oh yeah, Askohan Farewell makes me cry only one bar into it. I do love that song and didn’t realize it is not old but a new composition. But it is so beautiful and haunting.
I have probably asked but are the professors and I the only opera lovers here? Symphony? String quartets?
That got me into listening to Scottish bagpipes and Irish bagpipes and old time fiddles and Midnight on The Water and Bonaparte Retreat. Definitely not Zumba music.
My helpers showed up briefly and got a bed of bulbs and purple iris in the ground. They are fast at least, plus unloaded my van and truck. I bet they forgot the hanging baskets in truck bed again?
Hopefully joint and muscle pain will diminish and life will return?
Wrote a nice long comment and it wouldn’t post. One of these days I’ll learn to copy those first, just in case.
As I tried to say earlier, Jackie, you and the professors are not alone. Bob and I can at least tolerate just about every musical genre; we’re part of the first wave of the baby boom so folk music and classic rock are dear to our hearts. Of course, since Bob is a bass player (the big acoustic standup one) that also influences our preferences.
Just read some wonderful articles about Bob Unger and the song Ashkohan Farewell. We will see if I have learned to copy and paste.
My God, I think she’s got it! (My Fair Lady)
Ruth Anne I must have told you about selling a Mercury Cougar to the six foot five bass player from the Houston Symphony who brought his VERY valuable bass along for the test drive to make sure that not only he but it could comfortably fit in car?
One thing I learned selling cars is that a typical automobile does not fit very tall people nor very short people nor obese people.
Only time a bass came to try out car however.
I currently play with this little orchestra:
Trucker, I am impressed! What instrument do you play? And which chair are you in video?
I am returning to the video to finish listening to it and I noticed another just down the list so I will search some more. It has begun raining again and the Adventure Dog is keeping my right thigh warm.
I play bass clarinet, which means I get to transpose the second bassoon parts. I’m to the left of the bassoon in this video. And I’m in any video shot after March 2010.
Dear Jackie, thank you for the link to the Ashokan Farewell. my grandson Matthew plays this so beautifully on his fiddle, and told me the story, but The Atlantic tells all the details.
You are receiving the first message on my new iPad ! Daughter Amy is showing me how to use it, typing is slow and tedious.
Love, Charlotte
‘… are the professors and I the only opera lovers here? Symphony? String quartets?’
I’m sure c x-p, Ruth Anne, and I are not the only ones. Almost any classical instrumental music [orch., chamber orch., octet, quartet, trio, piano] but not atonal. Stravinsky and Copeland are modern enough for me.
Opera, esp. ‘Grand’ [= tragic], not so much. Elaine was into the Sat. Met. Op. Co. broadcasts since they began in the ’30s. Comic [Fledermaus, Merry Widow, Figaro, etc.] more my cup of tea.
And I’m a diehard Savoyard [= Gilbert & Sullivan fan; most of you know that]. Expect to see perhaps their best, ‘Iolanthe’, next Sat., done by GSVLOC (do a search) at the Conn Auditorium on Nicollet in Mpls., with my younger son and spouse. BTW, depending on cptr. whims, I may be out of the loop for a while. Expect to be back anon [no . ], so don’t worry.
Also choral. Bemidji Chorale, Rose Ensemble, Cantus [one member is a BSU grad], some church choirs. If you can get classical MPR / radio or online, listen from 3-7 this afternoon to Friday Favorites. I have a request, sort of a segue to Paddy’s Day. Peace,
With ya’ on the music, eMb, except that Stravinsky, Copeland, Shostakovich, et al., are too far out for my tastes.
Wichita Kansas is doing Gilbert and Sullivan Pirates of Z Penzance and I need to find my calendar to see where I am supposed to be then. Yes, I would drive to Wichita for that.
Dallas is doing the operatic version of Showboat that Houston Grand Opera mounted way back. I was supposed to be going to that one but my date seems to be standing me up. Boy do I need to locate that calendar!