Today’s oldie A&J isn’t so moldy; it’s from 2014. I recently turned in a week of Arlo & Janis that included only one cartoon with more than a few words. I really didn’t notice this until I’d almost finished the batch of six. You’ll know that week when you see it. Most of the strips were like the one above, with only one panel of dialog, if any. I do this more often the longer I’m at this game. I take a bit of pride, because it’s an old saw in the biz that a cartoon which can be understood without words is a “pure” cartoon, while a cartoon which can be understood without the drawing isn’t really a cartoon at all. Perhaps that is a bit extreme. If it literally were true, “Henry” and “The Little King” would be the greatest comic strips ever. However, I get it, but as usual there’s a happy medium. That is one thing that sets a comic strip apart from other forms of cartooning. It is a happy marriage of image and word, a little play within which the two components reinforce one another. I must remember that.

Think “Disco”
By Jimmy Johnson
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220 responses to “Think “Disco””
The fifth Beatle died.
Prayers again & still for your mother and you.
Have you seen this?
May not be legal in all areas – or any areas?
Yes, Bear, I have heard about it, although at this point it is apparently just a “concept” and not an actually available product, legal or otherwise. It’s an interesting concept but probably one that would have a rather narrow range of uses. (Read: last ditch defense.) There have also been umbrella guns and sword canes…and I swear I remember once seeing something about a “belt buckle gun” (be very, very careful when you get dressed in the mornings)…but I see no need to rush out and acquire any of them, either.
For me personally, there is the consideration that it would hold only two rounds of .380 Auto ammunition, while I ordinarily have no problem concealing a firearm that holds 16 rounds of more potent .40 S&W ammo…not to mention two spare magazines holding a total of an additional 26 rounds. And also not to mention that I have other “last ditch defenses”.
The long and the short of it: Like any product, if it fills a valid niche, it will succeed. If not, it won’t.
Debbe 😉 I hate hospitals now, too.
A little Hippie Chick music for you…
You know Ghost it intrigues me that you conceal all these weapons and ammunition on your person. Unless you count riding in elevators with assorted Federal FBI, Secret Service or other law officials and living with my gun toting mama who was STILL carrying her hand gun at my daughters wedding in Disney World at age 70 plus, I have nevery been around armed men.
If you meet a woman you decide to go home with or invite to view your etchings, what do you do with all the weapons? I mean, how spontaneously romantic is that? Excuse me, I need to remove a couple of guns, two clips and these three knives.
By the way, I actually own quite a few etchings so I could validly use that line. Not that I know anyone locally who.admires my etchings except the frame department at Hobby Lobby.
You are right about the niche
Paladin kept a Derringer behind his belt buckle
And was the other on Wild Wild West?
As for music – Just about anything up to the 70s
I like Opera music if not Opera so much.
On that it is “Time to Say Good By”
Took me forever to paste this today! Kris Kristopher son in honor of today’s current strip.
And we will see if this old dog has learned new tricks. I love Kris’s gravelly whiskey voice, his lyricism and just the ironny.
Thank you Jimmy for the best Daylight Savings joke ecer.
Did I say I love Kris looks still, no matter how craggy and bearded?
Ten minutes with that silver Tongued Devil would still be fun I suspect.
My mom saw a lot of people die as she was a nurse. She held a lot of hands of people who died. She hated to see people die alone
But she told me often when the family would take turns, someone would take a quick break and that was when the patient would die. It was like some actually preferred to die that way. That information has been helpful for me when consoling people who felt guilty about being there.
Recently there was a discussion about online comics and Jimmy recommended a couple. I didn’t join in at the time, but one that has grown on me recently is the single panel comic “Wrong Hands.” The website is but it is also available on Go Comics. If you go to the website, be sure to check the Gallery section for more art than you’ll see on the home page.
Sorry, I didn’t mean the last post to be insensitive to the other people with concerns, especially you Jerry. I commented before reading all the updates.
This is something my daughter posted on Facebook yesterday. She is a nurse on a medical/surgical floor of an area hospital. She’d been working with a patient that was in for a routine procedure but the doctors discovered wildly metastatic cancer during the surgery.
“Being a nurse is tough. Some days I can fluff and adjust and medicate the problems away. Some days, I can only stand in the hallway, crying and hugging someone who was total stranger 3 minutes before. Today was a ‘stand in the hallway and cry’ kind of day.”
I wasn’t there for either my mother or father. Though both were chronically ill, we had no expectation of anything immediate. My mother was on the way to a routine dialysis day and my father, though in the hospital, was thought to be improving. My sister and step-mother were with my father. My mother’s doctor was crying as he told my father that they had been unable to save her. It is good to know that even though we may not be with the ones we love that there are professionals with them that care.
Very late to the dance, trying to recover from a case of food poisoning. Something about American food after having been overseas that doesn’t work for this body.
Thanks for the shout out to Kris. “Silver Tounged Devil” was one of his great works, many say his best songs happened before he went Hollywood. Been a follower since the “Bobby McGee and Me” & “Sunday Morning Coming Down” days. Another great one is “Pilgrim Chapter33.”
Jackie, on a first date or similar social circumstances, I probably wouldn’t be traveling quite that “heavy”, although I wouldn’t be disarmed. If the situation arose, and the answer to the “your place or mine” question was her place, I would, as a courtesy, tell her upon arrival that I was armed…and thereby learn something about her. Such as if I would want to see her again. You might be surprised (or perhaps not) how often in this neck of the woods that leads to a “if you show me yours, I’ll show you mine” offer. (Handgun, I mean. What did you think?)
I always assumed that some of those “etchings” were actually a form of 19th Century porn.
After the “calories-burned-by-an-hour-of-foreplay-they-must-have-interpolated” cartoon of a few years back, today’s A&J shouldn’t have been much of a surprise. Not, however, a line I would ever use. My tongue is bit more argent than that.
Some are of course but mine happen to be art from Louisiana, Hawaii, England, landscapes and buildings, trees and one from Lynchburg, TN of Mrs. Bobo’s boarding house, a gift from Jack Daniel’s long long ago because I drove from New Orleans to lay a rose on his grave in memory of a friend.
Sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather deck, sand. At least you hadn’t traveled to Africa, where as the old joke about the explorer went, “something he disagreed with ate him”.
Thanks for the explanation Ghost because the etiquette is something that never presented itself. I wonder if nudists arm themselves? I haven’t noticed any.
Sand, I agree that Silver Tongued Devil is one of Kris’s masterpieces out of a lot of mastetpieces. Yes, while he has written more hits than almost anyone alive I suspect, it is that early work that resonates. I agree on Pilgrim. I love to hear him sing his own songs.
See, the opera loving socialite is a many faceted stone, maybe a piece of coal or maybe a diamond but no longer a socialite if she ever was? Couldn’t put enough pressure on the coal.
Good morning, all. Janis didn’t take much convincing, did she?
David in Austin, the situations your daughter describes are what’s beginning to burn me out on coding inpatient visits. I’m ready to go back to same day surgeries and emergency room visits where most patients come in, get fixed up and go home.
Jackie, if nudists arm themselves, I don’t want to know where they put the holster. i reckon the women could wear the old long hairpins. My great-grandmother left some of those, and I could see them as a close-in weapon.
Some pleasant thoughts for you:
Would a holster wearing naturalist still be considered a nudist? One could argue they are just a well armed exhibitionist.
A friend took my Dad to the hospital when he was having chest pains and Dad told me to stay home and take care of his grandbabies so I was not with him when he died. I do take comfort knowing I was where he wanted me to be. My Mom was in her home, which was where she wanted to be and my sister was with her so she was not alone. I was recovering from back surgery and not driving yet. Sometimes no matter what we want life conspires against us, and we can either rail against fate or accept that we can’t always be in charge.
Jerry, still sending hugs to you. Take care of yourself.
Posted without further comment…
As to music, I’m not much of a fan of grand opera unless you count Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd in “What’s Opera, Doc?”. Neither do I care for bluegrass singing, though I do like Flatt and Scruggs. I pick up around Johnny Cash and go forward from him. The last few years Husband and I have been able to go to the shows at the Forsythe County Fair, and have seen Confederate Railroad, The Oakridge Boys, Charlie Daniels, Joe Diffie, and Don Williams.
I also love rock from the 50s up, more or less, until we get to the 80s. Then I get pretty selective. I’m not fond of “singers” who scream at me or wimpy-voiced female vocalists. I’ll stick with Cher and Reba McEntire.