Speaking of comments, I’ve noticed that this site has one thing in common with most other sites that attract regular visitors. Several posters will drop in early to comment directly on the day’s material or to make a new observation. This continues, but the discussion eventually evolves into a running conversation among regulars. This isn’t to imply criticism. That’s just the way it goes, and I’m ok with that. One thing that is different about this site, and I’m not the first one to make this observation, is that repeat posters, as a rule, come to josh and visit, not to argue and insult one another. I appreciate that and hope everyone enjoys the time they spend here, regardless of how much that is.

Unreal Estate
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
272 responses to “Unreal Estate”
This one is courtesy of one of my Dutch friends, who always has funny quotes for a signature:
Monte: And then we went to the bar, where we had some really tasty poutine.
Mortimer: How can you order that in good conscience?
Monte: Uh, what do you mean?
Mortimer: Think of the Russian citizens, Monte. Not cool.
Love, Jackie Monies
My husband says Barbara Eden is the most truly beautiful woman he has ever seen. Once upon a life he had a job as wine sommelier at the Kahala Hilton where all the celebrities stayed in those days. He said he was always disappointed in movie and television stars because they did not look in person at all like they look when made up and costumed.
Except Barbara Eden. He said she was just ethereally beautiful and glowed. He still thinks so.
Love, Jackie Monies
Once upon another life, Mike (the sick husband) was recruited by Disney, as was his entire graduating class from the University of Hawaii hotel and restaurant school. We went to Orlando that first year they got park open to give them a look, as everyone had already turned them down I think. Anyway, we had park to ourselves, there is no one in our photos except us the park employees and characters. We turned them down again, there was no where to live, shop, totally undeveloped.
Skip forward about 20 or so years, I had a chance to work for Disney. We were looking at houses we couldn’t afford, sitting in traffic jams going no where, nightmares. I had a panic attack in traffic, said “Get off at the first exit! I don’t want mouse ears on my business card this bad!”
And the pay was half what I was making. Pooh on the Mouse.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jean, I went to your link expecting to see a video of her doing her thing. Disapointing:(
Proceed on, I am going back to bed. We didn’t get blown away nor washed either by line of storms. Hope everyone else fares as well today.
Love, Jackie Monies
Speaking of bird sightings, although of the non-exotic nature:
I was driving yesterday when I encountered the stereotypically cute sight of a mother duck and her little flock of ducklings wattling behind her. After the requisite “Awww” it struck me that said family of ducks were walking along a major highway during rush hour. Being in the middle of suburban sprawl, I have no idea from where they came or where they were going. I hope the little guys made it home safely.
Ghost,, I thought of you when I read this. Dunno why.
No, no, Lily—-It is the one from the day before. And the day before– and the day before.
Love, Jackie Monies
Symply, thanks for the news on the Wolverton Mountain clan. Surely do miss ’em.
I thought Ghost would approve the pose in the last panel, Jackie.
Let it not be said that cartoonists do not have a sense of humor. Is that an oxymoron?
Pearls Before Swine, often criticized for lack of artistic skills. http://news.yahoo.com/comics/pearls-before-swine-slideshow/
Love, Jackie Monies
Wow, after all these years, Jeannie finally got a belly button. Yes, Barbara Eden was and is a dish.
Yes, Lily, that is a rather, ah, explicit portrayal of Edda. Thanks for thinking of me. 😉
Hi, Jean dear. I’d been wondering about you. You’ve been making yourself scarce around here lately.
Jackie, are the two on the left not Veronica and Betty. If so, they seem to have put on a little weight since high school. But then, who hasn’t?
Persoanlly, I think Gweneth Paltrow is the prettiest woman I ever say, but that’s just me
Lily, Ms. Platrow is pretty, but unfortunately she also seems to be somewhat of an idiot, based on some of her public pronouncements.
Is it time yet to make a new “observation”, as Jimmy put it?
What I like least about women’s professional tennis: that it seems to have become more of a “grunting and shrieking contest” than an athletic event.
What I like most about women’s professional tennis: pokies. (Bet you didn’t see that coming.)
Seriously, any of you tennis fans or players of the female persuasion out there…does making loud grunting and shrieking noises when one hits the tennis ball serve any purpose? Other than distracting one’s opponent and annoying the spectators?
Lily, you play don’t you? Are you a shrieker? 🙂
TruckerRon, the following article has a video showing how the coaster would look in action. I retract my first statement and say if it runs like this, I probably would be willing to try it.
Yep, our league will be starting up next week. I don’t shriek, except when people scare me, but when I am returning a hard volley I sometimes grunt. Not consistently and not loudly. But I guess that’s why they get paid the big bucks
Yay, Lily. I really think the shrieking is both unnecessary and poor sportsmanship.
ursen, another quick testimonial for Weight Watchers…I had gotten lax about compliance; had aggravated an old knee injury which temporarily eliminated my 5K’s per day; and had gained some weight recently. Three weeks ago, I got back within the diet guidelines, and as of today have lost 6.2 pounds, by way of the diet only. (A two pound per week loss is considered ideal by WW.) As I said, it does work. And pretty painlessly.
In the Pearls Before Swine cartoon, there is a third female who is red headed. It has been a long, long time since I saw an Archie cartoon but weren’t there THREE females? A brunette, a blonde AND a red head?
And can’t that kid draw? No question but I liked the comment “It’s a dying art form.”
Love, Jackie Monies
And some of us just come to lurk and read the comic & JJ’s comments and rarely post a comment ourselves. 🙂
Ghost, I have a male friend/acquaintance who went on WW after his wife passed away. He got really fit and turned into a great looking guy. He was already terrifically sweet and nice, found a new love, a new life, a new place to live, new hobbies. I will give WW the credit for the changes in his life. He did love his first wife, so it was not her fault but he did find second happiness and that is a happy ending.
Love, Jackie Monies
Personally, I just use exercise and eating healthy to keep me in fighting trim. 105 as of this morning.
Jackie: I can think of lots of good reasons not to work for the Mouse. However, as one who was born and grew up in pre-Disney Orlando, your description of the area as “no where to live, shop, totally undeveloped” tells me you didn’t get a very accurate introduction. OK, others complained about the shopping in those days but you don’t strike me as the excessive, conspicuous consumption type. And we do have lots of opportunities for water sports!
As for I-Drive – other than going to the Easy Spirit store at the outlet mall once or twice a year, we avoid it (and all the theme parks) like the plague!
Jackie M-
The red head is Cheryl Blossom- introduced in the 1980’s as yet another rival for Archie’s affections. Not as popular as V&B. (Although at second glance, she does look a bit like Josie Jones of Josie and the Pussycats.)
Lilyblack, how not to announce a patient: http://www.gocomics.com/herman/2014/06/02#.U5IosvldWSo