Speaking of comments, I’ve noticed that this site has one thing in common with most other sites that attract regular visitors. Several posters will drop in early to comment directly on the day’s material or to make a new observation. This continues, but the discussion eventually evolves into a running conversation among regulars. This isn’t to imply criticism. That’s just the way it goes, and I’m ok with that. One thing that is different about this site, and I’m not the first one to make this observation, is that repeat posters, as a rule, come to josh and visit, not to argue and insult one another. I appreciate that and hope everyone enjoys the time they spend here, regardless of how much that is.

Unreal Estate
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
272 responses to “Unreal Estate”
Good morning Villagers…….
……food morning Mindy and clan, if you’re lurking.
Thanks, Simply, for the forwarding message from her. Sure do miss her too, my sparring partner 🙂
Sideburns and all, I’m in southwest central IN….about an hours drive from Evansville, which is on another time zone during the winter…..all these spring forwards and fall backs really confuse me. Right now, it is 5:08. And Sideburns, I’d give anything to sleep all the way through 6 or 8 hours. I’m lucky if I get about 6…they say, the older you get the less you sleep…..
Jackie, Terre Haute is about an hour and a half drive to the north from me, we are on the same time zone. My niece attends college there.
Miss Charlotte….I go to sleep early, in the recliner, wake up and go to bed around 10, and and wide awake around 4ish. I’ve been in this sleep pattern for a couple of years….but I enjoy this quiet time in the morning. I’m all by myself….here….and I look forward to reading and posting with all of you great people. Great support group.
Well, Boss man showed up, with a thumbs up….grinning…..so, I think the inspection went well.
Ian brought Junior the Rooster into the packing room yesterday and let him strut around. He’s one laid back rooster.
Loved yesterday’s Peanuts’ strip. We watched a couple of docu’s last night on the invasion. I remember the movie “Saving Private Ryan”, the opening scenes were horrific.
But, the movie “Secondhand Lions” is one of my favorites with two of my favorite actors. Excellent movie…..my favorite scene was when they were skeet shooting the corn cobs 🙂 I enjoyed Sedgewick in her weekly police show…and right now I cannot remember the name of it. She always had a chocolate Ding Dong in her desk drawer.
Well, need to check out the race…seems CC drew the second post. Ian and I both are working today.
Happy Caterday everyone……and Brooklynne Rose is here for the weekend. 🙂
GR 😉
Yes. Indiana is on Eastern time. We used to be one of the last holdouts against daylight savings time, but the state opted to “follow the herd” and follow the Eastern time zone, despite actually being part of Central. (I’m still annoyed about this, btw.) If memory serves, there are actually TWO parts of the state that opted not to play along, the far north-west and far south-west. Which is even dumber in my opinion. The whole “point” of changing was so people outside the state knew what time it was in Indiana.
Debbe – Hope you get that day off soon! And people say *I* work too much
Good morning Debbe! I am up for the 4:30 a.m. severe storm warnings. It looks like it won’t be too bad, the lines have tightened and gotten narrower, so it will pass faster.
Kyra Sedgwick was in “The Closer”. I miss her but the current cast is good too, which says a lot for ensemble acting. It is now “Major Crimes”.
Will try to get some sleep. Husband was up being sick so I will go check on him. Talked to one of the guys from Arizona (fireman) who is sailing one of the little boats along Texas coast this week. He says Mike’s name is on the size of his boat in honor. I wish Mike were in the boat with him. Since my friend is about 6’5″ that would be a tight squeeze!
Love, Jackie Monies
Make that “side of his boat”. Can’t type!
Love, Jackie Monies
Stay safe Jackie…thanks for the name of show.
Indy Mindy…you explained that rather well 🙂
My prayers and thoughts are with you Jackie….get some sleep, wish your husband could be on that boat too.
Sleepless in Toon Town!
To me, the disadvantages of Daylight Savings Time more than cancel out the advantages, so that it does nothing really useful other than perhaps allow those in government who feel government must always be “doing something” to say they have done something.
Haven’t read today’s comments yet but have added a new phrase to my vocabulary: “adequate sufficiency”.
And the opposite of “adequate sufficiency” would be what? “Inadequate sufficiency”? Or “adequate insufficiency”? And would “inadequate insufficiency” be another way of saying “adequate sufficiency”?
OK, now I have a headache.
There is a major safety advantage to DST: later hours of daylight mean less driving in the dark for old people like me. E.g., after a summer concert that starts at 7 pm, it’s not really dark yet when I drive home. My eyesight is adequate for night driving, now that I’ve traded my cataracts for high quality plastic [two of the most interesting operations I’ve experienced], but old people lose contrast, so night driving is still stressful. With cataracts, it’s downright dangerous.
Ghost: Some things are not worth reasoning about, just there to be enjoyed. He’s a neat cartoonist, though I liked his earlier series, ‘The neighborhood’, > I do ‘Ballard Street’.
Good morning, Villagers.
You need less sleep as you age? The Man In My Life gets about ten hours. He is always still asleep when The Boss Of My Life and I leave to go make rounds. He is 65
Not having time to read through 164 comments, apologies if this was posted earlier. Apparently PBS had a guest artist this week Not sure of the etiquette of linking from one cartoonists blog to another, but here goes:
Bill in Paducah-
I knew about the “guest artist” and most people figured it was Watterson, but I had not seen Pastis’s blog. Thanks for sharing it! An interesting insight to the whole process.
I am one of those weird individuals who don’t like Calvin and Hobbes. Or Luanne. Or Garfield. Or Zits. I think it has to do with being dropped as an infant or something
Lily, drop must have severed your optic nerves and the resulting surgery was bungled. Doctor accidentally reconnected some anal nerves, hence the crappy view. 😉
I think Calvin is horribly annoying. As are Jeremy, Luanne, and Garfield :p
You know what? I suspect JJ would have a similar reaction to Stephan Pastis. I think that cartoonists like each other, respect each other and enjoy each other’s work.
It isn’t that large a field and they get to see each other pretty seldom I’d suspect, as it is a solitary profession.
Love, Jackie Monies
I have heard that Charles “Sparky” Schultz was a real inspiration to younger cartoonists like Cathy Guisewite. Today’s is about her usual summer swimsuit issues.
I had not seen the later articles about The Mouse and the Princess Leia toys. Good for them!
Trucker, I have seen similar videos, so I was looking for the thing that didn’t fit.
I don’t necessarily like Daylight Savings, but I understand why a lot of people do. Kids aren’t waiting for buses in the dark (do kids still ride buses to school?) so that isn’t a problem, and people have more daylight to do stuff when they get home from work. That’s okay. What really bugs me is the Government trying to convince me that “Oh, you’ll have more daylight ours this way!” No, I won’t. The daylight hours just start and end later in the day. I refer you all once again to the Blanket Story: Only the Government would have you believe that by cutting a strip off the top of the blanket and sewing it onto the bottom of the blanket you will then have a longer blanket.
Lily, I have to be near exhaustion to sleep longer than 6 hours per night. When I was in my twenties, I could easily sleep 9 or 10 hours if I had no reason to get up sooner. If I ever reach 65, I’ll give you an update. 🙂
Granted, the extra daylight in the evenings may be an advantage for some. But that “extra” daylight has to come from somewhere, and it seems to me that less daylight in the mornings would disadvantage others.
Jean dear, there you go again…reading my mind. Try not to be to embarrassed by what you read. 😉
Several years ago I accidently sent an e-mail to a boat designer who is about as famous as you can get in our little world of wooden boat builders, meaning he is held in total awe by the people who go to wooden boat shows and is written about in boating magazines, along with writing books himself.
I was a middle-aged woman starting to write for boating (pretty rare form) and no one had heard of me. Turns out he had read the one or two things I’d written and liked them. But I had no way of knowing this and would definitely NEVER have written him on purpose.
When I suddenly got this e-mail my heart almost stopped. All I could think of was to write back and apologize. Which I did.
He is now a wonderful friend and will be coming here again to my “Boatstock” event. It turns out that celebrities are often real people who like to be treated that way.
Love, Jackie Monies