My grandmother, who lived with us when I was growing up, actually would ask me this. Of course, it sounded idiotic and embarrassing to me then, but now that I think back it was a more interesting and probably more accurate term than “dating.”

What’s In a Name?
By Jimmy Johnson
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264 responses to “What’s In a Name?”
Part 2:
Trucker, it’s close to nude commuting!
Was Symply checking venues today and went by one of my favorite museums in the world which has had its displays scattered(mainly to the Worcester Art Museum, but other spots as well) It was one of the best places for flights of imagination of knights in shining armor and medieval clashes a child could create. Do you know Higgins Armory?
It would be fantastic if only it had space for 500 people to sit and see a concerrt. AC/DC, Black Sabbath would bring the Gothic architectural styles to great effect. Unfortunately the rent is exorbitant, there are no chairs, nor stage nor lights and seating would be restricted to about 120, totally Fargone untenable.
Hanover Theater? next…..
Close enough, Jean! And a reason, given that most American commuters are obese, to avoid public transit on that day.
If someone gave me a winning lottery ticket, I’d want one of these!
Symply, location in Birmingham, AL
“No Pants Day” in my medium-sized, Bible Belt city would be more accurately named “Mass Incarceration Day.” Or, as TR inferred, “Moon Over ______ Day”.
Also, that practice would seem to take some of the wind out of the sails, so to speak, of the outrage a few years ago when a judge ruled it not unlawful to take “up-skirt” photos of women on public transportation.
One Decorah eagle on the nest, apparently not incubating, 2nd ad. arrives, both engage in pointless rearranging of dead branches, neither seems to have distinctive facial pattern of prev. yrs’ female. First seems to mount the second and one twitters, but am guessing no mating occurred. First flies off, second looks around another 2 min., flies off. Beats me. [This one comes w/ short ads.]
Peace, emb
Sadly, in the Detroit area, we had a man that drove with no pants that was ejected from his vehicle and killed when he was “distracted” by a uh em video on his phone.
Imagine the conversation with St. Peter:
St Peter: So what do you last remember from Earth
Man: Uh em ah Can I invoke my 5th Amendment rights?
I guess I shouldn’t make fun of him….
Some years ago, a fairly well regarded young local businessman placed his order at a fried chicken joint and pulled around to the pickup window, where the employee at the window noticed he was driving without benefit of either pants or underwear. I never heard anything else about the story (or about him, for that matter), but I suspect alcohol may have been involved, along with the well-documented craving for grease many people get when they imbibe to excess.
And thankfully, the fried chicken joint involved was not part of the chain that formally used “It’s finger lickin’ good” as its slogan.
Mark, thank you for Kibosh but last time checked into it they mostly work to take elderly in small towns to local doctors. I wasn’t even able to use it for my mother in law from her assisted living home to doctors in same town. I live in small town, we have Kibois, but my physicians are all in Tulsa 120 miles away except for two in Tahlequah which is almost as far away. I tell you this just in case I am wrong.
Kibois not Kibosh.
Well, that put the kibosh on it anyway. I know you’re a long ways out, but I didn’t know how the service operated. Just thought I’d look and see if anyone even had such a thing where you were. Hope you feel better soon.
About all the rock stars and actors dying, most of us are in that demographic so we shudder. But to young people this all is meaningless. I had to explain to my latest minions who Jackie Gleadon, Art Carney and the Honeymooners were, they did recognize Lucille Ball and 3 Stooges I think.
My favorite music is some 60 into 80s. They weren’t born yet.
I did not spell that wrong, Hal did. I find that names I find commonplace he cannot spell and he substitutes someone I have never heard of.
emb, free opera performance online, through London’s Daily Telegraph.
Mark, Thanks and peace, emb
Mark, I saw my auto immune specialist today. He is very happy with me because to have had these diseases for over 50 years I should not be alive. Yes, I am always in pain but I refuse any possible addictive drugs and because I am trying to stay alive I question every drug now and try to add nothing new. He and zip agreed zip had a year of remission coupled with some remarkable life and health changes and that the carotid surgery had caused a flare that is getting better.
He’s actually a big fan of mine too for the turn around but I tell him the Village was my support group. He believes attitude and mental adjustments can accomplish miracles. And resilience.
Who is zip? Zip types zip and Hal prints zip.
Debbe is Springsteen coming near you? The announcement of Billy Joel and billboards went up today for November in Tulsa but that is when I am supposed to be going to Australia. I suspect a pair of his tickets would pay for some bungee jumping in Oz, with or without clothes.
Oklahoma City on last day of my boat building workshop. I could catch Springsteen in Dallas. Going home?
How do roadies follow these guys?
I think zip is I, I mean you. From context : When I types I, Hal prints zip. He and I agreed I, see the pattern?
Debbe 😉 Or whatever, Buttercup…
I used to have this album, and its sequel.
I have never “sent a drink over” to a woman in a bar (one once sent me one, but that’s a story for yet another day), but if she were wet and naked, I very likely would. Assuming, of course, she fell into the “would like to see naked” category.
All the reminiscent music on Sirius as I drove today. Lots.
I get home click on Debbes Ghost music and YouTube recommends Freddie Mercury singing Barcelona with the largest opera diva I have ever seen.
I want to bring Freddie back to life so I can see him live. I know why I would never have seen him but I would still love to, even more than Elvis. Heresy, I know. But I love show stealing dramatics and talent, reasons I often forked out for tickets.