A short poem today, for a short post. This is from 1996, 20 years ago this month. Someone asked me about this strip in an email the other day, wanting help finding it. At the time, I wasn’t sure where to look, and it was just as well. I would have sworn I drew it no more than 10 years ago. Yeek.

Busted Flush
By Jimmy Johnson
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354 responses to “Busted Flush”
Going shopping for soup ingredients. The soup fairies did not come make any. What I make depends too on what is in garden.
Do visiting nurses cook? I looked at recipe for bernaise and hollandaise and remembered why I quit cooking them.
What are your feelings about chili, Jackie? I’m thinking the last Great Chili Discussion here occurred before you became a “regular”.
As for me, I anticipate doing more taxing this evening than watching the Red & White team play the White & Red team. And perhaps installing the soundbar and sub-woofer I just got for my new “old” TV. Since the TV cost me nothing, it seemed a reasonable thing to do. Especially since I can blue tooth my smart phone to it and listen to all the really good music stored on it.
Love chili. I just bought too nice hunks of beef for said purpose or for my secret recipe beef burgundy cum stew that involves Jack Daniel’s or sometimes burgundy wine.
One of my chili dinners sold for $1000 back in the 80s before Houston went bust. That one starts out “Bone the hindquarters of a deer, 10# of sirloin roast and a 10# pork roast”. That was while we all had some money.
I hand cut meat for chili but am pretty flexible otherwise.
On chili, I do red, white and Verde. Love all three. As they say in New Mexico, “Do you want red or green with your pancakes?”
Two nice hunks, not too nice.
Chili is good. I’ve yet to figure out the proportions of my own chili powder, so I can’t claim the chili I make.
On the subject of Congress as a brake, I found https://ballotpedia.org/Barack_Obama:_Vetoed_legislation to be interesting reading. The charts at the bottom of the page were especially so.
“Bone the hindquarters of a deer, 10# of sirloin roast and a 10# pork roast”.
For some reason I’m reminded of “How to Cook an Elephant”.
“First, get an elephant…”
It reduces down a lot after you simmer it all for 12 hours. No beans, just meat and a really big restaurant pot. You have to remember in those days we thought nothing of huge feeds. I once did Coq a vin for 300 in my back yard. I was young and foolish.
I have scaled WAY back. Two people seems about scale now.
Hunks on fridge are only about 3 pounds each, no bones. I have eliminated the deer for obvious reasons. Shall I start simmering in morning or turn them into Cajun pot roast for Po boys and the second one into minced meat chunks for chili?
Butting in again:
I am thankful for Jimmy Johnson for creating this Blog and his continued support for us to loosely discuss the graphic novelette, “Arlo and Janis”. I am thankful for all those in this village and their amazing support for each other. I am thankful the men, women and children who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice for this wonderful country.
I see nothing wrong with abstaining from voting for a list candidates or a proposition that appears on a ballot, you are voicing you opinion that you do not like the choices presented or do not feel you are qualified to make that decision. I personally try to be an informed voter, but occasionally when I get into voting booth there are candidates or item that I am unfamiliar with. So, I pass on that item and continue to vote on the rest on the ballot. I feel that a non-vote in some cases is better than uniformed vote.
Not currently being a cat person or dog person for that matter, I am not sure of today’s ditty.
Thanks to all,
From a part time lurker
Hey, don’t just lurk. We are pretty lovable here. Stay and visit. I lurked awhile, it was during Symply and Ghost and Bad Mindy and others and believe it or not they were scary. A Ginger comes to mind as well.
Just starting to see views of FL with which I am familiar: St. Augustine, SAShores. There’s a lot of water around! It seems to have been car-hood deep in parts of downtown SA, more like axle- or tiretop-deep in other parts. Many branches and some trees are down, but I’d bet the Castillo de San Marcos wasn’t even fazed.
Still trying to find recognizable photos of Melbourne, Indialantic, etc.
Thanks to those Villagers who abstain from politics on this meant-to-be comic site. Please contribute to a political blog elsewhere.
Curmudgeonly ex-professor
Please accept my apologies; I will try to do better.
But we have religion and prayer, hardly comic. Some of us are doubtful if not hopeful.
Jackie, you’ve been around longer than I thought, based on the names you mentioned. Minor correction, A&J commenters were Mindy, Mindy from Indy (Lady Mindy), and Virgin Mindy. “Bad Mindy” was the name I gave (after the fact) to the lady with whom I had the short and ill-advised relationship three years ago. Her given name was Melinda (like Lady Mindy), and her nickname was also Mindy.) Ginger was Mindy’s sister, unless I’m confusing her with the self-identified lesbian who apparently also had some connection with Mindy. I guess I chased them all away, with the exception of Lady Mindy. I believe Symply has some insight regarding that group, but he was possibly sworn to secrecy.
Scary? Really?
And sex. Some of us are interested in sex and that isn’t comic most of time, even if we try to make it so. Serious issue.
And sorrows. Lord knows we have a train load of those and even if we try to laugh, we’ll. It only hurts when we laugh.
Guess I am instigator of this discussion and sorry but zip don’t feel very apologetic!
A two-person group sounds about right to me, also. I do some of my best work in small groups. 😉
Yes, you all were scary to me. You were often cleverer than I thought I could possibly be and seemed so “inside the loop” and I so far outside. I would read you all longingly and want to be part of the banter but I just didn’t think I could be.
And then finally I did. And obviously I am no longer afraid. Turns out I am feisty as well as salty.
Two sounds about right, even for chili. I can cook for less than a cotton field full of hands now.
I recall a few over the years who mentioned they did not comment for a long time because they felt they didn’t have anything interesting to say. As I always told them, that never stopped me from commenting. 😀
But I will say that some fun has been had here. And I do still wonder about some I engaged with over the years who have been conspicuously absent for a while.
Debbe 😉 Again, Sirius played this for me this afternoon. I always wondered if this guy’s Ya Ya ever showed up.
I think some people are here when they need support or diversion of some kind. They may leave when that need has been met. However, there are some one wonders about and one hopes that all ended well as possible, not badly as possible.
It seems a harbor, a haven, sanctuary for some of us.
It seems a harbor, a haven, sanctuary for some of us. Jackie.
That is what attracts some of us to the strip, and then we end up here. And Jimmy manages to keep us guessing sometimes, like with Saturday’s strip.
Jackie, here’s a Herman for you: http://www.gocomics.com/herman/2016/10/01
I for one am still waiting for my Mystery Man to sweep me off my feet and into his embrace……..
Wait, that’s 9 CL……..or Apt. 3G……..or it’s Arlo dressed in a Zorro costume for Halloween.