A short poem today, for a short post. This is from 1996, 20 years ago this month. Someone asked me about this strip in an email the other day, wanting help finding it. At the time, I wasn’t sure where to look, and it was just as well. I would have sworn I drew it no more than 10 years ago. Yeek.

Busted Flush
By Jimmy Johnson
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354 responses to “Busted Flush”
Same way I feel. My father died for this. My ancestors fought in Revolution for this. My ancestors were loyal to America in civil war. Most were some not. I personally registered to vote on day first voter registration took place in my parish for minorities.
That is a strong history and I cannot refuse to vote as a protest. That is cowardly.
For Jackie, and everybody else who finds both candidates objectionable for whatever reason: “If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for … but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”
? Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
Jackie, voting for a third party candidate in this election is no more electing a bad president than voting for one of the bad ones. As in the quote above, vote against both the people you would not want for president and vote for someone else.
This is a discussion of ethics and morality, personal, mine, others a particular candidates. I am sure it is for many of us here, so this is not political discussion but one of character, ours, not theirs.
Just bought a ton of funeral silk flowers to make memorial pieces. Going to set up a work and design station. My mama’s will have cotton bolls and magnolia leaves, grasses and branches, along with hydrangeas, roses, and other flowers. And a plastic snake.
“A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.”
Jimmy Carter
And the “write in” option is in case your conscience tells you to vote against all the balloted candidates.
My mama just loved to shoot snakes and we grew up on a Southern cotton plantation.
Wish Hal would quit changing what I type totally.
Oklahoma has a third party candidate. I am getting hair, nails done and pick up new meds. May it cure what ails me and improve my attitude.
God bless America and Miss America as well.
The question I’ve been pondering is which candidate would have Congress acting as a brake when that candidate wants to run us off a cliff? Which candidate would have Congress’s willing acceptance and help run us off a cliff? The president doesn’t govern in a vacuum unless Congress and the Court allow it.
Most write-in votes are effectively null votes. In my state, a candidate has to declare as a write-in candidate, else the votes aren’t even counted.
Clinton or Trump will win. Which would you prefer?
To quote Master and Commander, “the lessor of two weevils.”
Lost: Exactly so. One candidate reminds me too much of Germany in ’33. [Not in detail, for many procedural, economic, historical, and other reasons.]
C1 is a rabble-rouser, and appeals to the worst in the electorate. The man who ghost-wrote C1’s Art of the Deal, which C1 denies but is documentable, now deeply regrets having done so, and says [again documentable] that he would rewrite it now as ‘The Sociopath.’ If C1 [and civilization] survive a 4-yr. 1st term, I think we will by then have become a fascist nation. C1 is a demagogue, as was the leader of what was to be, in ’33, a 1,000 yr. regime [it lasted 12 yr.]. One difference is that said Leader had an attention span [C1 hardly does]. They were/are both racists and misogynists. Neither that man nor C1 was reliably rational [witness Operation Barbarossa], but C1 is more reliably unpredictable. I do not want C1’s finger on the Button.
C2 is not the best candidate we’ve ever had, though better I believe than many who became POTUS. C2 is not a socialist; C2 defeated a socialist. Neither C2 nor her opponent for the Dem. nomination could turn this country socialist, not even as socialist as Sweden, because Congress, even if both houses had Dem. majorities, would not let that happen. We are so far from that, it’s pathetic. The USA, for instance, is the only major country that does not have nation-wide required paid parental leave during a child’s first few months. All the so-called ‘socialist’ measures of the last 8+ decades still leave us far to the right of most ‘developed’ nations of the ‘free world.’ C2 also owes nothing to the Religious Right, which is no friend of democracy.
Any vote other than for C2 is a vote for eventual fascism. I realize this is political, and leaves me open to being banned from this site. Too bad, no apologies, it is patriotism as I understand it. With all its warts, I still love this country. It may not be ‘Great’, but I want it to remain as great as it is.
Peace, emb
Considering moral issues while having pedicure done, not so far fetched. Bet Secret Service has to do waxing now for either candidate. And spray tan inspections.
Given the efficacy of Congress over during Obama’s term, I don’t see them ever standing up to C2. She will get everything she demands, else the media will lambaste Congress. OTOH, C1 will be curtailed when he goes off the rails.
Peace from me. I am worried about all those hay bales I passed on my 6000 mile journey. They all supported same candidate. All they needed was orange spray to double as Halloween pumpkins.
On a personal note a political difference didn’t keep me from loving my husband all those years. And I doubt he cared about politics of whom he slept with.
Politics makes strange bed fellows. Who said that?
William Shakespeare in the Tempest, an adaption.
Charles Dudley Warner on subject of his strawberry garden in summer of 1829 in book
Dear emb, Your view of the candidates is well reasoned and perceptive. I feel the same way about them and have all along.
Thank you for posting your well thought out comments. There is a whole lot more I’d like to say but I don’t have your literary skills, so I won’t.
Love and good wishes to you and all the Villagers, and special wishes to people in danger from Hurricane Matthew!
I see lots of discussion here. I was reading the last 50 comments hoping to find some discussion on the cartoon named Arlo and Janis, specifically, Does anyone understand today’s comic?
Hi, Miss Charlotte! Glad to hear from you.
James, I think it has to do with the shape. Arlo must be thinking that Ludwig’s face will fit it without leaving him room to spill food. I don’t think it would work though, because his whiskers would touch the sides when he tried to eat.
James, strange but we seem to leave the suppositions on what comic means to TDS, the dark side, on go comics. Unless pokies are involved usually. In which case we have an authority.
We tend to move onto deeper, darker woods unless we get side tracked by the light and frivolous. But we render opinions when asked.
Me, I think it looks like the Weather Channels Cone of Uncertainty.
Miss Charlotte, happy to see you. What’s the foliage situation up there like?
James: If you really want to get a discussion going, just mention food!
I’m puzzled by todays A&J also.
Foliage: local wasn’t bad. Introduced scarlet maples were splendid. Lotsa yellow / poplars. Been windy, so many trees are bare. Oak leaves [mostly brown, some dark red] don’t have a dehiscent layer, so tend to hang on until late winter or spring, unless wind is real strong.
Sorry, we don’t have sassafras or beech.