A short poem today, for a short post. This is from 1996, 20 years ago this month. Someone asked me about this strip in an email the other day, wanting help finding it. At the time, I wasn’t sure where to look, and it was just as well. I would have sworn I drew it no more than 10 years ago. Yeek.

Busted Flush
By Jimmy Johnson
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354 responses to “Busted Flush”
My spots are bigger. Much bigger. I hope they all fade
Jackie, think outside the framework: the spots aren’t getting larger – the irregular places between them are getting smaller! Perhaps those places will go away in a day or six….
Yes, this is also somewhat a haven and a place of support, both worthy characteristics. From time to time I have received support here and appreciated same.
Good morning Villagers
Trying to adjust to this keyboard as compared to the old one. Have to type slowly.
Ian got sick at work, had to go in and relieve him. So today I’m taking off. Going to Sheriff’s Dept. and pick up my report to take to Walgreens tomorrow.
Cold outside, 43 degrees on my front porch.
Hello, Miss Charlotte, are you doing well?
….and yes, I am going to exerciser my right to vote. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
Have a blessed Lord’s Day………Amen
GR π slowly, but surely they are all coming back to me.
Wanted to hear this this morning…..the song remains the same today as it did then
GR π sometimes…like today
43F? 30 here, first solid frost on W.C. this yr. Probably light frosts in low spots earlier.
About a month later than when we first moved here from Ann Arbor in ’58. First frosts, of course, fluctuate, but growing season for veggies runs about a month longer than 50 Y.A. No longer have a garden.
Perfectly normal to abstain when you don’t know / particular office or issue. Patriotic to vote for better of two candidates or proposals. Are there any ‘perfect’ choices?
Livecam highlights at Orcalab. Many birds above what may be whale disturbance of seawater. Close expl ore. Peace,
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/orcalab-base
A different Orcalab webcam. Close expl ore.
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/orcalab-rubbing-beach
Want an English muffin at least. Will forgo the Egg, crab cakes and hollandaise sauce. And the cook.
Awake but taking meds with the muffin and going back to sleep with dog and two cats. Cold weather has set in when cats migrate.
Morning, folks!
I laughed at yesterday’s strip. π I could just see my brother doing that. It isn’t necessarily that the thing could be used as another and look cool (rather modern-art-ish, wasn’t it?). It was the “think about it!!!” and the hand motion/pointing to his head. Trying to convince a level-headed wife that his outside-the-box idea was brilliant. And you just know he’s going to fail! And he’ll put it back, shake his head and walk away.
Jimmy is so good.
On a couple days reflection I believe I would rather have a face lift than a knee replacement. I could enjoy the results a whole lot sooner.
And frankly, no matter how bad my knees look on x-rays, I have adjusted to the pain levels and losing weight has made them bearable. I suspect orthopedist painted bleak picture to discourage me, feeling I will not get those clearances a second time from that pack of specialists.
Of course I’d need them for a face lift too.
I’m back…..dropped Ian off at work (he’s working alone), took overnight guest home, picked up my Sheriff’s report and discovered a new solitaire link π
Love my new laptop…
GR, you can’t have date died on your headstone as August 16th….that’s my birthday….
Oh, yeah, that’s right. OK, I’ll try to hold off until the 20th. π
Debbe π Forty-three degrees on your front porch? Geez, hon, did you move to Mars and not tell us?
Actually, cooler temperatures have reached the Deep South as well. I walked outside about sunset yesterday afternoon to check something about Bullet (well, OK, I’ll admit it; it was just to *look* at Bullet; yeah, the new hasn’t worn off for me, as we say down here), and I felt something was amiss. Then I realized it was that the normally still oppressive heat of that time of day was missing. About danged time.
Yes, the Village can be a very comforting and supportive place, something I have experienced on more than one occasion. I attribute that to the fact that have an unusual number of empathetic folks here…not to mention just plain nice ones.
Oh, and I’m going to make this the watchword for my life. It once was, reflexively, but things have changed recently. Now I need to work toward it.
“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” Luke 12:25, New International Version
For a good example of the type of folks we have here at the Village, read Llee’s bright and cheerful (and preceptive) take above of the Saturday A&J cartoon. Do they have that over on The Dark Side? Noooo. There they have a commenter that complains that Jimmy’s cartoons are not always so simple that the point is immediately obvious, and so hilariously funny that he doesn’t fall down laughing every time he reads one of them.
Given the choice (which I am), I’d much rather hear from Llee.
emb, frost on the W.C.? Is the heat out in your bathroom?
Ghost, I’m with you. I’d rather hear from LLee as well. And I wish she would share some of her art with the folks here, as well as on FB.
And if you knew Llee personally, as I am blessed to do, you would know what a beautiful and remarkable woman she is. I look at one of her iris paintings every time I open my eyes or sit up in bed.
Not only is it beautiful it reminds me to shut up, get up go on with my life because I know a woman so brave and courageous who makes me laugh like a school girl through her pain. Sorry, Llee but you inspire me darling.
Temperatures dropped into 40s here too. It’s 68 right now. I guarantee pokies.
Going to put those three chicken carcasses remains into a large pot to make base for chicken vegetable soup. Think I will stay up awhile and slice and dice for soup.
Someone needs to go get okra and peppers and some green beans out of garden. Dickens is too short.
Yay, pokies! Perhaps that will make up for the dearth of sundresses throughout the past season.
I was able to successfully attach my new soundbar to my new “old” TV. Which makes it much easier to hear all those annoying football commentators. But the music channels sound great. It just goes to show…you can’t have everything.
Wait; why can’t you?
Could something similar be done with that high definition it ion large screen in my living room if one had an electronic savy person working on it?
Well, I suppose what I am wearing looks like a sundress e ought. I am going out in yard to cut zinnias, dahlias and other flowers for the kitchen table.
You are right, I cannot recall sundresses anywhere I have been all summer. In fact, I would say a definite lack of fashion almost everywhere I went.
What has happened to women? They just seem not to care any more.
I like that in today’s strip, Janis does not say she is going for “a” walk. She says that it is her walk, indicating this is something she does for herself. How many of us carve out a little chunk of the day and say “This is for me?” Janis does walk with Arlo sometimes, but you know she would go for her walk even if he wasn’t along. Thank you for making Janis that way, Jimmy.
I can remember when sundresses with shoulder-baring elastic tops and above-the-knee length hemlines, along with fashionable sandals, were de rigueur for summer weekend shopping trips by females ranging from high school girls to young matrons.
Good times.
Hi, Li’l Smigz. Your are correct, of course. I know married couples with one partner that refuses to be separated from the other at any time. Perhaps not surprisingly, none of marriages is what I would call successful.