I said I would finish my thoughts about pens. A felt pen doesn’t work as well for me as a dip pen and India ink, but I do not mean to generalize. In the hand of many talented cartoonists, a felt pen can render wonders. I think of the best felt-pen art as loose, with bold lines, interesting textures and rich shading, marvelous to behold. However, having come of age in the prime of Peanuts and Beetle Baily and Hi & Lois and BC, I guess I’m more of a line guy. I think my educational background as a reporter and editor played a part, too. When I started, many years ago, I thought of the drawing as a necessary evil, a means to a greater end. This was a mistake on my part, but I have learned and developed. I’m proud of that, but it’s all moot anyway. Young cartoonists starting out today draw with a digital tablet!

Finish Line II
By Jimmy Johnson
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140 responses to “Finish Line II”
You might check out these in TX for mail order, too.
She might just make it after all….She did!
Who Steve?
Thank you Mark.
Ghost, I have a 42DD sports bra that advertised for that but is laces and sheer fabric that pokies definitely show through and tee shirt. That is why tee shirt bras sell, women denying you pokies with “light padding”.
Oh, I am wearing some yoga pants that looked a lot better before I regained weight. I wear them to remind myself of that. And for some reason a brand new Airforce Hoodia that I seem to have bought mysteriously, which is OK. Going to gym. That bra is on me.
R.I.P. Mary Tyler Moore. You will be missed.
Dang tiny screens
Just getting ready to post that. When Betty white dies we should have a national day of mourning.
Tom’s comment explains Steve’s.
Betty White should be officially designated as a National Treasure before she passes.
Agreed. I want to be Betty White when I grow up..
Loved the Black Stallion books! Well, I guess I loved (and still do!) all horse stories.
Other possible for the Mustang: Black Beauty,
emb, I’m so sorry for your losses today. They must both have been people who touched many lives, and the world will be poorer for their passing.
Ginger, I think the roots of “moot” come from meetings which were held to discuss or review things. Maybe from Germanic or Anglo-Saxon?
Mary Tyler Moore. Heaven’s going to be a little brighter from now on.
“Everybody either wanted her as wife, a mom, a grandma or a friend. The dictionary illustration of a million dollar smile.” – David Burge (iowahawkblog)
And yet she struggled with so many demons of her own. I did love her. Wore my hair just like hers, loved her style and that perky personality.
’emb, I’m so sorry for your losses today. They must both have been people who touched many lives, and the world will be poorer for their passing.’
I’ve known the Austads since they first came to BSU, and, yes, Chuck and Ann have been a blessing to BSU and the community. While Chuck was still up to it, saw them often when working out at Peak Performance. [Not its official name anymore, but there is the First Amendment.] FLC’s Assoc. pastor is doing the funeral; she and her husband are among those who have adopted me, and she is one fine preacher.
Dave has been our custodian for just a few yr. Works part time for BUMC and FLC, and is about as obliging and diligent as we could ask. Delightful guy, and some of you would appreciate what he’s done w/ his Mustang and another car. Never met his wife; believe she was already cancer-ridden when Dave came on board. Such a pleasant guy must have had a neat wife.
Somebody yesterday posted some laudatory comments re me. To the extent that they are valid, Elaine deserves lots of the credit, maybe most.
One peace is all you get. Happens when I go back and forth and don’t see what’s at the bottom.
My condolences for your losses as well, emb. They were obviously good people who will be missed.
So sorry, emb. As we get older, those losses keep coming.
Thank you, folk, for the comments. Don’t have a lot of time and /energy but I lurk when I can. Job is still challenging, and, most of the time, fun. Unfortunately today was not one of the fun days! But the main reason I am not here very often. . It is so darn hard to write on my phone! I am beginning to think that I will never get back Internet service.
But be assured that I still love my A&J buddies !
(This is in reference to your post about the range of Bubba in the previous thread.)
I thought that that was most likely it, but I wasn’t sure.
By the way, I should mention that I have found a fair share of Bubbas in many states.
Of course, to be fair, I have also found a fair share of elitist snobs, some of them in my own family.
It all balances out, I guess.
Sometimes, I wonder in what category I fit, but I don’t ponder it too long because I long ago passed the point of even caring a jot about that.
This week has not gone well. Today’s mess was my fault, but believe me, if I would have known moving a rack would have busted my store’s water main, I would have left it alone.
Also, I have the “See your memories” option on on Facebook. Most if the time, it is good for a laugh. Today marks the third anniversary of mother’s admittance to ICU with the pneumonia that killed her. I always strongly consider turning the notices off until after February 3rd. What stays my hand is reading the happier memories on those days – there is no joy without sorrow.
God bless you. May you cherish your memories of your lost friends just as we all do.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Lady Mindy: I’m sure there is one of your inimitable stories behind how moving a rack ruptured a water main, but I don’t have the heart to ask for details.
Rick: Bubbas are all over; they’re just called different things in different places. Most of them get an undeserved bad rap, and mostly from those elitist snobs you mentioned, come to think of it.
Along those lines, one of the nephews of my deceased friend with whom I had dinner last evening has a PhD in behavioral psychology; his daughter is an RN in the Recovery Unit of the state’s largest medical center; one son recently passed the bar exam on his first attempt and is a working attorney; and his younger son scored a 35 on his ACT test and will be valedictorian of his class this year. And yet, I’m sure there are many of those elitist snobs who, knowing nothing about them other than where they live, would automatically consider them “fly-over country rednecks”.
Myself, I’m a live and let-live kind of guy, whenever possible.
1) Ginger, “moot” has more than one sense. Here’s the one Jimmy was using: “of little or no practical value, meaning, or relevance; purely academic.” This describes a matter about which one might argue, but argument is pointless (due, e.g., to some deadline having already passed).
2) Remember when Brandi Chastain celebrated winning the 1999 Women’s World Cup for the US by pulling off her jersey, revealing her sports bra? There was a Tank McNamera cartoon about it: http://www.gocomics.com/tankmcnamara/1999/07/27
I miss Jeff Millar who wrote all the story, dialogue for Tank . I was a fan long before the strip began. He has died of cancer. Jeff loved cats too.
Jeff had a great sense of humor.