I said I would finish my thoughts about pens. A felt pen doesn’t work as well for me as a dip pen and India ink, but I do not mean to generalize. In the hand of many talented cartoonists, a felt pen can render wonders. I think of the best felt-pen art as loose, with bold lines, interesting textures and rich shading, marvelous to behold. However, having come of age in the prime of Peanuts and Beetle Baily and Hi & Lois and BC, I guess I’m more of a line guy. I think my educational background as a reporter and editor played a part, too. When I started, many years ago, I thought of the drawing as a necessary evil, a means to a greater end. This was a mistake on my part, but I have learned and developed. I’m proud of that, but it’s all moot anyway. Young cartoonists starting out today draw with a digital tablet!

Finish Line II
By Jimmy Johnson
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140 responses to “Finish Line II”
Yes. I think they did , the little old lady from Pasadena, but I don’t have a mean bone. Funny bones maybe.
For those interested;
This is what a steam locomotive boiler looks like
before it is rolled and then before it is riveted together.
The WW&F will be riveting to show how it used to be done.
Included is a summery of the “21 Campaign” for 2016
Keep following on fb – the guys like to know their work is appreciated.
Photos go back over 7 years for those really interested.
Funny bone it is.
You will have to carry White Gardenias in the cup holder.
GN All
I fully agree.
I have seen those attitudes in action.
If you want to read a short, interesting book on the subject, consider reading “Snobbery: The American Version” by Joseph Epstein.
It’s masterfully written.
Old Bear:
Thanks. Please keep posting the steam locomotive and train links.
Have you decided upon the size of the engine?
emb – Yea! Good to see you, man!
Kenyan river has really dwindled. Must be dry season. Likely not deep enough for hippos to submerge in. Hope they’ve found a deeper pool, but imagine it’s crowded. In ’87 [I think], Elaine and I, on safari, saw a larger one, and there was lots of fussing. They have impressive teeth. Probably the source of the biblical ‘behemoth’.
I seem to recall reading a few years ago that hippos are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other wild animal. By trampling, if you are wondering.
I’m going to try to make that my last reference to death or dying for awhile.
[Critical Analysis or Creative Writing gild make some money from the Trump bubble details can be altered to alternative facts thanks ] = reminders /overnight posts.
Critical Analysis or Creative Writing: Interesting. At Cornell, took only Freshman English, got Bs both semesters. Was scared of essay tests, for fear that they might not be graded ‘objectively’, but did well on them. Likewise did well on term papers. At U Mich, as grad student in zoology, did much better than I expected on 12 hr. [2 days] qualifying ‘blue book’ exams. So-so doctoral thesis, but my adviser [good writer and editor himself: Jour. Mamm. ed., author of Peterson FG to Mammals, & Mammals of Michigan] told me I should write lay-level mamm. bks. In USAF, was asked to write ‘play’ for off-duty AFRES groups to illustrate various particulars re retention, promotion, longevity, retirement. Hack work, and I had nothing to do w/ the acting, but heard it went well. Some place in my 20s, finally dawned on me: ‘Self, you write and teach well and like doing it.’ Wrote one book, a few articles, letters to ed., etc. Also married an eventual English major As mentioned earlier, taught an expository writing course / biology majors + a few other interested students, always w/ Strunk & White, ‘The elements of style’, as one of 2 texts. Present avocations = contribute monthly essays to The Bemidji Pioneer, copy-editing for BUMC, and teaching when I can. Am doing a sermon in late Feb. / my favorite Apostle [guess].
Yes, ‘gild the lily’ is now common usage. I say ‘paint’ just to wake people up, then explain.
‘make some money from the Trump bubble’ and ‘alternative facts’ [coined, I believe, by a Trump aide] are things I now shy away from, given current circumstances. Grateful that two of you brought them up, and that two others wrote that you are glad I’m still here. At 87, so am I.
emb you are one of the remarkable octogenarian who have clearly retained your memory and mind clearly functional. You are blessed for that is unfortunately not the norm.
While I often do not always completely agree with you I am also glad you are still with us. One does not have to March in lock step to be friends.
Love and peace.
I love the written word. A retirement goal is to attend some writer’s workshops, just for personal enrichment. I don’t plan on any kind of writing career, but one never knows…
Many of us are probably at are or nearing the point where we are glad to be anywhere. 🙂
Rick I really like the Ecoboost engines and that is what I asked for. I will see what they found.
They said there were few black Mustang convertibles to be had but they found one or two.
Woke up with sore throat beginning. May sleep a little more.
Ghost did you just mention the word “retire”?
You of course know Mississippi lays claim to many of America’s most amazing fiction writers. Something in the water.
Why is it that I love men who love the written word? Always have, always will.
And articulate it well. I write words that seem to come at times from a second person, just appearing like a Ouaji board guided by my finger tips.
Jackie, Old Bear, and Ghost, Mateus Rose, Ripple wine, and Mad Dog would make for quite a picnic!
Jerry, keyboard art makes me think of the typing exercises in high school that resulted in a picture of a Christmas tree.
Jackie, wasn’t Debbe’s Dad going to have a medical procedure? Did she say if that has happened yet?
Yes, he is back home and fine as far as I can tell. Prostate pressing on erethra I believe. He is simply very old and problem is if he goes into a home he must pay from his own assets. Medicare won’t pay unless it is for rehab and they liquidate assets to pay for costs.
So it means trying to allow them to live at home which requires someone stay with them.
Jackie, I checked out what the State of Oklahoma offers for personalized tags and discovered there is a choice of about five background colors. The alphanumerics, like Henry Ford’s Model T, can be any color you wish, as long as it is black. So black on white would work, I think.
Alphanumeric characters are limited to seven. A “space” and a “-” are considered characters, with no other punctuation allowed. You get to make four choices, in order of preference, in case some are already in use. (Perhaps Glen could check that for you before you apply.) These came off the top of my head.
(I didn’t us JAK in any of them because it seemed to me that might be confused with JAKE.) Perhaps this can be a village contest.
You might also consider JAQI.
Not a cowboy horse and probably not a good name for a car but my favorite horse was Seabiscuit. He was small but tough. Citation was another good one. I remember listening to him win the Triple Crown on the radio,1948, in the pre-television days. Whirlaway was a close second.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
When I was pitching suggestions for a name, Jackie said she would rather not use one with the word black in it. So take that into consideration as you ponder.
I suggested Night Rider before realizing that had been a TV show about a car. Then I had to explain it to Jackie because she didn’t watch TV. (I didn’t watch that show either, but did know what it was.)
Ah…so she likes the name “Black Jack” for the Mustang but not a tag for it with the word “black” in it?
It this day and age, I’m not sure if I would want to personalize my plates. Mine are my Ham Radio call sign and if someone was road raging against me, they could try to look me up. Of course I’ve moved since I renewed my license, but if you had an easy to remember plate, someone might know that it is your car and possibly do harm to it.
Am I overthinking this and being a bit too cynical?
I am not opposed to the word black unless it would offend others. Not afraid of annoying white supremacist but rather people of color. I had considered the limited letters and that I would have to shorten.
Mark it was use of Black alone as a name, not in combination.
Tony my workman plays Blackjack professionally and he counts cards. He loves name.
So do I. I own a Seabiscuit already. It is 26 feet long in my back yard.