I said I would finish my thoughts about pens. A felt pen doesn’t work as well for me as a dip pen and India ink, but I do not mean to generalize. In the hand of many talented cartoonists, a felt pen can render wonders. I think of the best felt-pen art as loose, with bold lines, interesting textures and rich shading, marvelous to behold. However, having come of age in the prime of Peanuts and Beetle Baily and Hi & Lois and BC, I guess I’m more of a line guy. I think my educational background as a reporter and editor played a part, too. When I started, many years ago, I thought of the drawing as a necessary evil, a means to a greater end. This was a mistake on my part, but I have learned and developed. I’m proud of that, but it’s all moot anyway. Young cartoonists starting out today draw with a digital tablet!

Finish Line II
By Jimmy Johnson
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140 responses to “Finish Line II”
My lace and lycra sports bra held up just fine for gym. I don’t think you are supposed to wear this one outside clothes, it is pink.
Building back up to 30 minutes each at mid intensity rate on three machines. Made it to that on one but not on other two yet. Just part way.
Ghost, I am going in to Tulsa tomorrow to talk to dealer and try to get a deal worked up on Mustang. I will consider after market bling tonight some. Open to suggestions.
Still thinking of pony names. Tornado would work up here.
Hugs, Mindy. You are one wonderful gal.
Thought of Binky to name car but that was a white horse.
Actually, Jackie, I sort of think that add-on bling for a back on black on black Mustang convertible would be gilding the lily.
Condolences emb. Also I respected Mary Tyler Moore for her ability to fight her personal battles and still have a wonderful personality and ability to work on worthwhile causes.
GR6: Since Villagers are basically friends, and it’s better to have a friend tell you something is unbuttoned than have a laughing stranger do it, ‘gilding the lily’ is a mish-mash. The notion is that it is pointless to ‘paint the lily, or gild refined gold.’ Shakespeare, King John, Act 4, Scene 2.
My favorite BSU English TA taught me that one, actually long before she filled that role so well, back when the kids were young, or maybe even before we were married. BTW, I’ve no other acquaintance with that particular Shakespeare play, nor with most of his others. Henry V, Hamlet, Macbeth, Tempest, little else. High school, and team-taught freshman Honors course, where Mike Field was the Shakespeare expert.
P.S. Midsummer night’s dream, w/ Mendelssohn’s music, LP records. Stanly Holloway played Bottom, the weaver, whose head was turned into an ass [Hee-Haw sort]. Delightful.
(I) don’t think adding anything to that pic you posted would be an improvement.
Was looking at wheels – but even they are just right – IMHO.
Well maybe a satellite dish so you were NEVER out of contact with the Village.
Diablo was The Cisco Kid’s horse. (“Oh! Poncho”)
With hot dogs: Ripple wine.
MTM was an Honorary Minnesotan, NEWS tonight did a nice piece tonight.
Ghost, even chrome wheel lips?
You are probably right. It isn’t a pimp mobile. Just a granny pony.
I warned the young salesman he was dealing with a much older woman, not to be shocked when he met me. He answered I hope truthfully that I did not talk or sound like a senior citizen. He was shocked I would say.
We used to paint and gild anything that could be pried off a Lincoln, door latches, bumpers, windshield washers, lock frames. Gold. Gold. Gold in those hills and valleys of chrome.
Thanks for honesty. I like that.
Wait until that poor salesman sees me in person! Which person will I be?
These are some of horse names that have made it to final cut.
Black Jack, Thunder, Diablo, Tornado, Beauty,
Any others?
Have read a great deal about old Cowboys and their horses.
True, emb, which I learned from my English professor in either Critical Analysis or Creative Writing (he taught both courses) more years ago than I care to remember.
“To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw a perfume on the violet, to smooth the ice, or add another hue unto the rainbow, or with taper-light to seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish, is wasteful and ridiculous excess.”
Still, I believe “gild the lily” has perhaps become a more common and quickly recognized idiom than “paint the lily”.
OB/Smigz: I was gonna go with pairing Mad Dog 20/20 with hot dogs. Even if it doesn’t work, you probably won’t remember later that it didn’t.
Jackie, I’d suggest your femme fatale persona. He won’t know what hit him.
For the Mustang name, I was actually going to suggest “Black Jack”, if you didn’t mind the double name. And of course there were two famous Black Jacks, the Western movie horse formerly-known-as-Thunder, and the “riderless horse” that followed the caisson carrying JFK’s casket to Arlington.
That is a really common joke, especially among those in the wine industry and food service. I would include Ghost in that niche market group.
Have been wracking my brain on answers I have heard, some serious. When we used to sell Mateus Rose I think that was a serious answer, the picnic wine.
Think some fruity and spicey white German wines were also serious answers. Of course if it was a chili dog, I have no idea.
Going to bed or at least lay down.
Black Jack is my favorite.
Never owned a vanity plate. I am entitled to a handicapped plate, never had. Thinking of getting vanity plate.
Hard to be a feme fatale at my height. Oh wait, I will just wear some knee high boots and leggings, sweater, coat. It is going to be colder tomorrow.
Granny in Leopard leggings. Nah! But leggings.
New strip. That’s REALLY funny!
I’ve a few stories left, myself.
I’m glad to see that emb is still with us. I kind of have an idea where Debbe is, but I haven’t seen Mindy from Indy recently. Keep in mind that I now read about 10% of the posts these days.
Debbe is fine as she can be, given being out of work at her father’s house. I talk to her every few days on phone.
Mindy from Indy is with us. She stopped in today. She is on Facebook too. She has had much illness in family and friends and horrible working conditions.
Glad you are with us Jerry. How are YOU doing?
__ __
O We start building the wall tomorrow. Don’t forget your hammer.
Keyboard art! Oh well.
I’m busy trying to make some money from the Trump bubble while I can while also working on several other things.
You just need an audience who has never heard them,, Ghost. That way it’s all new and details can be altered to alternative facts.. Of course it helps if audience is experienced in ooohing and aaaahhing in admiration and appropriate amazement.
My vehicle registration ladies follow me on Facebook and live vicariously through my adventures. They are quite upset by Trigger but I think they will like Black Jack.
Didn’t the Jan & Dean have a song about you? – though I think they mistakenly
thought you came from Pasadena.
They got the mean part wrong also.