I said I would finish my thoughts about pens. A felt pen doesn’t work as well for me as a dip pen and India ink, but I do not mean to generalize. In the hand of many talented cartoonists, a felt pen can render wonders. I think of the best felt-pen art as loose, with bold lines, interesting textures and rich shading, marvelous to behold. However, having come of age in the prime of Peanuts and Beetle Baily and Hi & Lois and BC, I guess I’m more of a line guy. I think my educational background as a reporter and editor played a part, too. When I started, many years ago, I thought of the drawing as a necessary evil, a means to a greater end. This was a mistake on my part, but I have learned and developed. I’m proud of that, but it’s all moot anyway. Young cartoonists starting out today draw with a digital tablet!

Finish Line II
By Jimmy Johnson
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140 responses to “Finish Line II”
That’s my argument against a personalised plate, Steve.
Just looked at Ghosts list. The first one is one I had decided on to use, my name in full and Blk.
My father was Jack, his name, not nickname. My grandson is Jack. I am specifying it go to him if I die or become unable to drive.
My great grandfather was known as Jack but not real name. My great uncle was Jack for whom my dad was named.
Before I married I was known as Jack or Jacque often, not Jackie. I did not shorten it. My friends did.
It is reason I never did personal plates, especially the one fellow emoyees advocated “MONEY” and “MONIES”.
I was a heck of a salesman. My nickname was JACKIE MONEY.
I replied I had already been kidnapped once. However I am not sure Blackjack.would encourage that.
I have long message from Debbe but running late for my appointment.
There are some valid arguments against auto tags that are too distinctive. In Jackie’s case, though, both she and a black on black on black Mustang convertible are probably already about as distinctive as they could get. 🙂
On a more serious note, something that drives me out of my mind are the stick-figure decals on the rear windows of SUVs and minivans that are labeled with the names of dad, mom, and each of the kiddies. It’s like a shopping list for pedophiles. What are they thinking?
They are not thinking of course.
You know I am doing well mentally when I come out of camouflage and make myself very visible.
Of course I am expecting to learn to shoot my own gun or at least pepper spray a bear.
On way to Tulsa. My doctor highly approved of car choice. He likes me.
Here is song from Debbe for Ghost. She sang this song over and over all during your friends service. A Cappella
My Sweet Lord. Youtube is not letting me post.
Mark or someone else could you please?
Actually, Jackie, since your Mustang is black on black on black, you might consider HOTBLAK and let the other drivers puzzle out the reference.
‘Am I overthinking this and being a bit too cynical?’ Can one be these days?
One can have a bit assertive / distinctive plates w/o revealing ID. MNDOT has a ‘chickadee’ checkoff [1]. For a slight extra fee, your plate has a picture of a loon, woof, or other wild critter, and the $$ goes to MDNR for things I’m willing to trust that gubmint agency to do. Mine has a chickadee, Poecile atricapillus. [2, 3]. # on plate is run-of-mill, and I don’t remember it. Should enter in my datebk [4]. Makes it easier to find my car among the eggshell Priuses, which are not rare.
I’d post a YouTube thing here, but would be in trouble. Contains ‘alternate facts’.
Thanks, Jackie. Knowing Debbe, I know the song.
Tell her that if she’d known my friend, she would know how perfect that was. And that they would have liked each other a lot.
JACEZ HRS. Just an idea. Not sure that I can make it to Mexico by tomorrow so you can start without me.
Personalized license plates I have had:
DRUMCAR (my son used my car to carry his kit from gig to gig)
For a Vibe that I still have but no longer have this plate: OSCILL8
3BOBCAT (because Mrs. Rick, our son, and I went to OU)
And I have one now for my Camaro. I’ll keep that one a secret until I retire the plate.
Found a cartoon that I think shows how a lot of us are feeling right now – let’s see if I can get the link to work.
Apparently not
We’re having a productive winter, especially at Utah’s ski resorts:
OK, I found the cartoon elsewhere.
Yeah, R.A.; I opted for sanity.
Sent you a post that disappeared. I ended up buying an even hotter 2017 black stang out of Wichita, KS. The first 2016 that we went over and agreed on got sold today! So, we found a second one in Alabama.
Got better equipped 3017 for not much more . Sorry Ghost.
Black on black on black. 2017
Whatever ever suits you tickles me plumb to death. 🙂
Awaiting pix.
Would this be it, Jackie?
There is also BLK 21
or ..21..
I will have to look at my paperwork when I get home. I signed off on everything tonight including transport. That is dealer and they had one convertible.
Sitting outside Walmart with a Diet Coke and only 15 miles from home.
I made my shrink laugh a lot. He thinks I am funny woman with a lot of character. He says he totally believes my specialists would keep me as a patient for the entertainment value. He also wants me to write a book. Veeery intereeesting.
He totally says I should have bought the Mustang instead of boats.
Oh, he loves the name too.
Or ..J.A..
The other way not so good
That goes for the ..AJ.. also