A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

By Jimmy Johnson

How’s your Yiddish this Valentine’s Day? Actually, when I was an unremarkable boy growing up in a southeastern mill town, I had quite a little vocabulary of Yiddish—or German—words, although I didn’t know it. Klatch. Bagel. Kvetch. Schlemiel. This was, of course, because television production in those days originated almost exclusively in New York City, and those early productions owed much to Vaudeville and even used many of the actors and comedians from the Vaudeville circuit. They made the outside world seem like such an interesting place! Then, it all moved to Los Angeles, and it didn’t seem that way anymore.
I know I have been scarce of late, but I’m recovering from the dreaded “flu-like illness” which has plagued me for what seems like an eternity. Updating a Web site doesn’t exactly tax one’s physical limits, I know, but an instinct for self preservation seems to kick in that prioritizes sitting in front of the television and having someone deliver a steady flow of soothing warm beverages. It’s working! I am recovering, thank you.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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116 responses to “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Welcome back, Debbe! Those are two of the best cheezburgers yet ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    When I was growing up, my mom often said she would know Orlando had gotten too big if she ever went to Morrison’s Cafeteria and didn’t see anyone she knew. She and Morrison’s have been gone a long time and the downtown she knew would probably be barely recognizable to her now. I guess it’s not too big yet – well, yes it is – because we still have that small world thing going.

    I reported for jury duty this morning and was put on a jury; we heard opening statements, and then we went to lunch. After lunch we were told there had been a mix-up scheduling witnesses and the case was being dismissed. Before that happened, on the way to lunch, a few of us got to talking and we realized that one of the guys had worked with Bob and my brother many years ago at a local TV station. Then the other woman who ate with us said that her daughter had also worked there. Made me smile – so did getting home early.

  3. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    A reunion! Is it odd to worry about people that I don’t “know”, that I’ve never met? I do, so I guess maybe I’m more than a little bit odd. Sandcastler hasn’t been in recently. Does anyone know how Simply Fargone is doing? Mindy & John from the old days?

  4. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    One of my favorite “strange” sayings that I enjoy telling people is “Didn’t we go to different elementary schools together?” I am sure that everyone here went to different grade schools, but we share a common bond. a togetherness.

    There are a few friends of friends that I have never met on Facebook, but frankly I feel closer to them than anyone I know. At least there I can get an occasional picture or video of the “stranger”. There are a few that have slipped the cloak of anonymity, but for the most part, if we were in a crowded reception hall, we would not know each other from Adam. Of course once we opened our mouths….

  5. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Simply is doing well. He looks good, has found a great love, has an interesting life and from all appearances is happy, happy, happy.

    And is quite loved it appears.

  6. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    I am so glad that Jean and Debbe are back and doing well. It was good to see cheezburger again. Debbe, how goes the battle with the demon weed?

  7. Llee Avatar

    And Jerry…how are you?
    Ghost, the cake turned out very well ๐Ÿ™‚ I saved a good-sized piece for myself and sent the rest down the road to my sister’s family. Report from this morning said it was half (3/4 including my piece) gone. As the teenage boy was home, I imagine it is completely gone by now. It is great when the cooking turns out well.

  8. Smigz Avatar

    Trapper Jean and Debbe both back! NOW it is a Happy Valentine’s Day!

  9. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Would you believe that I dreamed of you guys last night? Ghost, Jackie, and Debbe; probably others; can’t recall anything more specific, you know how dreams melt away in the morning. What a thrill to see these dear friends today! Delighted to see Debbe’s lively posts, and so glad Trapper Jean is okay — I was worried, like everybody.

    I was going to say, last night, to David in Austin that I well remember the rocky time after the transplant and how concerned we all were. It took a long time for you to feel really better and as though you were on the road to recovery. Glad you are feeling so good now!

  10. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Here is my contribution for the Village and those who make it special. Much love from here.


  11. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Debbe and Jean -oh happy day!!!!!

  12. Ghost Avatar

    The latest issue of Food Network magazine (a gift) arrived in the mail today. It’s tagged “The Italian Issue” and of course the cover features a big photo of toothy, toothsome Giada, wearing a thin blouse with 40% of its buttons undone (the math was easy to do), and preparing some, ah, kind of food, I guess, I don’t really remember.

  13. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Miss Charlotte, thank you for the kind thoughts! It has been an interesting few years. I’m glad things are approaching a more even keel. (Threw that nautical expression out just for you, Jackie.)

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    What, you don’t feel like you’ve been keel hauled now?

    The admiralty must be pleased to have you back in service.

  15. Ghost Avatar

    Debbe ๐Ÿ˜‰ P&PHS recommended a group called Mumford & Sons while you were away. You might check them out. She also told me about this lady, saying she did lot of covers with some originals, and had a beautiful voice. That seems to have been the case.


    She died in 1996 at age 33.

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Home again-! Heading down highway 9 toward house, tub and bed.

    But I had a really fun Valentines Day. The best part is I wasn’t arranging roses!

  17. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Ruth Anne, my iPad is rather less than a year old. I wouldn’t have chosen an Apple product, but I won a gift card in a raffle (I don’t gamble, but was automatically entered as a subscriber to a Public Radio station. They were fund-raising and the gift card was donated as a prize.) I was thrilled to win a $500 gift card and decided to get the iPad, which I never would have done otherwise. The store only sells Apple things. I sure have had a sweet time figuring out how to use it, with some family assistance; but the family isn’t here most of the time! I’ve always used Microsoft and that’s what my desktop PC is. Has given my Senior Citizen brain a great workout, a good thing doubtless.

    There is How to Use the iPad available but I can seldom find the exact thing I need help with, and when I do, or just noodle around, it might as well be written in a foreign language. Obviously you and Bob are more experienced than I. You are sure to choose tablets that are best for your needs.

  18. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dear Old Bear, thank you for asking about our blizzard. Yes, the weather was awful, for two days and nights. Thank goodness I didn’t have to go anywhere, and daughter Nancy got through the snow all right and brought needed groceries. (I am careful to keep well stocked up, so would not go hungry even if snowed in.) Many people lost power, couldn’t go to work, schools were closed; but it could have been much worse.

    Wasn’t it you who commented that your son lived for a time in Deerfield NH? Did you visit him there? It’s only 15 miles or so from my home in Derry, though it’s farther by road. My father lived there as a boy and remained very fond of the town and the people; it’s still quite rural, whereas much of Southern NH is built up and much changed from its rural character. I believe that strict zoning has kept out supermarkets, housing developments, big-box stores, used-car lots, pizza places and fast food drive-ins, tattoo parlors (Derry is a paradise for the latter, and I’ve gotta say, the other features I’ve just listed.) I mean, Deerfield doesn’t have them at all, and I haven’t inquired how they were kept out. I will ask my cousin, he probably knows. Where does your son live now? And if I may ask, where do you live? Oh, we have a lot of snow on the ground, maybe a foot? My tenant Tim has been heroically shoveling my long driveway. He shopped for me today, with my list and money, and got the requested Nestles Dark Chocolate Morsels. My favorite, and just the thing for Valentine’s Day. Glad that Derry does have supermarkets.

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Happy Valentine’s Day

  20. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Mizz Charlotte

    Talked to son today – he too said about 12″ but he works from home so did not have to go out.
    Other than clean walk.

    Yes! We have been to Deerfield a very nice rural area. Went into Manchester a few times.
    Son now lives in Concord not far from The Capital.

    I live south of emb west of The Twin Cities

  21. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    GM Debbe
    Always admire your humor & fortitude.

  22. emb Avatar

    MDNR eagle cam is now live.


    Don’t know if an egg or chick is under that bird.


  23. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    A great reading joke in today’s rerun of “Breaking Cat News.” It’s during an episode of “Our IX Lives.” Kit has just joined Angora on the balcony… You climbed two stories?” “I’d climb a whole novel for you, girl.”

    Tune in here for more: http://www.gocomics.com/breaking-cat-news

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Happy day after Valentines. The day worse than the actual day, the first day of complaints begins. Florists nightmare.

    Me, I had a great day. Good morning.

  25. Smigz Avatar

    Ever notice how the silliest little things can make a day better? Sun shining through a window, a squirrel in the yard, a flower by the roadside…Jimmy and the Village do that for me. Thank you all!