A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!


By Jimmy Johnson

I’m an old sports writer. That is, I was a newspaper sports writer a long, long time ago. It was fun! I was a young man, and I actually enjoyed it for exactly one year. Then, the seasons began to repeat, and I found myself asking a new cast of teenage athletes the same old questions. Just like that, it wasn’t fun anymore. Soon began an equally brief career in public relations. That wasn’t fun, either, but at least everyone with whom I had to interact was fully clothed. Now, what brought that up? Oh, yeah! I turned on the NCAA men’s basketball championship game last night and watched a bit. It looked like it was going to be a stem-winder between powerhouse North Carolina and underdog Gonzaga, but I’d gotten up early Monday morning, and I went to sleep. I woke up today to the unsurprising news North Carolina had won. However, it seemed half the accounts were about Gonzaga’s disappointment or Gonzaga’s frustration or Gonzaga’s failure to win or (I didn’t see this word actually used, but it was liberally implied.) Gonzaga’s shame. I know how it is to try and make the outcome of yet another athletic contest interesting when it all boils town to one team scoring more than the other, but it’s gotten out of hand. Sure the young men of Gonzaga feel badly, but now the story of Gonzaga basketball becomes one of a struggle for redemption. At the risk of zagging off on a tangent, I can’t resist closing by saying, as an alumni of Auburn University and therefore a titular fan of our basketball program, LMAO!

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142 responses to “HGNV”

  1. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    We here in the Village grieve for you and your family, Steve.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Pulling winter clothes out of master bath closet and Packing them up for Warehouse storage. I am wearing shorts and a sleeveless tank so I doubt I will need anytime soon.

    Keep finding more sundresses and haven’t made it to the sundress closet. Trick is losing enough weight to wear! Janis Time in Tulsa!

  3. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Very sorry to hear that, Steve.

  4. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    I don’t like laughing last. I prefer just smiling smugly.

  5. TruckerRon Avatar

    My condolences to those losing good people in their families.

    Regarding semis tailgating: My employer would forgive a few speeding tickets, but not tickets for tailgating. Those who couldn’t maintain a safe following distance had to find someone else to work for.

  6. TruckerRon Avatar

    As for mermaids, there’s always a few for rent:


  7. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    So sorry, Steve. I know you have a strong faith, and that will see you through. Prayers for you and all the family and friends.

  8. Smigz Avatar

    Steve, I am so sorry for your family’s loss. Great men are greatly missed. You folks are in my prayers.

  9. Debbe Avatar

    Good evening Villagers….

    Steve, I am sorry to read about the death of your brother-in-law. My sincerest sympathy to your sister and her children. So glad they got to say goodbye to their father. It’s going to be a long journey home. You and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers….Amen.

    ….good night, and God bless

  10. Debbe Avatar

    Hello Gal, good to ‘read’ you. Doing well, I pray. Stay posting more often…we miss you.

  11. Debbe Avatar

    Went to the visitation at the funeral home for my Dad’s neighbor. And yes, there rested above her left shoulder was the remains of her dog ‘Bo’. The urn was white with black paw prints. Tammy was not alone in her return home.

  12. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 are you feeling any better???? Sending waves of prayers.

    ….now, it’s good night…put Dad to bed….and Debbe too.

  13. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Credit where credit is due. A broken clock is right twice a day. Steve, I’m sorry. My mother was breathing, but had no pulse. That lasted for about an hour.

  14. Ghost Avatar

    Steve: My deepest condolences to your sister and her family. And also to you. As one who has lost his entire immediate family over the past few years other than my brother-in-law, I well know that they are “family”, too.

  15. emb Avatar

    Steve: Sorry for your loss. Prayers. emb

  16. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Thank you to everyone who expressed their condolences. John was a good man. Once at the end of strawberry U-Pick season, he noticed that there were still a lot of berries on the vine. So he called the mayor’s office in Fort Wayne and asked if there would be anyway that they could arrange to have the disadvantaged bused out to his farm and they could pick the berries for free.

    He also brushed up with several celebrities over the years. He met Lorne Greene at an event and when Lorne saw Big John he said “Hoss”. A few years ago, he was on vacation/conference and held the elevator door for Christopher Reeve. He then had a very nice conversation with him. I can’t recall what he said, but that night Chris gave a speech at the conference and shared the story about meeting John.

    Before my hair turned silver, it was dark and I had horned rimmed glasses, my nick name was Clark Kent. I always thought the world of Chris and had a connection to him. The year of his accident and the year that he died I carried a Superman pendant that I had given my wife when we were dating.

    Yes, Debbe, that WILL be a long trip home. I reminded my wife of my return from Italy with food poisoning and I told her that was much easier than my sister’s trip. I am guessing that one of her daughters will be able to travel back with her. Her car is in my garage, so she will have to drive it back to Fort Wayne. When we prepared to move, my sister did a lot of cleaning and sorting herself, but there are still a lot of unfinished business that she will have to take care of.

  17. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Steve, sorry to read of your family’s loss.

  18. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Sorry for your loss – but as long as we tell stories about them
    our loved ones never leave us.

  19. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    I have found that my depth of grief is equal to the love that I have for the one who passed.

    You undoubtedly had a special relationship with your brother-in-law, one that too many people never have with their in-laws.

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Good morning all. I just woke up and birds are chirping outside my windows like mad. Dickens is cuddling on my hip after scratching as madly as the bird song.

    Have to call pest cotrol to come spray a third or is it fourth time for fleas. And extract a cat out of my house. I got it out of my master bath closet but can’t get it out front door.

    Joke with my employees was we’d throw a cat in, let fleas jump on and throw cat back outside. Not funny.

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Decided it is too early.

  22. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    For those on Facebook and others I suggest that you do a search for 11 year old boy kills himself after his girlfriend puts a prank picture of her fake suicide online. The only picture is the boy smiling in a happier time.