Here’s more from the “wild art” file. Another project that never got off the ground. Or never left the dock might be a more appropriate metaphor. Look at Janis’ foot—I didn’t know I could draw feet that well! This was drawn about the time of the two pieces in the previous post. For the hardcore sailors among you, the cockpit is a fairly realistic depiction of that on a vintage Tartan 27 sloop I once owned. It was a tough little boat. I sold it to a friend, and it was lost in Hurricane Katrina. Just to illustrate how bad things were, the boat at the time of the storm was in a Bay St. Louis boatyard, “on the hard” as they say. This means it was on dry land, supported by jacks. Still, it was swept away and never seen again.

Lost at Sea
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Lost at Sea”
I am very sorry for your friend’s loss, Lady Mindy, but I am happy you are safely home.
I”ll echo Ghost. Indy Mindy, such a shock it must have been
Just tried to get a forecast on The Weather Channel and found them running a show titled “Secrets of the Earth: Gravity”.
Shhhhh…don’t tell anyone.
Your 24-hour outlook from TWC: A hundred percent probability of falling objects.
In my opinion neither Indiana nor Alabama would enjoy a closer proximity. Anyone care to take bets on whether The Last Ship will have a second season on tv? I know that I’ve lost interest. Stephen King is said to be working on a sequel to The Stand. Look for that one in your local landfill soon.
Good morning Villagers….
Indy Mindy, I am so sorry for your friend’s loss of her mother. So sorry. A prayer that you two are safely home (as Louisville is a concrete puzzle) and for your friend……..Amen.
Emb, you’re so funny…and that’s good. Can you explain why they chase the “red” dot?
OK..told you about the new Verizon cell phone tower that went up about three miles from me. Wellllll…’s 4G or something like that, and my old cell phone won’t pick up it’s signals….anyone here care to enlighten me on this? I am not happy!
Happy Caterday…………….
GR π
may favorite red dot:
….and then there’s a rude awakening:
Jerry…there’ a new Stephen King movie on tonight….ya going to watch it? Forget what channel though.
Mindy for Indy: Sorry for your friend’s loss. What a shock! Loving prayers going out to you and your friend.
Debbe π 3G means “3rd generation” and 4G means “4th generation”. As you’d guess, 4G is newer. It uses different antennae and equipment with different frequency on a tower. 4G is faster and can carry more data than 3G. (If you have a 4G smart phone, that would be a “good thing”. If you still have an older 3G cell phone, not so much.) Newer phones should be able to work on either 3G or 4G. (Mine does.) Older “3G-only” phones would only be able to use 3G service off a cell tower.
So your older phone is probably 3G only, and the new tower in your area apparently supports 4G only, meaning Verizon has decided there are not enough customers in that area that are still using 3G phones to justify their expense to provide both 3G and 4G service on the new tower. (And they have decided they don’t mind p.o.’ing all their customers like you with older phones in order to save $$ by not having dual equipment on the new tower.)
At some point, carriers will likely decide it is not in their interest to continue to provide 3G service at all (and there might be 5G or 6G or whatever by then). Sort of like the decision MS made about Windows XP support.
Does your phone not work at all now, or does it just not have a better signal now that there is a new tower nearby? If the former, you phone may have a problem. If the latter, the new tower must be 4G only, and your phone is still having to operate off the same, further-away 3G tower as before.
Here is my new favorite “red dot” photo:
Hey, I’m not anonymous! I know exactly who I am.
I know that’s aggravating, hon, but $#!+ like that happens all the time in communications as the tech improves. A couple of years ago, I bought a new radio scanner because I knew that in this post-911 and post-Katrina era, emergency responders were changing over to digital comm systems that are interoperable. The main system in this area has changed over but has also encrypted their signals, so that my scanner will not detect them. I basically now have a $500 Uniden paperweight on my desk at home.
I gave up on The Last Ship after about 3 or 4 episodes, because I felt like I’d seen it before. So I don’t know if Captain Kirk, ur, Captain Chandler, ever escaped from the Romulans, ur, Russians, or if Mr. Spock, ur, XO Slattery, had to come rescue him in a shuttle craft, ur, RHIB boat, and get him back to the UFPS Enterprise, ur, USS Nathan James.
And Stephen King is going to write a dystopian novel? What a fresh new idea! You hardly ever see any books (or movies or TV shows) about TEOTWAWKI. Oh, wait. Tell me again, what was the premise of The Last Ship?
1. Mindy/Indy: thoughts and prayers. The shock of wife’s death, just 12 days after diagnosis of acute leukemia, was hard on lots of people. Actually, she and I handled it well, all things considered. But others who had seen her up and around in Oct. or Nov., not looking all that great perhaps, were blown away. Those 12 days at Sanford Health Fargo were 17-28 Dec, which have become me the 12 Days of Christmas. One manages, esp. when surrounded with lots of love and support. I was and still am.
2. As usual, I’m out of the loop. What red dot do cats chase? They probably chase it because it’s brightly colored and it moves. Were it an equally bright green dot, they’d likely chase that, I expect.
MS is always sending out updates. Isn’t Explorer an MS product? Why can’t they update it as they update whatever it is they’re changing as well?
No! TWS told the SECRET? Man, are they in trouble now….
emb, the red dot is the output from a small laser pointer. most cats (and some dogs) will chase the dot trying to catch it.
see example here:
Good morning, Villagers. All going smoothly here. Ten mile run this morning, and rounds went well. Office is clogged with allergy sufferers, I must have given ten shots this morning already. “I want Dr. X’s miracle shot.” No prob, lady, we buy it by the case. π
Ghost, I agree, dystopian novels are a dime a dozen. Reminds me of when my dad took me and my mom to see “Waterworld” and they flashed a sign up at the end, urging parents to answer questions from their kids with a handy-dandy answers card provided in the lobby. My mother asked me concernedly if I had any questions: “Yeah, why were they so dirty?” “What?” “The waterworlders. They were all dirty and they were surrounded by water.” No satifactory answer was offered to my ten-year old self.
Indy Mindy, I am sorry for your friend’s loss, and so sorry your trip ended on such a sad note.
On comics, I know about Mythtickle, but for some reason have just never started reading it. Maybe I should?
I read Pibgorn years ago, but gave up on it because of Brooke’s wandering story line. I’m about to that point with 9CL. If a comic is supposed to have a story line then please get somewhere with it instead of dragging on for so long I forgot where it was going in the first place.
Lily, when my kids asked me that question I told them that nobody wanted to bathe in salt water, and getting the salt out of the water was too hard and expensive. That answer worked for them.
“Mommy? Mommy! I have a question about Waterworld the movie. If the melting of every last bit of ice on the Earth would raise sea level by about two hundred feet, where did the rest of the water come from? You know, the water that would submerge our house in Denver and everything else on earth but the top of 29,000-foot tall Mt. Everest.”
Good luck, parents, with selling your kids on the idea that climate change could change Earth into a “Waterworld”. Science, people, science.
TJ, that might have satisfied me as we had visited the seashore and I hated getting the salt water off my body and hair.
Heh, the DS is going on and on about the “glacial slowness” of this arc. What are thy comparing it to? I don’t personally know of a strip that moves with lightning swiftness over an arc. I suspect they are comparing it to the joke-per-day, like *shudder* “Garfield.”
Debbe, You know that car wreck that you have to watch although you don’t approve of it? It comes on at 7 o’clock and I just might cheer for Notre Dame.
According to an article I read in National Geographic, the annual rate of rise in sea level over the past 20 years (although accelerating compared to the previous 80 years) has been just 3.2 millimeters a year. So I think any kiddies who were terrified by the possibility of Waterworld conditions occurring in their lifetimes need not worry too much, no matter where they live.
Except perhaps in New Orleans. And they don’t seem to worry too much about anything there. Could give a whole new meaning to the term “Mardi Gras float”, though. π
And of course, those on The Dark Side are always getting exercised and all lathered up about something. On The Bright Side, I suppose it does show they are continuing to read A&J, else they wouldn’t be making that complaint.