Here’s more from the “wild art” file. Another project that never got off the ground. Or never left the dock might be a more appropriate metaphor. Look at Janis’ foot—I didn’t know I could draw feet that well! This was drawn about the time of the two pieces in the previous post. For the hardcore sailors among you, the cockpit is a fairly realistic depiction of that on a vintage Tartan 27 sloop I once owned. It was a tough little boat. I sold it to a friend, and it was lost in Hurricane Katrina. Just to illustrate how bad things were, the boat at the time of the storm was in a Bay St. Louis boatyard, “on the hard” as they say. This means it was on dry land, supported by jacks. Still, it was swept away and never seen again.

Lost at Sea
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Lost at Sea”
JJ, bet you could peddle that to Jimmy Buffett
I guess I’m with Arlo on the TV remote. Except more so. The remote I have (from the cable company) has 42 buttons on it (not counting the 10 “number” buttons. Of those 42, I have only used 12 of them. Ever.
I was looking at the “Lost at Sea” vignette (above) when I had a thought…I wonder what Janis would look like if drawn by Brooke McEldowney of 9 Chickweed Lane. Must have been the outstanding job Jimmy did drawing those legs. 😉
Lily, if I’d been at that bar when the lights went out, I’d have just figured I’d passed out.
Lily, thanks for the reminder on the poem. That was one of my mother’s favorites. I remember it because she kept it inside the cover of her Bible.
This song speaks to me. And what it says to me is, “Deal with it. Carpe diem. Live for the moment, as much as you can, because one day you won’t have any more of them.”
Lately, I have needed that reminder.
My pet peeve is people that can’t tell the difference between HD and standard definition TV. I have watched football games with a 10 second delay on my laptop rather than suffer through the fuzziness of SD. I have since figured out how to hook up my laptop to the TV.
When my mother-in-law moved, the cable in her condo was paid by the association. She got a regular box and when I got up to help her the cable company said that they would charge her to hook up the new box to get HD channels. Since she was already happy with her setup, I decided that she did not need HD. When I visit, I just get closer to the TV.
ghost, here’s a photo you might like.
Thanks, Mark! Even without googling “Molly Teal”, I suspect I may know how she earned her daily bread.
Talk about making the dead rise…
Good golly, Miss Molly; wishing we could lolly.
Loon and I will be off towards New Orleans early AM. Will be at Tulane University for two days of educational exchange, guessing this is like a software update. 😉
My son ran the Detroit Marathon Sunday and finished with a time of 3:23. Since it was his first marathon, he had to be pleased, but humbled. When he finished he told that the last 8 miles were so difficult. I told him “Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt numerous times!”. But I added: “I also ran a couple of races were I really ran my best that day. You’ve raced before and you are smart enough to figure it out”
A lot of runners never really figure out how to get faster as it is so much harder to do that most accomplishments in your life. Since I had to quit running in 2006, I had never gone back to a marathon. I cannot tell you how much that I miss it. But I do have some great memories and plan to run/walk a few 5Ks. Just enough to keep the joints moving, but hopefully not hard enough to jar them. Right now 3.5 miles a day walking is doing me a lot of good.
Oh my, sand. N’Orlins…where I always want to go when there’s serious studyin’ and learnin’ to be done. NOT. N’Orlins is also a good place to get your hardware updated. Or so I’ve been told.
Perhaps you won’t have too much trouble finding something good to eat there. 🙂
GR6, you think there might be a good non-chain eating place in N’Orlins?
Update on my recent lack of phone service:
This morning, I actually got a handset out to the back of the house, undid the box, and plugged in the handset. Not a peep nor dial tone resulted. Good – that meant the problem was outside the abode and, hence, AT&T’s problem. I used the phone number available on the ‘net to phone it is – a slight adventure in itself – between 10:50 and about 11:10. They promised a serviceman would come Wednesday afternoon to see what was what and to remedy whatever was wrong. OK. The MBH and I went to a church meeting at 12:40 and returned about 2:15 to find the phone ringing. I answered and heard nothing at all. Replacing the phone got to the usual set of faulty messages on the main piece ( “Check line cord” and “Extension in use” are the favorites.). Trying to see who/what had called, I managed to get the normal message and then a dial tone!! There was service again, and 2 days before Wednesday. A few minutes later a pleasant chap rang our bell and introduced himself and said that he had found nothing at all wrong with the line and that he had been the caller upon our return home (so why did he not say something?). Our service is, apparently, back to normal. That may or may not be good, for it means that whatever caused the outage a week ago still has not been fixed; will it recur?
The adventure in getting to a person was enhanced by the inevitable menu entries NOT all doing what was being listed. At some level, I remember #5 seemed to be applicable to our problem, but pressing on #5 merely got a repeat of that menu! A few rounds of that and similar on a different menu caused my to hit 0 in the hope of finding a human. The 0 worked and it was smooth going after that.
Thought you might be interested. I thank you for your input. [Yes, I used a borrowed cell phone to call it in.]
sand, try to check for latest local news.
“me”, not “my” in 3rd line up. Sheeesh.
Indeed, Jimmy, that is a good-lookin’ foot…
Just FYI, CEP, the box where the phone lines come in and connect to your building is called the NID: Network Interface Device. As a general rule, if you have a signal at the NID, the fault is inside the house and your responsibility; if you don’t, it’s up to the phone company. The same thing goes for Internet connectivity if you have (as I do) ADSL. If you can connect your modem to the NID and surf, it’s up to you to call in an electrician to trace the fault; if you can’t, it’s up to the phone company.
At least, this is how it was back when I did tech support for a major ISP, but I doubt that it’s changed since.
For the birders among you:
Good thing I looked at this before hitting Submit. I’d put a greengrocers ‘ in birders. “There is no good writing, only good rewriting.”
Peace, emb
1. Miss Teal confirms my mantra, “> a handful is wasteful.”
2. “I wonder what Janis would look like …” [Above.] Reminds me of the cover of ‘The New Yorker’ for Sept. 22, 2014. Look at it closely. I wonder what she would look like from the front.
You can see that cover at
You’re welcome. emb
It appears to me the redhead on the New Yorker cover is being koi.
I call her Jean. 😉
Hmp, I suppose this falls under the category of “what else causes abdominal pain and nausea?” but that woman looks like she has had her nose broken and cauliflower ears. I know, I know, “The point is the intricate tattooing and we’ll get back to you when you have sold a cover to The New Yorker.” >:(
reminds me of a groucho marx song. “Lydia, oh Lydia, have you met Lydia?”.
Trapper Jean, here is my opinion on the eye surgery. I have known one person who had permanent benefit from it and he was still in his 20’s when he had it done. I am one of the many people that I know who had little, if any, improvement. My surgery was done by a promanent doctor in JJ’s alma mater. We made many return trips and, on several occasions, I overheard him telling patients “This happens in about one per cent of the patients.”
haha, I am only in the 8th decile.
I think I’ll have a drink on that!
Koi? Think there is something fishy that GR6 is not telling us. 😉