Here’s more from the “wild art” file. Another project that never got off the ground. Or never left the dock might be a more appropriate metaphor. Look at Janis’ foot—I didn’t know I could draw feet that well! This was drawn about the time of the two pieces in the previous post. For the hardcore sailors among you, the cockpit is a fairly realistic depiction of that on a vintage Tartan 27 sloop I once owned. It was a tough little boat. I sold it to a friend, and it was lost in Hurricane Katrina. Just to illustrate how bad things were, the boat at the time of the storm was in a Bay St. Louis boatyard, “on the hard” as they say. This means it was on dry land, supported by jacks. Still, it was swept away and never seen again.

Lost at Sea
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Lost at Sea”
I’m probably in the Fifth, no pun intended. I think those top decile folks are the ones about whom we used to say, “I didn’t even know he/she drank until the time I ran into him/her when he/she was sober!”
Look again. The woman has nothing on, as far as we can tell from the back. There should be a front view on the inside front cover, but there isn’t. ‘Playboy’ used to do things like that.
Lily, I don’t like her nose or ears either, and am not much pleased by the artist’s style. But the illusion is neat.
Peace, emb
Difficult to say based on the physical evidence…just because the dress plunges to her waist in back does not necessarily mean it does so in front also. The artist has conveniently used her right hand to block the view of any protuberance which might settle the question. Personally, I take that as the artist’s intent to let the viewer decide, and I suspect none of you will be greatly surprised by what I have decided.
My eye doc tells me I have nascent cataracts in both eyes. Hopefully I will live long enough for it to become necessary for her to surgically correct that. I’ll have to wait to see (no pun intended) if I will need corrective lenses afterwards. One good sign…My Mom had hers done several years ago, and she not only does not wear glasses at an age when many would have trouble seeing anything at all without them, she has 20-20 vision in one eye and 20-25 in the other.
I was going to post a comment earlier, but for some reason I was unable to access the comments section for a while. When the comments section reappeared, I found my name was no longer appearing in the comments box. I wonder if the fault lies with my server? In any case, the comment I wanted to make a bit back concerns the story arc of Gene and Mary Lou going to Paris. I was wondering if anyone else in the village thought that Gene may run into Ruth (remember her?) when he goes to Paris. I seem to remember that the Arlo and Janis strip had a short series in which Gene and Ruth talked about going to Paris to study (actually, it was only Ruth who was talking about going to Paris to study). Anyway, I hope this comment goes through because I’m curious as to whether anyone else had the same thoughts, and also so I’ll know I am cleared to post again.
Good morning Villagers….
Good golly, Miss Molly…..loved the comments made under the pic, especially the one that said she looked like his third wife and he’s only been married twice π
GR π you’re slipping….Nodak’s second post definitely would be eye candy for you…
faninjapan…I vaguely remember that story line, maybe some of the readers here can bring up a date, I remember Ruth, but you pose an interesting query (there’s ya a $50 word π )
Mark…you’re starting to capitalize….hand improving?
Worked my scrawny butt off yesterday….no help, packed, stacked and wrapped 204 cases all by myself (there’s a song there)…24 cases per skid…I’d do it again just so I wouldn’t have to listen to my sister-in-law’s _itching.
ya’ll have a blessed day
This you’ve got to see….
Oh, and GR, I knew today’s strip would “draw” you out π
Better than some:
Peace, emb
I’ve never been accused of being koi before! π Also, I would not shave the sides of my head that way. I’ve seen it done but it just doesn’t appeal to me.
Jerry, that’s the thing, if I could get over my paranoia that just as the doctor got the laser thingie to my eye he’d sneeze or hiccup and that’d be all she wrote there’d be the fear that I’d be one of the small percentage of patients it wouldn’t really help.
Good morning, Villagers. I have been trying to make time to post this morning, but it has been too busy! But it is settling down now. The pollen count is going down, maybe the hay fever will, too. We got to watch The Boss Of My Life do a needle sinus aspiration and culture. Looked like a movie torture. Six shots this morning and counting, I still hear sneezing and nose-blowing in the library.
Before I had my cataracts removed, Ghost, I was excessively nearsighted and had astigmatism. Now that I have ocular implants, my astigmatism is gone, and I’m slightly far-sighted. My ophthalmologist was a tad disappointed because she didn’t quite leave me with 20/20 vision, but I’m fine with it. Yes, I need reading glasses, but the local 99Β’ Store carries them, so it costs me almost nothing to have a pair for use, one in the glove box for emergencies and another with some other stuff for a different kind of emergency.
The Mn In My Life went from practically blind to 20/25 in his left eye. But the road was a pretty bumpy one
That is, without a doubt, one of the loveliest pieces of pen and ink I have ever seen.
Put that up on ebay, and it’d go in a heartbeat.
Just sayin……
Good afternoon, villagers.
I just finished up a lunch of reheated pineapple pork chops over Cajun rice. I made the original last night and it heated up pretty good today. Way better than my usual lunch of a frozen/nuked burrito.
I’d love a nap about now but have meetings instead.
That’s one talented puddy-tat, Debbe.
Great minds, Bryan… I had reheated beef and veggie stir fry over rice noodles for lunch.
I had a nice fresh banana sprinkled with Grape-Nuts and a half-pint of skim milk!
Lilyblack, that sounds good but I’d have to have buttermilk. Don’t like the taste of plain milk for reasons I won’t explain.
If this happened to me I probably would never eat a banana again:
Dear Fan in Japan, I can sort of explain why your name disappeared from the “Leave a Reply” box; you did nothing wrong. Perhaps accidentally, the “cookie” that makes it possible for us to see this site and recognizes who we are, got deleted. This happens to me and I usually don’t know why. But you can type in your name again, and AutoComplete will finish it for you, maybe, when you begin typing.
Yes, your comment came through all right; maybe no one else noticed. As for Gene’s long-ago friend, I doubt that we will ever see her again … I could be wrong. No, it didn’t occur to me that Ruth might show up, when Mary Lou talked of going to Paris; I do remember Ruth well, for I have been reading Arlo & Janis for … what, twenty, twenty-five years? Since it first appeared in the Boston Globe. And JJ has reprinted some of those stories over the years, too.
I’ve long wondered / Ruth. I’d hope that by now she’d found ‘M. Right’ somewhere on the Left Bank, but maybe she’s been through several companions of one persuasion or another by now. ‘The French don’t care what they do actually, as long as they pronounce it properly.’
GR6: ‘. . . the dress plunges to her waist in back does not necessarily mean it does so in front also.’
That’s nice, but ‘the dress’ in back is actually untattooed skin. No textiles show. She’s nekkid in back. Tattooed or not, there are still unclothed naughty bits in front, either here and here or there, unless something is glued to her skin in front. Like the artistry or not, it is one clever cover.
Coincidentally, in 9CL, Marlene and friend are also headed to Paris.
That’s what I thought too, emb—that there was no dress, just tattoos.
Just got back from Texas’ first plywooden boat show, which was also its’ first wooden boat show so far as any of us know! We all had the flu (guessing) and exposed hundreds of others, not on purpose. Mom had her first 911 attack, meaning we were up on raised condos on stilts (hurricanes) and her 93 year old system was not up to climbing. Scared the heck out of us but impressed the EMTs no end after she recovered and passed all the tests, said her heart and system was better than theirs.
So, we dragged our infamous “stuck in the mud” in Florida Bay in Everglades Red Scamp down and sat mostly and sold books about her to benefit the American Cancer Society fundraiser. Our friends dragged over 100 similar small craft there and for a first year effort it was a huge success. Actually, that would be a huge success for any year!
Jimmy, that is a fantastic, fantastic sailing tee shirt if I ever saw one! And your feet are great. I see nothing but good in that drawing. Please include it in your tee shirt selections and I will personally drag them to every event we go to in 2015.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, good to have you back. Glad you had a good time. I had a good time here, but then I always do π