A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Movie Moves

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Yesterday it was Milk Duds, and today it is popcorn. I sure hope they’re going Dutch! I’m running late; I have to go draw new cartoons now.

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274 responses to “Movie Moves”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    Here’s a bit of trivia from IMDB about that production:

    During filming of Oberon and Titania against a raining backdrop, one of the young men operating the hoses (to simulate rain) was so distracted by the nearly nude beauty of Judi Dench that he lost track of his hose, which blasted Ms. Dench and Ian Richardson into the adjacent lake, from which they had to be rescued by the crew.

    I just recalled just how much my little brother was fascinated by what bounced and how much there was bouncing when the fairies ran about the screen. 🙂

  2. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    TR, 1968 was the year staged nudity was in full undress. I recall going to Hair at a London West End theater that year. 🙂

  3. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Can’t remember where I came across this link – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/10409420/The-best-internet-radio-stations.html You can listen to all sorts of music from all over the world, for free, and brush up on your foreign language skills at the same time.

  4. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Sat. TIP BlogSpot isn’t bad: http://thatispriceless.blogspot.com/

    Peace, emb

  5. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Ruth Anne et al.: We had an Old Vic LP with Mendelssohn’s incidental music. Two whole LPs. Stanley Holloway was Bottom. Moira Shearer? as Titania, xxx Helpman? as Oberon. Heard it lots of times. Holloway was excellent, as he was of course as Mr. Dolittle in MFL.

    Peace, emb

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Guess those dreams I was having so horribly may be like those Lost plots. Just took my blood sugar which was 42. No insulin for me and maybe I need a big glass of orange juice instead of this Diet Coke. Or maybe a REAL Coke.

    Am eating a pimento and cheese on WW sandwich with the Coke but probably need a sliced orange or a glass of OJ. I have both now. In fact, I could be rescued many times over provided I am awake and alive.

    Jerry, I want you to tell me how you attended a car show where I assume you were showing one and you had died the previous month.

    I thought Judi Dench was most attractive wearing body paint. I do love Shakespeare and also opera and ballet, so have seen more than one version of the plot. But I had been floored when Texas had English interpretations of opera along with the language being sung in.

    Then I swear I went to a Shakespearean presentation where they used same thing to “translate” the language to Texan. I may have made that story up but they do use it now to translate Southern dialect on the reality shows into English.

    Love, Jackie

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    When I started doing window displays seriously and studying it, I became a fan of a dying art form. One of most brillant I ever saw was here in Tulsa at Miss Jackson’s, a very Rodeo Drive kind of place. They had entire floors of windows covered in colored fall leaves and the wood nymphs and fairies were rising from the forest floors through the leaves and the mannequins were totally covered in fall leaves and nothing else! Body parts coming out of ground!

    Neimans did one along same lines once using hundreds of thousands of monarch butterflies because I sold them some of the monarchs.

  8. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Added two delicious oranges to lunch and am up to 97 now. Of course, I never know if I am to now take the insulin or not? Good question for specialist whom I am seeing this month.

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Remembered Hair also, Sand. Now I can’t remember why we were all “shocked” but I also do remember being shocked at a big screen closeup of a giant nude breast (ok give me awhile and I will remember whose it was and movie) in wide screen cinemascope in the earlier 1960’s. I actually didn’t know what it was when it first came on screen across entire screen.

  10. Denise in Michigan Avatar
    Denise in Michigan

    Jackie, I’m glad you got your blood sugar up quickly! And also glad you’ll be seeing a specialist soon. If you don’t have an appetite for regular meals, perhaps frequent nibbles would be more appealing.

  11. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Jackie, sounds like an encounter of the breast kind. 😉

  12. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Denise, that is what I am trying to do actually. I have some kind of virus/nose running and fell asleep but it wasn’t for so long I thought. Plus I am learning to check blood sugars before I fall asleep and just as soon as I wake up. I won’t fall asleep if it is falling actually. Who out here has plunging blood sugars or has had? I am testing so often now the insurance company will think I am addicted to poking myself!

    I know, whole grains and a small amount of protein to hold sugars more constant. I went and bought Glucerna snack cookies/granola bars and shakes too, plus an assortment of protein bars and drinks I can use.

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sand, it was Ursula Andress’ breast in “The Blue Max”. The oranges restored the blood sugars to my brain cells. In 1966 and I did not know that was considered one of top 100 war films of all times. I just remembered the breast!

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    So, I am reading IMb and the top tag lines were nudity and breasts. I must not be only one.

  15. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Ok guys. I’ll keep it as short as possible but for you to understand I have to tell you some history. Along the way I won’t give my last name but chances are that someone will realize that they know me. Shortly after I moved to Pensacola in ’85 I happened across a car show and asked someone if there was a club involved. Thus I met Robert Beck who was a wonderful friend for many years. I joined the Panhandle Cruisers and over the years held every office in the club. Yes I do have a 1972 something. We enjoyed having a place where we could gather every Saturday night, talk and look at everybody’s cars. It wasn’t limited to the club and grew to be a pretty big deal. After a few years of moving around we found a shopping center parking lot which included a fast food franchise and it worked well. In the early years of my involvement I volunteered to play music at these gatherings. It started out with a table, some basic equipment and cassette tapes. Eventually we had a large trailer, great equipment and I had a very large collection of cd’s. Now keep in mind that I did this for a long time, over 12 years at the shopping center alone. I played just about every style and era of music, but not just the ’50’s because they heard that everywhere else that they went. To be honest I was constantly asked to play at weddings, etc. but I rarely did that. I did play at the Strawberry Festival and such. My playing for the club was voluntary and I just did it because I enjoyed it and, frankly, I didn’t want to listen to someone else’s music. Now to back up a bit. The only name that I shared with my father was our middle name. I am not a junior. We were also not a common name like Smith or Jones. I’ll skip the details, but after moving to the next county I discovered that there was a man that lived there that was my father’s age, was also retired military and had exactly the same name AND his son was only a couple of years younger than me and had the same name as me. I never met either one although I did meet Jerry’s sister once. Since my phone was unlisted I asked her if he got calls for me and she said all the time. After all those years of playing music I decided to retire from that and club politics were not going to suit me either so when I stopped playing music I also eventually dropped out of the club and stopped going to the get togethers. Yes, eventually I saw in the obituaries that Jerry’s father died. One day a couple of years later I surprised to find my name in the obituaries. It was short but mentioned that he liked old cars. I expected a few phone calls there were none until a friend of mine in Tenn. called me and said that he had just received a call telling him that I had died. Since I had just talked to him the day before he informed tem of their error. In the meantime, as part off their monthly newsletter they included a glowing obituary of my fine years of service to the club. Well, I couldn’t pass up on that so I showed up and walked around observing the dropping jaws. I then went to the music trailer and manned the microphone. I can’t remember it all but basically I said that I wanted to thank the Panhandle Cruisers for their kind expressions of sympathy on the occasion of my having recently passed away. I knew that I hadn’t been feeling well, but My God, I had no idea it was that serious. I thought that it was only fitting that I play the following song in my honor and I played “Prop Me Up By the Jukebox”. That’s it.
    od, I had no idea it was that serious.

  16. TruckerRon Avatar

    Don’t tell my wife, but I’ve fallen in love with the darkest beauty ever:

    Lindt Supreme Dark, 90% Cocoa Bars.

  17. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Whoops, where did that come from?

  18. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Just looked up “The Blue Max.” Don’t recall seeing it, sure Ursula would have left a lasting brain imprint. Did notice in the still shots that she never goes anywhere without her towel. 😉

  19. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Jerry – That is awesome! And excellent song selection I might add. 🙂 I would have loved to see everyone’s expressions when you came rolling in. My grandfather shared his name with three other fellows in Fort Wayne. He and the one gentleman had enough similarities that the two kept casual contact – either to give the other a head’s up if something major had happened, and be able to give directions to the other’s home. And to my knowledge, they never did ever meet each other in person. It delighted me to no end as a child to see my grandpa’s name on the list of numbers on the wall with other important numbers.

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Isn’t Lindt wonderful?

  21. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    My great aunt called one evening and obviously she had first tried to get my number through information. When Jerry answered she asked if he was so and so’s son and of course he said yes. She said that they had an interesting conversation for awhile.

  22. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Husband was a big fan of both war movies and breasts.

  23. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl


  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Was supposed to say he loved that Cary Grant line to Grace Kelly, in reply to do you want a thigh or a breast? that he was a breast man, “To Catch A Thief”. Might as well have a little class here.

  25. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Nobody here but us chickens, eh Debbe?