A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Movie Moves

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Yesterday it was Milk Duds, and today it is popcorn. I sure hope they’re going Dutch! I’m running late; I have to go draw new cartoons now.

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274 responses to “Movie Moves”

  1. sandcastler™ Avatar

    “The Breasts of War” The titillating story of a lost infantry squad and their accidental liberation of a French brothel.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Who remembers “Cheyenne Social Club”? One of my favorite Western movies. I should look that one up, speaking of liberation of brothels.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    How could I not remember The Blue Max? It featured fighter planes and Ursula Andress’s breasts. She did seem rather fond of her towel, didn’t she? And I’m sure it was quite fond of her.

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I do remember that it was based on the Red Baron tales, just as Snoopy fought from his dog house. But I do remember the aerodynamics and stunt flying even today. That was not long after my days hanging around air show stunt pilots and crop dusters, a similar breed.

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Oh, Jackie…the Cheyenne Social Club. One of my favorites, too. Where should I start? Perhaps with the observation that being a frontier doctor had some benefits I had not considered before I saw that movie. (One of my all-female staff members loves that movie, too. She and I often exchange observations about the “spicy” parts.)

    I wonder if Doc Adams on Gunsmoke got the same deal when he “attended to” Miss Kitty’s saloon girls. (Miss Kitty was a madam, right?)

  6. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, I found that you can get a digital download of that album from Amazon UK, Here’s the link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Midsummer-Shearer-Stanley-Holloway-Helpmann/dp/B002C7QJ9U

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Do not forget the doctoring in “The Reivers” and the smell that reminds the old doctor of the brothels.

    Man, it is wonderful to have friends who remember and liked the same things you do!

    Ghost, that all female staff keeps intriguing me.

  8. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Oh yes, and I had a cat named “Miss Kitty” for Amanda Blake and the color of her hair.

  9. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Jackie, did you see my posting about the restaurant in Ocean Springs?

  10. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Thank you Jerry, it is on my big legal yellow note pad! I will be going back to Red Neck Riviera in May as well for the Florida 120 which will have a cancer fund raiser in Mike’s honor, so any I don’t get to on first trip I plan to hit on second go round. I will print out directions and information closer to departure, so keep suggesting places for me.

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    No, Jackie, I’m not a pimp and my all-female staff are not hookers, if that’s what you’re asking. 🙂

  12. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Somehow that would not bother me if you were, Ghost. I think you’d have a classy escort service if you did. You just simply strike me as the selective sort! Very upscale and uptown.

  13. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Incidental intelligence [CIA definition]: The high today was +32 to 33F in some places, a January thaw. Also, this comment was on the weather channel: “The most recent low temperature is above the average high for this date.” Low last night was probably about +20 F. I’ve not yet looked at the last 1-2 hours’ posts. Peace, emb

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    #$%^#!!! This is why I am not asleep with my achy body! I got blood sugars up to 162 with rescue food, then took my insulin at a much reduced rate and here I am back at 59 again.

    So I go make myself dinner and try to bring up the sugars before taking any insulin. This is a pretty new experience for me after years of higher readings, to suddenly be crashing. My endocrinologist appointment is next week I think. I need to go have blood drawn this week for him.

  15. Granny Carol Avatar
    Granny Carol

    I always enjoyed Gunsmoke. When I was in eighth grade, I had a very emotional English teacher who was very easily upset – even to the point of tears sometime. We all liked her, but some of the boys tended to push her buttons. She was an older lady, so maybe she was going through “the change” at the time. Anyway, somehow the conversation got on the subject of Gunsmoke and someone mentioned Miss Kitty, referring to her as Matt Dillon’s girlfriend. Good ol’ Mrs. L. began to bluster and burst out, “Well, everybody knows that Miss Kitty is nothing but a PROSTITUTE!” All of us were quite taken aback – and no one had anything else to say about Gunsmoke in that class! Frankly, I had never even considered that before, but knew it was true as soon as she said it!

  16. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Mark: Thanks / download info. emb

  17. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    You;re welcome emb. It is also available on Itunes, if you have an Apple device. Enjoy it again.

  18. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    The weeping lady painting [TIP BlogSpot] is “Apres la faute.” = after the mistake / misunderstanding / ??. Couldn’t find a translation as “fight.” Related to “il faut que” = it is necessary [and such].

  19. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    TruckerRon – He totally nailed it. What cracked me up is how every time someone was watching, he was straight up, all business officer. As soon as the coast was clear … girl power! ? He made my day. And considering the week I had, I needed that video.

  20. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Oh yeah – I totally feel your pain Luddie. I can’t pronounce it correctly either.

  21. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I haven’t noticed this strip before: http://www.gocomics.com/breaking-cat-news

    An all cat strip, with one named Elvis. Hey Jerry in FL, you got any connection with this?

  22. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Jerry in Fl — Thank you very much for the amazing story that we requested! My goodness, the twists and turns, the ins and outs and I guess, the “backstory”. You were most kindhearted to go over all that, to amuse your friends in the Village, and you know what? We really are amused! And some of us need amusing to distract us and cheer us up.

    I don’t have any story to equal that, but having so many guys with the exact same name is really remarkable! Thanks again for revealing the story and entertaining the Villagers.