Have I shown you this? It’s an idea I was fooling around with back at the turn of the century. You know, you used to hear that phrase used a lot before the century actually turned but not so much since. I guess all that century turning could get confusing. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah… this was going to be a fanciful strip about these kids who lived in the low country, sort of like son Gene’s family now. I dug this particular one out of some old stuff a few days ago, and it’s been lying around on my desk since. So, I thought I’d show it to you. The boys’ names are Skeeter and Nat. Get it? Skeeter and Nat!! Ha Ha! There are several more of these prototypical strips around somewhere, and if I find them, I’ll show them to you, too.

Saturday in the studio
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
194 responses to “Saturday in the studio”
Not that massive spiders wouldn’t scare me too but I have this thing about snakes. I have snake nightmares and probably should not have brought them up because I just realized I haven’t had any very recently. Digging a snake out of a snow bank would get me!
Ursen, are you reading L’il Abner Classics on Yahoo news’ comics page? It is there daily/
Nope gocomics, will try yahoo. Thanks for heads up.
Ursen what state are you in there in Appalachians? I will be coming that direction someday soon dragging a boat and trailer, going to North Carolina and Virginia. I am no ice and snow driver, so have to wait for the Spring melt.
Love, Jackie (By way, Yahoo usually has comics one hour earlier than GoComics)
Mindy, Divas is exactly what they are. Cilla has always walked like one. Spunky is a Tomboy and Elvis swaggers like he knows who he’s named after. I would send a picture if I had any idea how to do it.
–Standard advice…if this is of no interest to you, scrolling down will fix that for you–
Jackie, re Weight Watchers…
Disclosure: I have only attended a few meetings since my sister’s death, but I now recognize that was due to the grieving process from which I have just recently begun to emerge. (Watch out for grief; it will make you do things you shouldn’t, and not do things you should do, and later you will have no idea why you did or didn’t do them.) As I have mentioned, my sister was a class leader and got me involved in WW. I associate WW with my sister in a good, way, but I still associate her with it, if you understand what I mean. I will be starting to attend again in the near future.
In the beginning, I attended weekly WW meetings religiously. I found that very helpful, especially at first. Some class leaders were better than others, but all were much more than just adequate, and I found them to be knowledgeable and supportive, without being “pushy”. (WW class leaders are all members who have reached and maintained their goal weights on Weight Watchers.) I would definite recommend attending meetings when you get started, as it gives you a good grounding in how the process works, and the encouragement you get from class leaders and members does help. Also, statistics show that WW members who attend classes regularly do indeed realize greater results than those who do not. I would recommend that newbies try to attend weekly meetings for about 6 months, or until they are thoroughly familiar and comfortable with the program, and then at least monthly. We have a number of members locally who often or almost always drop by just to weigh in, without staying for the meetings.
For those who do not know, WW is (in my opinion) basically a scientifically valid healthy eating/portion control program, based on tracking point values assigned to the foods you eat. Tracking is not at all difficult to do, despite what some competing programs would like you to believe. What has really made it work for me is that, by paying by the month (rather than by the meeting), I have access to WW’s eTools online, which, in addition to giving access to a lot of good recipe and meal planning info, makes point calculating and tracking almost effortless. It also gives access to the synced app version for your mobile devices, allowing you to calculate and track on the go. And you can always take a photo of your plate when you eat out and track it later.
My advice to anyone interested would be to sign up, get access to WW eTools, and attend as many weekly meetings as you can. Even after you are well grounded in the program, you may find you will enjoy attending. It’s just a group of good folks with a common goal and a common interest. Not unlike the Village, come to think of it.
[Jackie, make sure they are aware of your medical history, of course, particularly your diabetes.]
Jackie, you may get a smile out of this. I also get regular emails from Weight Watchers with useful info, and, in line with WW’s increased targeting of male members, one I got recently included an article entitled “The Top 10 Pieces of Cookware a Guy’s Gotta Have”. I chuckled a bit, not having what I’d guess is the typical “single-guy kitchen” (a can opener, a microwave and every carry-out eatery in a 7-mile radius on speed dial), but I read it anyway.
As I guessed, I was 10 for 10. But it was a good list of important cookware and a good article explaining why they are needed.
Thanks, Ghost. My primary experience with WW was way back in 60’s and early 0’s when you couldn’t eat bread, rice, potatoes, basically carbs, no sugar, etc. You may remember I almost bought a franchise in Alabama and Mississippi. Gee, I’d have maybe met you?
I very briefly tried it again up here about 15 years ago under the new WW meal plans. I am thinking this will no doubt help keep me on a balanced meal plan for the diabetes actually. My endocrinologist had recommended Nutrisystem (?) who has a special meal plan for diabetics and he said the only patients of his who had successfully stayed on an eating plan and gotten control and thinner had used this plan. I wasn’t sold, as it seemed more expensive and you still had to supplement the meals with additional items to balance them.
As long as I had Mike and mom to cook for, WW wasn’t going to work. Now I have no excuse.
Boy, this getting a new life is going to require some work. I also have to go sign up at the Wellness Center and get back exercising. The last few days we have been focusing on emptying out clothes and moving me back into the main house. Hopefully I can find clothes to wear now without sending out too many search parties! And maybe not.
I just realized my ex-housekeeper had so many of mom’s clothes mixed in with mine that I can be absolutely certain she mixed mine in with mom’s.
Love, Jackie
Ursen, if you would like them in book format: http://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=li%27l+abner&lang=en&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&binding=*&isbn=&keywords=&minprice=&maxprice=&min_year=&max_year=&mode=advanced&st=sr&ac=qr
Giant snow spiders? Wasn’t that a bad movie on SyFy? That would give me a heart attack too!
But we have big spiders here too. Those garden spiders that make huge circular webs and some that aren’t that big but seem to have similar webs. I stepped out my side door one morning and went through one of those big ones. And nearly went through the screen door too, yelling and jerking like a madman trying to “get it off, get it off!”.
Somewhere I have a photo I took of a giant spider and giant web off my decks. If you are from the South you know how big cypress and live oak trees get. I have a row of cypress along my creek bed. I looked up and there was the largest spider nest I have ever seen going from the side of the giant oak across entire deck and joining the first cypress on other side of deck. I can’t measure in dark but I’d guess 20 feet?
So I got to thinking… there was a “Skeeter” who showed up as one of Meg’s friends! It was on March 10th last year. But his friend was named “Ladarius.” I don’t think the diminutive of that is “Nat…” ๐
Skeeter actually showed up on March 11th; it was the week of dailies that began on Monday, March 10th that began his appearance. (Since I know I’ll be checked on this) ๐
Ladarius is a totally Southern name, of course.
I’m doomed. Snow spiders are really a thing!
Jackie: “Digging a snake out of a snow bank would get me!” Unless it had been there only a minute or two, it would probably be too late to save the snake, poor thing. Peace, emb
No snow here, but according to AccuWeather and my AccuKnee (from a motorcycling incident some years ago; having the bike totaled out from under me still bothers me more than my slightly banged up knee), we are in for some rain tonight or tomorrow morning. I’ll be on the lookout for aqua-arachnids.
Just watched part of this tonight. I plan to be there in March for the next launch taking my caretaker along to watch over me. She will enjoy all the men I think.
Warren who filmed this is a professional sports writer, has a book about “sport” called “Without A Paddle” and other videos. But I had not seen this one. If you are mildly curious about people who risk their lives in this particular hobby, watch “The Challenge”, I personally find this group to be extraordinary people. I am StoryTeller in the tribe, so maybe I will write about this one coming up. Used to cover the Class 4 monohull fleet entries.
I am a loss on kayaks and canoes and multihulls, although I can of course interview entrants.
Love, Jackie
Ooops, I will try again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6tLgJX9niM
Last one is correct one. The amazing things are the size of boats, tiny, conditions they sail in, terrible, the way they punish their bodies and boats and most of all that no one has died yet.
Since I really like these people and they are well equipped with emergency gear, I hope that continues.
It was a balmy -4C (about 25F) today. I shoved the Parka back in the closet. I got it out a few days ago when we were -26C (about -15F) with wind chills of at least -35C (about -31F).
Jackie, I would love to have lower blood sugar. I spent the past year and a half with readings between 340 and 500 (and lost 65#). I have been on new meds for the past two months and have gotten it down under 180. Unfortunately I have gained back about 50# during that time. I suspect insulin will become part of my life soon.
I realize that it is midnight and many of you will not come back here tomorrow and read this, but I will not be sleeping for awhile yet. My wife and I have talked about this for sometime and she is going to sleep, but I have to talk to somebody, so guess what. To save you from guessing, let me say right off the bat what this is about. My wife’s granddaughter has for sometime now been involved with drugs, both using and the distribution. She went through rehab but you know how that is. My wife’s daughter will not now nor has she ever listened to anyone’s advice. The situation now has become much worse. First of all let me say that my knowledge of any of this is third hand and I want to keep it that way. As I understand it the granddaughter is guilty of accessory after the fact. The charge? As serious as it gets. She goes to court tomorrow and what happens after that we will have to see. I plan on telling my wife’s daughter that I do not want her daughter at my house for the foreseeable future and I will not be going to her house. I may broaden that later to the mother staying away too. I don’t want to overreact, but we have been dealing with this situation for a long time and I am now concerned that we may have the authorities following them and I don’t want to be involved in this. I refuse to throw money at this situation as they are a bottomless pit. I would expect for my PD to be going crazy but other than being angry I think that I am handling it well. Sorry for the downer. Any suggestions are welcome.
Jerry, I think you’ve already made the right decision. I’m sure you know from your background in LE that the odds of her improving her life are now minimal to say the least. And it sounds as though the situation is about to spiral out of control, if it has not already done so. If she is using to the point of having to sell to support her use, there is very little that anyone other than she herself can do to turn it around. And the other charge is just the icing on the cake. My $.02 worth.
Good luck.
Good morning Villagers….
Jerry, we have a similar problem here…my brother-in-law is staying with us again this winter. His daughter, who almost 30, is an addict. She has stolen thousands of dollars from her father, who is a retired mechanic from the coal industry. He won’t prosecute. Last month, she got a hold of his debit card (he still gets mail at his house) and wiped out his checking account…to the amount of $6,000. He didn’t do a thing to her. She’ll show up here, begging him, beating him down to get money. He wrote her a $100 check, and she forged the numbers and made it a $400 check. Still won’t prosecute. My husband gets so angry at him. I am thinking about a restraining order on her. He doesn’t realize that if he’d prosecute, she’d go to jail and maybe get straightened out in there….but prisons aren’t rehab centers though…so, I don’t know what to tell you…..I think, as GR wrote, that you have made a good decision.
It’s a steady 35 degrees out there…rained all night. The freeze line is further north….I feel for you Indy Mindy…..9 degrees is your high tomorrow…so how much snow did you get?
Bought new boots….they’re not going to work for me. Wore them around the house the other morning and my feet got cold…and I had two pairs of socks on, the boots are fur lined on the bottom insole and sides. I’m taking them back. Guess I head to Rural King this week…..I hate driving through that town as the store is way on the south side of town.
Ya’ll have a dry day….
GR ๐
today’s grin: http://cheezburger.com/8424176896