Have I shown you this? It’s an idea I was fooling around with back at the turn of the century. You know, you used to hear that phrase used a lot before the century actually turned but not so much since. I guess all that century turning could get confusing. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah… this was going to be a fanciful strip about these kids who lived in the low country, sort of like son Gene’s family now. I dug this particular one out of some old stuff a few days ago, and it’s been lying around on my desk since. So, I thought I’d show it to you. The boys’ names are Skeeter and Nat. Get it? Skeeter and Nat!! Ha Ha! There are several more of these prototypical strips around somewhere, and if I find them, I’ll show them to you, too.

Saturday in the studio
By Jimmy Johnson
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Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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What’s old is old, again
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194 responses to “Saturday in the studio”
One thing about drug addiction that’s I’d like to know: How many of those with both the addiction and a mental illness would not have the mental problems had they not messed with the drugs they abused? Would those mental problems have been as severe? Were those mental illnesses “triggered” by the drugs?
All I’m sure of is the patient needs to address both the illness and the addiction to ever be fully functional and have a productive life again.
Oh, for an edit button!
Jackie Yahoo comics has the same few LIl Abner arcs, and incomplete ones, as Go comics.
Oh yeah Debbe – Snowfall for last night looks to be about three inches or so. Made lugging that stupid overflowing trashcan to the alley REAL fun. 🙁 On the plus side, I won’t have to drag it down again for a while. One perk of single life and never being home – very little time to make trash. Tomorrow’s low -10! Brr!
Ursen, just saw a suggestion posted on another site. Go to the Google newspaper archives, find one which carried the strip, and read them from the papers Google has archived.
Try here, Ursen: https://sites.google.com/site/onlinenewspapersite/Home/usa
Remember when in 2011 when Auburn played Oregon in The Big Game, and Arlo said this?
Well, tonight The Big Game is the Buckeyes vs. the Ducks, and I’m not sure how or if that applies. Do ducks eat nuts?
About half an hour so I will bring you up to date by saying she has been granted immunity. Lesson learned? Nothing. She has never even seen a jail and not spent a second in detention. Just like her mother she blinks her eyes, acts cute and slides right out of it. Ok, play ball!
Here I am back from my first shopping expedition in a month and the fridge is overflowing with fresh fruits and veggies, I have enough whole grain breads to freeze for an extended siege and I didn’t buy a single unhealthy item and bring it home. I am sitting here crunching away on veggie chips with a sprinkle of sea salt.Freeze dried I am assuming. Really, really good too.
Also bought Glucerna snacks to carry in my bag and some nuts and Fig Newtons, crackers and peanut butter, crackers and cheese for low blood sugars.
Dang, these Nature’s Harvest crisps are fantastic! First time I ate them. Had tried all the green beans and sugar snaps before, loved them.
Confession time, my scales say I am 20# lighter than I was a month ago, totally possible. I am doing a lot more, walking more, being more active. So I intend to keep it up. But at the end of two long shopping excursions in one day I couldn’t find the pita chips anywhere to go with all the hummus I had bought. Searched everywhere they’d ever been. Deli manager hailed a department manager and we hunted together. Still no pita chips. He thought maybe they had been moved to chip department.
I said you know where those chips are, completely at back of store and I will go buy them at my local Braum’s ice cream store before I will walk back there! I used to “mall walk” inside the big super stores and it only takes a few laps to get in two miles. I am not back in that shape yet!
Is anyone else besides me irritated by the big box stores rearranging of merchandise, departments, products until you lose interest in buying them?
Love, Jackie
I think the odd painting [and it does say Amida] fits the description below, with a bevy of beauties, rather than one seductress or whatever. Also, the stiff gent doesn’t seem much like a crusader. Peace, emb
Ghost, don’t know why but just read news about Jennifer Lopez’ nip slip at the Golden Globes and instantly flashed to you!
Surely they had those small pieces glued to her skin?
Love, Jackie
Yes, Jackie, I hate when that happens. We’re such creatures of habit, aren’t we? That’s why 90% of my market shopping in recent years has been done at our Kroger store…I know where everything I need is located, and where just about everything I don’t need is, too.
Kroger will now get the remaining 10%, as the other market I shopped has remodeled, moved everything, taken out their deli (best noontime plate lunches in town) and 86ed their sushi bar. Are you —–ing me? No more sushi?
Your weight loss should encourage you to continue to make the changes you need to make. It always does me.
By “I hate when that happens”, I of course meant markets getting rearranged, not J-Lo exposing one of her bits. 🙂 I’ll have to check that out.
I am guessing that the 65# I lost of the past 1.5 years may have been mostly water. I was drinking close to two gallons a day but all that water (and likely more) came out every day too. The weight gain in the past two months may just be water too. I really need to work on losing some weight. I really liked how much easier things were when I was 65# lighter.
Jackie, do you drink diet soda or use artificial sweeteners? Recent studies have shown that these sweeteners may not contribute to caloric intake but they invoke the same insulin response that sugar would produce (the brain is not happy when you try to fool it). This tends not to be a good thing for diabetics and those on the edge of being diabetic.
Jackie, I find that Costco often changes locations for items. You are never sure if the are not carrying them at the moment (which happens a lot) or they are in some other part of the store.
Luckily, I usually have 2 kids with me when we are grocery shopping so I can send them out searching while I make the regular rounds. I dread the day when I am going to have to do this by myself.
Naw, I don’t believe that whatever slipped was was J-Lo’s nip. The putative boobular appurtenance didn’t seem to me to be located anywhere near where it should have been. I suppose it’s possible she has a very careless plastic surgeon, but I doubt it.
So far (halftime), the Buckeyes appear to be a tough nut for the Ducks to crack.
I thought she had a GOOD plastic surgeon, frankly!
Back when I could afford one, I went to see my “artist” plastic surgeon friend (I sold his brother’s beautiful pottery and would have loved to sell doc’s paintings) to talk about a face and breast lift and reduction while we were at it. He told me I wasn’t ready for one on either face nor any other parts, gave me a target date. Well, when we got there my money was gone!
So, I have struggled through the rest of my life with my own body, I guess any alterations are up to my own commitment! And I don’t mean committed to any institution.
Unfortunately I am indeed addicted to Diet Coke and caffeine. I know it is bad, Mike told me it was bad, my doctors tell me it is bad, my Whole Foods daughter repeatedly tells me. I have given it up before for long sustained periods and I think I can again. But that one is harder than just going back on a healthier diet and exercise program.
Ghost, I am going to go back and join WW again. I have NO idea where that “Rejoin Us” postcard ended up, so I should look and see if they have any coupons floating around internet.
My philosophy has always been that if you have to change your life, you might as well try and improve it. So, I am.
Love, Jackie
Have a good friend from Oregon who serves roasted duck with green and yellow vegetables and sides in honor of the Ducks. Which they devour, so I suspect he is not a fan.
Jackie, Wally World is one of the worst offenders in the “you learned where it is so now we must move it” group. And much of the staff is so untrained that I find myself telling people where to find things when I hear them asking about them.
I did the same thing in the Waldenbooks here when we still had one. Now we are down to just Barnes and Noble, who are nearly as bad as Wally about moving things around. Only I don’t go there often enough to keep up with the stock myself.
emb, this is where I ended up while searching for the painting. http://www.john-collier.org/The-Garden-Of-Armida.html
I tried to find it by the TIP title and could not but this version of it came up, and it was the same painting. Does not make me right, but I wanted to show why I thought what I did. Thanks for the response, I enjoy the conversations, even at this remove.
Among many genres of music I love is country and western, or at least C and W as it once was.
Somehow I ended up listening to David Allan Coe, Hank Jr., Allan Jackson, Waylon and Willie and a host of others tonight. “Midnight in Montgomery”, “The Ride” “Are You Sure Hank Played It This A Way” All that testosterone oozing out of the speakers.
Somehow I miss the outlaws. I started with some real plaintive ones, “This is the last cowboy song” and decided to go for more upbeat ones and ended up on those Alabama ones, hardly upbeat! But good music.
So glad he who cannot be named is no longer around. Even if you don’t love country, everyone is so polite you can politely say you don’t. I like that.
Love, Jackie
I am proud to be a member of such a polite group. It’s very pleasant. And the people I see on Facebook are polite and interesting too. I am a lucky woman!
Aren’t we all?
I agree with half that statement, Jackie!
I prefer bluegrass music to standard C&W, though for some reason I grew to like a song called “Pistol Packin’ Mama” after my dad played it enough. Guess because it didn’t sound like the rest of his country records. But I like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Charlie Daniels and a number of others that sort of walk the line between country and rock.
Good night everybody, 530 comes early everywhere, and I’ve got a feral cat to catch tomorrow for my niece to take to the vet.