Water, in all its forms, is interesting to depict. Owing to its reflective nature, it often is best represented by negative space. A lake can be understood simply by drawing a line of trees on the far shore. Snow, as on the coats in the last panel, is “drawn” with the mere absence of dark. But to me the more interesting thing about this cartoon from two years ago is the tracks in the snow. Arlo and Janis always walk single file, as they do above in Panel 4, because it’s conducive to dialog and to the camera’s point of view—at least I think so. It’s the same reason people on TV so often sit on the same side of the breakfast table (as do Arlo and Janis, now that I think of it). Anyway, the tracks in the snow were left by two people walking side by side, and for much the same reason they walk single file. Side-by-side tracks better fit the format of visual storytelling. Artistic license! Don’t sit down without it.

Snow Fun
By Jimmy Johnson
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228 responses to “Snow Fun”
Today’s TIP BlogSpot:
Must be out of the loop again. Cars? What am I missing?
No surprise / title: ‘San Martin proclama la independencia del Peru by Juan Lepiani’. Fine, but what allusion is Melcher making? ‘Two chickens in every pot’? ‘What this country needs is a good 5-cent cigar’?
Oops! Posted my 2 cents on the Windows 10 debate on yesterday’s thread, but as long as I’m here …
Drawing a blank on which of our three-letter regulars posts links to explore.org but I have a question for you: When I follow my link to that main page, rather than to a specific cam, sometimes what comes up is one of the service dog cams (with its alternates). Those don’t appeal to me so I tap (on my tablet) the icon for another cam, but frequently it seems like I have to try several different ones before I’m allowed to escape. Does this happen to you?
Good morning. I will go look at emb’s quandary.
I always thought that Janis was slightly quicker than Arlo and that while he was slightly behind, they were still sort of side by side. I have flashbacks on Face book and I have a picture very much like frames 1 and 2. Since I go around my building 6 times at lunch and 4 times at 2:45, i leave footprints like this. Today I will delay my lunchtime walk to watch the ceremonies from Washington
emb I am guessing it is a reference to a television game show or a television show like Oprah or Ellen where the guests in audience all get a gift like a book or a product just for being there. I don’t know if anyone ever gave cars although Oprah might have.
I suspect it is making fun of our new president who did a reality TV program himself. I think the reference is to everyone in audience being given a new car at inauguration as prize.
Morphy, pretty soon you tune out the horns, just as I learned to ignore sirens when we lived near hospital on main ambulance route.
Here is your link emb to the article on Oprah who gave away 300 cars to everyone in audience. That is your explanation, so I was correct. It is our newly elected president giving cars to his audience.
Ghost kitty just prowler up on bed and is gently playing with my thigh but he has tiny sharp claws. He is curled up purring on my ribs.
Thank you, Jimmy! I believe I asked you about drawing water a few years ago. Now I get my answer, and I understand better: negative space, you say. One doesn’t draw it; one draws around it. But how do you know the shape of what you need to draw around?? My, complicated. Thanks again!
Jimmy, my husband and I tend to walk like Arlo & Janis in the last panel. He does not walk a very straight line. If I’m beside him I get walked off the sidewalk or path, or bumped into people, trees, or whatever else is beside me. Hubby’s brother does the same thing, my SIL tells me. Must be something in the genes! 😉
Charlotte, I’m so happy that your computer is back to being what you want it to be!
Good wishes and prayers for all Villagers who need them, and hugs for everyone.
As a floral designer we too worked with negative space. It is an area one plans for, it does not just happen by not being filled. Thus it becomes an element of the design by virtue of its relationship and interaction with materials used.
This is a hard concept to learn in any dimension.
Well, we’re getting a good bit of snow here. Started yesterday, forecast says it’ll keep coming in waves until at least Monday. Of course it means nothing special, it’s winter… but Al Gore is screening his new movie, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” up at Park City and the Sundance Film Festival. We’re just catching the collateral snow down here in my valley.
I like the way the little bush is in 2 panels.
I just loaded all the ingredients into slow cooker for black bean and ham soup. With cornbread to be baked and the salad is chopped.
Got out three packages of bone in pork chops to make tangy tomato pork chops with noodles.
Next up is chicken thighs with smoked sausage chunks. Served with brown rice.
Remember I am not a crock pot or slow cooker user but I like going to gym which is 25 miles south and coming back here to eat rather in bad choices down town or on “restaurant row.” So I am working on healthy high fiber low fat low sugar meals ready when we get back from gym. I am trying to encourage a friend to go along for company and so someone is along in case I need a driver.
Buying Taste of Homes cook books and cooking magazines. The recipes are from “real” people, call for sensible ingredients you already have. For instance I have every ingredient for next three recipes except canned mushrooms and dried thyme and that is because I just used them and didn’t restock.
This is going really badly.
Just read that IL will be considering a 1-cent/oz. tax on soft drinks, a la Cook County! That is horrible. Consider: I can often buy a 2-liter bottle – that would be 67+ oz. – for 79cents. If the proposal goes through, on that 79cent purchase, I’d need to pay 7cents sales tax plus another 67cents tax = 74cents of taxes on a 79cent purchase!! Confiscatory, IMHO.
Panel 3, above, indicates what? Perhaps a “roll in the snow”? I cannot make any other sense of it.
Based on the time of your post, I can only imagine to what your are referring. Don’t expect it to get any better for, say, four years or so.
c ex-p, perhaps they bumped into a snowy branch while walking side by side, and got drenched?
And those ridiculous taxes intended to change our behavior don’t do so. People who want soda will continue to buy it, but at the expense of something else, perhaps more needed but less-desired.
I am doing my best to give up soda with no push more than knowledge.
I am afraid Ghost is referring to his friends illness guys. Not our country.
But could be.
Of course they were having a snowy sex-cspade doing snow angels or some version there of.
I think that a roll in the snow is not the same as a roll in the hay…
C x-p wins! He was the first to call out the joke. I’ll admit I didn’t have it right away. That’s no snow-angel, may have been a love-tap/tackle poorly received.
Mark & c x-p, changing morality is best done through logic and most important by modeling behavior. Taxes are always about money, no matter how they try to sell it.
GR6, sorry to read that, if new ageists are right about sending strength, then strength sent. Hope it comes through. I took you to mean your friends experience, not our national one. Are they the same?
oops, half hour of posts saying what I said, if only I had refreashed.