Water, in all its forms, is interesting to depict. Owing to its reflective nature, it often is best represented by negative space. A lake can be understood simply by drawing a line of trees on the far shore. Snow, as on the coats in the last panel, is “drawn” with the mere absence of dark. But to me the more interesting thing about this cartoon from two years ago is the tracks in the snow. Arlo and Janis always walk single file, as they do above in Panel 4, because it’s conducive to dialog and to the camera’s point of view—at least I think so. It’s the same reason people on TV so often sit on the same side of the breakfast table (as do Arlo and Janis, now that I think of it). Anyway, the tracks in the snow were left by two people walking side by side, and for much the same reason they walk single file. Side-by-side tracks better fit the format of visual storytelling. Artistic license! Don’t sit down without it.

Snow Fun
By Jimmy Johnson
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228 responses to “Snow Fun”
GR: My faith teaches that we are here to learn how to love God and each other. The love you and your friend shared shows that you both were and are making the grade. I hope you’ll someday soon be able move on and focus on the good times you shared and cherish your friendship and memories.
Sincere prayers for you and your missing (not lost) one.
The holes never disappear but they eventually shrink in size – filled by the love of those around you.
As long as we think about them and talk about them our loved ones are never really gone.
River is way down; some hippos may have moved to a bigger pool out of webcam’s view.
‘She said to tell you that those who die in the faith of the almighty will be taken into his kingdom and received with open arms.’
Since it seems to be ok to do religion here when it’s reassuring those who are grieving, let me add a different but encouraging scriptural insight, James 2:18. ‘Show me your faith without works, and by my works I will show you my faith.’
I suspect Elohim is less concerned with the beliefs of those who arrive than with what they had done by way of loving their neighbors [who include those who live on the other side of the tracks, or the International Date Line].
Peace, really
What the others have said, Ghost, from me too. Love, Nancy Kirk
Rick in S,O
Watch the WW&F website to be sure you get a steam ride. Because it is an all
volunteer organization rides are just weekends, and sometimes they have trouble
getting a steam crew Sunday.
I believe “gardyloo” is a corruption of the French.
If you have an option go with the Linux.
When I said reboot I meant we have to shut down restart programs,
And if that does not work shut down and restart computer.
Strange that those with the most spiritual souls who would reach out to those in need are often those who would not be welcome in many church congregations nor sanctuary. Funny how life is but the most devout and annunciating of us seldom live the life. Our sanctuaries are not built by man, our laws not written by man, our souls belong to no human.
We walk a winding and rocky road where landslides and floods and fallen trees block our way, yet we go on. We reach our hands out to those we can, both human and animals. We know not where the road leads nor where it ends for we follow spirits who are wisps and breaths on our skin. We have no map.
Do not tell me of your books of fable and lore for we follow those before time itself. We are old souls when we enter your world.
Jackie, Thank you. Peace,
🙂 Thank You Jackie
I just logged on and read about your loss Ghost. I am so very sorry. May God give you peace.
Mark and Old Bear, thank you, had more, but excuse me.
emb, you have proven the capability to read and cognate. I believe your memory is intact. You are therefore obtuse beyond measure of any protractor I’ve seen. Many, and I, have discussed politics, religion, sex, indeed all the forbidden subjects of dining, taxis, and barbers. I believe I am the only one to have called you out on the HYPOCRISY of an ill will signed in peace. You are acting as a snotty little [foul word of your choice] to invoke this argument in a message of grief or condolence.
Debbe had a kind wish to send, and I assume Jackie did so faithfully. To pull her quote from the many above and mark it, when she will not reply in person, is unfair on any level. It is very much a case of speaking behind someone’s back. As for your James, prior works of any greatness do not excuse present behavior. That is why I never invoke my own.
I had let two items pass in maybe the last seven weeks, as they only affected me. And further, you and I have shared humor twice, and parenting once since that time. I believe we have even been conversational. I had considered that matter closed, if not agreed. I find that arrangement satisfactory in many areas of life.
But sir, the second line [first of your own words], of your second section, of 20Jan 10:50p CST was tastelessly sandwiched and smothered in the gravy of goodwill. If no one else was, that is fine. But I, sir, am offended.
I am laying this aside to consider before posting. As I have recently made a tasteless addendum that was neither entertaining, nor supported a point, this may be prudent. Thank you by the way Jackie, for having brushed it aside.
Yep, I’ll post it; and take what comes. Apologies to GR6, and only him, for these words at this time.
obviously me above
Morphy I never argue religion for it is a lost cause before one begins. I claim no religion but I allow those to say what they believe for they do believe or so I assume. I often feel they err but I make generous allowances.
I know Debbe sincerely believes and I repeated her love and faith for Ghost for he too believes and it will comfort him I hope. To bring comfort to others at a time of grief should be our primary goal, not to reinforce our own beliefs. Our beliefs matter little at such a time.
Expressing such in offerings of floral beauty often brought me comfort for my beliefs lack the conviction that brings surety to others. But it is a gift I possess that I can offer to others in their sorrow that some mysterious force gave to me. It is only mine on loan.
Truly we should all reflect on this. All we have or possess, our bodies, our intellect, our talents, all are only briefly ours to use on loan from some ethereal universe that existed for millions of years before us. What is us will pass in a blink of time and return to become another form over and over and over for eternity as we live again. We know not what but we will return.
Allow those that grieve to choose their own course and let them determine the result of that eternity. We should not exhibit the hubris to determine it for them.
Personally I grieve with each in the way of their choice for I grieve for them, not for me.
Well said Jackie. And I could easily be wrong, but I took emb’s statement as aimed at me, obliquely. If it was not, then I am at fault. If it was he should not quote someone else. Though I believe he is simply going to claim misunderstood innocence.
I do not believe we are under any prohibitions here, beyond good taste. I think domaucan1 is the only poster to not have been provocative in some manner. And I only feel that way because I like his genuine good nature. I have only his words to judge by. Someone from a different worldview could easily find fault even there.
I give wide allowance for views different than mine. Say the moon is bright and full. Great. Observe the moon is new and dark. OK. Attempt both in the same breath and I will comment on it.
it is not the belief he may hold, it is the inconsistent nature. And a heavy dose of haughty attitude. I deal with many people who will shake your hand, to pull you close enough to slap. emb is not that level of ill intent, but the technique is the same.
I would acknowledge emb did share a brief unencumbered sentiment earlier, and it was nice too, before dragging others into a lapsed dispute.
Morphy I think Jimmy places no limits on us aside from politeness and a modicum of decorum. Any agreement to not discuss religion or politics arose from the Village itself.
I am guilty of moderate sexual provocation, attempting to gauge myself by Jimmy’s limits set in the strip. Not that I am the youngest here but someone has to carry that burden. I figured Ghost and I pulled that straw so we were the most obviously single and participating. I assure you we were practicing tact!
Frankly I would rather discuss sex than either politics or religion but in today’s world we could discuss all three simultaneously and be talking about the same people. But that has been the way of the world since recorded history began, sex, religion, politics, intrigue, murder, theft, on and on. Vices seldom change nor do sins, only who does sinning and against which gods.
Now food, there’s a wonderful and controversy free subject. Right. Try to publish a church sponsored cookbook to see acrimony, war and snotty attitudes over recipes! Religious beliefs out the door over jello recipes.
My point is I have no objection to any topic but others may. I do try to be on good behavior usually.
Someone is bending over backwards to read ‘HYPOCRICY’ and arrogance into a genuine offer of condolence. I forgive him because I must. He still chooses to misinterpret a post of months back just as he misinterprets my post of yesterday.
I genuinely grieve for Debbe’s loss. But also felt it needed to be noted that, for many of the faithful and for many ‘nones’, salvation is not a matter of doctrine, or in too many cases, desperate fear that ‘I do not have enough faith’ or ‘I am not sure I really believe what I am required to believe under pain of condemnation to eternal fire’, but rather of ‘works’, in the best sense. I value James’s insight, but note that Luther, a ‘faith alone’ sort, thought the Book of James should have been left out of the canon.
His animosity disturbs me, but does not surprise me. His name is legion. One of his roles here reminds me of someone those who have long posted here may recall.
I have better things to do.
Sorry, Ghost’s loss. The animosity is a loss to all of us. Bye.
Last night I was busy until I collapsed into bed and slept until 4:30 this morning. When I awoke I was overcome with grief as the full impact of the death of the best friend I ever had hit me. Where does one turn for support when one is alone in a hotel room in a strange city in the middle if the night? In my case it was to The Village.
My sincere thanks to all who gave expressions of sympathy and concern and to the others I am sure felt if did not expressed them. I was especially touched by Debbe’s message and the fact she remembered the significance of “Homeward Bound”, from the morning at sunrise when it was playing as the formation of geese crossed the highway just in front of me when I was on the way to the hospital to visit my soon-to-be gone sister. Jackie, when you next speak to her, please tell her that for me, and that I love her, too.
I’ll be pretty busy for the next few days, which will be a good thing, but I will be in touch when I can. Again, thank you for being there when I needed you.
A snow toon that fits the current A&J motif http://www.gocomics.com/moderately-confused/2017/01/21
We are both busy with “Anti” things, hope to get back to regular life….
To all who are sending Ghost messages of comfort, thanks from someone who you did that for recently. Ghost has had an especially tough time over the last couple of years. I hope that things will get much better for him now.
We miss those who we have lost, but they have received the ultimate healing, in my opinion. They no longer hurt, are ill, cry or have the prospect of death ahead of them. It is now up to we, the living, to comfort each other and help provide reasons to keep our own lives moving forward.
Blessings and peace to all.
Ghost, wish there was something I could do in reality rather than virtual mode. It makes us feel so totally ineffective to not be able to do anything. We can’t take you a casserole, send flowers, give you a hug.
You are always in my thoughts and what passes for prayer with me, first with your sister, then your mom and now. You have dealt with far too much grief.
Should you need a friend just whistle and I will be there. I am a good friend. Will pass on your message to Debbe. She is at her dad’s indefinitely and has gained weight, taking better care of herself.
This is something I posted on FB 2 years ago, and I probably copied it from here:
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful,
ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and
boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every
day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved
ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame
without resentment,
If you can conquer tension without
medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
Then You Are Probably The Family Dog.
I sleep with my therapist and he has bad breath, needs a bath, hairy ears and a wet nose.
Ghost, I am just now catching up on comments. Mere words cannot express the grief and love I feel for you – as you travel this difficult road again. Sift through all the extraneous verbage posted above and hold on to the love. May I add my cyber hugs and repeat the wish I could deliver them in person.
Ghost, Words are often difficult, This song came to mind:
Here’s an Amazing Grace performed in paradise and in an unusual arrangement: