Water, in all its forms, is interesting to depict. Owing to its reflective nature, it often is best represented by negative space. A lake can be understood simply by drawing a line of trees on the far shore. Snow, as on the coats in the last panel, is “drawn” with the mere absence of dark. But to me the more interesting thing about this cartoon from two years ago is the tracks in the snow. Arlo and Janis always walk single file, as they do above in Panel 4, because it’s conducive to dialog and to the camera’s point of view—at least I think so. It’s the same reason people on TV so often sit on the same side of the breakfast table (as do Arlo and Janis, now that I think of it). Anyway, the tracks in the snow were left by two people walking side by side, and for much the same reason they walk single file. Side-by-side tracks better fit the format of visual storytelling. Artistic license! Don’t sit down without it.

Snow Fun
By Jimmy Johnson
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228 responses to “Snow Fun”
Mark, I went to steamphotos you linked specifically to look for the Cascades crossing for the Empire Builder line. I had wanted to give it mention yesterday, but wrestled with verbosity. Couldn’t do it justice in less than six column inches. Historically, there was at least one literal ‘switch’-back before a tunnel bore. Current tunnel requires air handling. Don’t recall if there are two previous tunnels, one has had a cave-in again recently. Guess i should stop guessing, look it up, and link:
Also, travel by auto on I-90 east out of Ellensburg, WA approaching Ryegrass Ridge, there was an *enormous* wooden trestle passing overhead. I do not know if it still stands.
TruckerRon, I remember it used to be commented frequently, every time there was a Global Warming Summit (back when they called it that) any where in the world, that location would get snow. Rainmakers were jealous. I know it is just a logical fallacy of reinforcement, it is just weather. But that doesn’t stop me laughing at it. It’s like a strong muffled voice snickering, ‘foolish mortals’.
Thanks all for thoughts on Windows 10.
Well Somebody enjoyed himself at the Inauguration. Bill checking out one of the Trump ladies.
Mark, trying to investigate Kittitas, Ryegrass, and other details led me to:
I didn’t find the detail verification I was looking for during my distracted level of search, but wanted to pass this on, if you might enjoy it.
I knew this stuff would have me down a rabbit warren of links. Much to do, gotta go.
I’m sorry things are not going better, Ghost.
Clearing out tabs, found one more for all the ferroequinologists:
Thanks for the fun, guys.
On our subject a couple days ago of successful dialect and incorrect accents. If you haven’t spent time around it, the Chinook Jargon roots of most Pacific Northwest place names, slang, lingo and such appears strange. As if it came from a different people’s language. Because it did. And they continue to wrestle with the Latinization of their tribal names.
Please lord, Ghost does not need another tragic ending. Please watch over him and his friend as best you can.
I polled the female contingent of my abode and the MBH stated that she had no feelings for or against “moist”.
Sadly, Jackie, you were correct the first time. Rather than watching an inauguration today, I was watching my very best friend of many years die as I sat by her hospital bed holding her hand. Between that and having had about six hours sleep in the past forty-eight, I don’t really feel like going into the details, although I may later.
All I know at the moment is that that are now three huge holes in my soul, all created in the last three years. Not a good average.
Feelings are felt for your loss, GR6. I hope you know I mean that sincerely.
Have a good rest for yourself, we’ll see you soon.
c x-p, My best guess on moist becoming offensive happened late 1990’s for a certain agegroup and below. So where Nora Ephron’s romantic comedies didn’t make an issue of it, it was definitely in play before ten years ago.
But if it started with very young girls and grew up with them, or from an adult joke I never heard, is still up in the air. Would be very interested to know if it crosses the gender line, because I have not observed that.
Did your sampling show awareness of the issue? Or surprise like yours?
So very sorry, Dearest Ghost. She must have been glad that you were there for her — I hope she knew and felt your love and your sorrow.
Ghost, the only thing worse than being there when someone you love is lost is not being there. I’m sorry that you continue to suffer the grief of loss.
Ghost: Thoughts and prayers. It’s hard. Peace,
Indeed, prayers for you, spectral one.
Morphy, she seemingly never heard of any such opinions.
Condolences Ghost praying for you. It seems after so many years you seem to lose more faster, a part of life that is hard to get used.
One note of interest on the railroad tunnels. The Moonville tunnel in OH is supposedly haunted. Tried to get to it about a year ago and high water forced me back. Will try the alternate route in a year or two.
Ghost, I am sorry to hear about your friend. All I can offer you is virtual comfort unless you happen to come up to Canada for real comfort.
Ghost darling, you have never left my thoughts since you went on your mission. You are the best man I have ever known and yet do not know. I have hoped against hope this would not happen to you again.
Three important women in your life gone so close. That is a terrible loss. And yes, I think I and others know what a gentle heart you hide beneath the bravado of the tough guy. You are both loving and loved. Don’t lose that.
Is there anything that I or anyone else can do to ease your burden? Would that we could. And I mean that most sincerely. I worry this is one bridge too many that has crumbled beneath you.
Morphy, long trestle in my hometown, still in daily use: https://bridgehunter.com/al/tuscaloosa/bh48886/
Ghost, I am sorry to hear of your loss. Glad you were able to be there for her at the end. Please take care of yourself, because you are welcomed and appreciated here.
And one on the old Cascade tunnel: https://bridgehunter.com/wa/king/old-cascade-tunnel/
Just got off phone with Debbe in Indiana, told her about your loss Ghost and she and I cried together for you. But this is for you GR6 from Debbe. She said to tell you how much she loves you and how she wished she could just hug you and hold you and take away the hurt.
She said to tell you that those who die in the faith of the almighty will be taken into his kingdom and received with open arms. She asked me to send you a song, Homeward Bound by Simon and Garfunkel.
She said to tell you that your friend is another who is homeward bound and she will meet your mother and your sister when she arrives and they will be together.
But mostly we talked about how we wished we could take away your pain and how much you were loved. Debbe loves you GR she kept asking I tell you.
Ghost, I am so very, very sorry for the death of your best friend. Hearts must say what our words cannot, and our hearts are with you now.