Water, in all its forms, is interesting to depict. Owing to its reflective nature, it often is best represented by negative space. A lake can be understood simply by drawing a line of trees on the far shore. Snow, as on the coats in the last panel, is “drawn” with the mere absence of dark. But to me the more interesting thing about this cartoon from two years ago is the tracks in the snow. Arlo and Janis always walk single file, as they do above in Panel 4, because it’s conducive to dialog and to the camera’s point of view—at least I think so. It’s the same reason people on TV so often sit on the same side of the breakfast table (as do Arlo and Janis, now that I think of it). Anyway, the tracks in the snow were left by two people walking side by side, and for much the same reason they walk single file. Side-by-side tracks better fit the format of visual storytelling. Artistic license! Don’t sit down without it.

Snow Fun
By Jimmy Johnson
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228 responses to “Snow Fun”
I have two real friends whose alias I know for Internet and Facebook and I respect them.
On most of the yahoo groups I monitored we went to not only real names but where from. It was relevant when discussing boat building and sailing comments.
This type blog is a good example of real names being used being an advantage. If posting under your true identity presents that big a problem, perhaps we too are presenting “alternative facts.”
One of most upsetting thing to me was finding Mike had corrupted his boating “handle” that I had given him with love and affection info a different variant he used to hide his own activitiesi on sites.
Perhaps I am a bit prejudiced but my attitude on this remains unchanged since 1961. I too have such a handle but I only used it one place that required it. “Storyteller.”
Dreams. I don’t remember most of mine. When I’m stressed I’ll have the school dream where you’re unprepared for a test or haven’t attended all term. The most recurrent dream I have is flying. Sometimes they are really pleasant, but there have been some really scary ones. In the dreams I am actually flying. I’m not in plane. Never have figured out the significance of these dreams.
Jackie, dear, no need to accuse ‘alternate facts’. Handles are simply an easy way to identify exactly who you are talking too in a crowded room. Without the need of a curriculum vitae. It is shorthand while being respectful. You have personal reasons, great. We have ours. Also fine.
Sorry, Mark did not mean to pass over yours. Received as intended, I believe. I do not like being this way. I feel I must stand here.
Mr. Ghost, how old is your Godson? I ask because I remembered you visiting him and he sounded quite young.
Losing one’s mother is difficult at any age (I am preaching to choir here) but is even more difficult the younger you are, especially for young men. I have been worried about this since you went down at Thanksgiving for I had connected the dots a bit with time.
Post whatever you like and feel no need to reply if it bothers you. I know you will do all you can.
Her service will begin at 10:00 AM tomorrow.
With plans tentatively made for her service tomorrow, her family was delayed and did not arrive from out-of-state until 3:00 PM. Yet, with what her sister and I accomplished this morning, everything…her casket selected; all arrangements with the mortuary made; flower arrangements picked out and ordered; excavator service scheduled; and many other smaller details taken care of…was complete by 5:30 PM. I would have bet almost anything that was flatly impossible, but somehow it is fitting, in that she believed anything was possible if you wanted it badly enough and worked hard enough to make it happen.
Her wish was for a small, private graveside service with her family and closest friends attending, and that is what she will have. Still, there will be hymns performed a cappella and additional music performed by a saxophonist, including How Great Thou Art as pink (her favorite color) helium balloons are released at the end of the service. I know she will approve.
Has Trapper Jean posted in a while?
She used to be a regular.
Jackie, I actually have two godsons. First Godson is my friend’s son, and Second Godson is her grandson.
Of note is the fact that I was a formal Godfather, not in the sense of being at their christenings, but in that I was requested in both cases to rear their sons until they obtained their majority, should anything have happened to the parents. A responsibility not lightly taken on, of course, but one for which I was honored to be selected, and one I would have gladly undertaken if necessary.
Jean dear, Ghost Rider 6. SITREP, please. Needing to verify you are not Tango Uniform.
I need to give Bullet a bath, so that he will look presentable at the cemetery tomorrow morning. He is still covered with out-of-state crud accumulated in my heartbreaking travels of late last week. The local weather for tomorrow is expected to be near perfect, one of the reasons for not wanting to wait until Wednesday for the service.
Jackie, what of the proposed addition of a Mustang to your stable?
I once served as MC for the dinner and entertainment MC for a state-wide women’s club meeting. The theme was Western, and there were lots of (tight) Western shirts, (tight) jeans, and cowboy boots in evidence, so I didn’t mind. So I kicked things off with an announcement: “The hotel requests that whoever left the brown mustang by the pool please move it. It’s eating up the landscaping grass.” The ladies thought that was hilarious, but of course, alcohol was involved.
Yes, Ghost I am still getting a Mustang. Allstate still hasn’t paid off truck. They are offering less than owed with me putting down $10 grand and paying out $10 grand.
I am trying get to decide convertible vs. Hard top. Same correct, etc. I need to do in January before Mustang money from Ford goes away.
Hated to ask your opinion on top. You have too much.
Ghost: the plans sound lovely but I must admit the balloon release makes me cringe. What goes up, etc., and depending on where they come down they can be a terrible threat to wildlife, especially sea life. Mylar balloons are also a danger to power lines; I just read about a fire (and power outage) caused by a small one that escaped from a floral arrangement. I have read of butterflies being used instead.
My thinking is similar to yours, R.A. Butterflies were preferred by her son but not available in our non-metropolitan city. A mere handful of latex balloons will be released to hopefully minimize any potential adverse effect.
You may not believe this because you consider me a deceitful liar, but I had no thought of calling you a demon. As noted earlier, I don’t believe in demons, but expect you are real. I’ve known the expression since I was a kid in the late ’30s. Asked Mom what it meant, and she said a legion is a large number of soldiers, and it just meant there are lots of others like you.
I was raised Catholic, unsuccessfully, and we had no Bible in the house. [I did not say that no Catholics own Bibles. I actually know one couple that does, and uses it before grace at meals.] The Bible was that big open book on the altar which a priest read from, perhaps with his back to us. The text in Sunday school was an age-appropriate abridgement of the Baltimore Catechism. [I now own an adult version, but have not referred to it for ages.]
I did not get acquainted with Scripture until after joining the UMC in ’59, at age 29 or 30, and then only gradually. I’ve known about the origin of the phrase for perhaps as little as 40 yr, and it still comes to mind as a neutral statement that some thing or some one is quite common. I also do not believe the event, if there was one at all, is an accurate account. That does not mean it is worthless, just that we have to use it wisely. No further discussion of religion needed here.
I no longer wish to communicate with you on this blog or in any other way, and, as an 87-yr. old unipolar depressive, do not wish to spend my last days in court. Please have mercy.
Peace [and I mean that], but also, Goodbye.
Butterflies sound lovely.
Ruth Anne I did not say but I was guilty of first balloon release in Houston that anyone knew of. A close personal friend, very close who fought cancer with all she had. It was her son I was thinking of when I wrote Ghost above.
He refused to cry or mourn for his mother. We we nt out to cemetery with one balloon for each year of her life to send messages to his mother. He was so angry, mad at his mom, hating and a using her. We finally got him to release the balloons, we were doing one at a time. Then he began to cry. It was heart wrenching.
I have felt guilty for environmental damage I did as a ballooning but not for this one time. And yes, I am a certified Ballonist. I once did a design show, four hours of balloons and four of funeral designs. Most difficult I ever did. I am sorry I only did one.
Jackie, my last convertible was a ’72 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu, red with a white top and white interior, and sometimes beauty queens in the back seat. (In parades; what did you think?)
I had and drove it regularly until 2005. (Katrina ate more than just my house.) I still miss it.
To me, the determining factor would be storage. If you can garage it, or at least keep it under a carport, survey says…Ding!…”Ragtop”. If not, the hardtop.
Emb, I appreciate the retraction, if not the tone. And wish I had stopped there. The point of the nom de plume and prior works and all of this is: words should be sufficient. They certainly are dangerous enough. I desire to stand on no ones shoulders, including my own. Let my words be good, or bad enough.
peace to you as well.
OK Mr. Ghost, I have two located in Tulsa, one of each variety, both black. There is also a red and white convertible. I have looked at all Mustangs in Oklahoma virtually in both meanings of virtually.
I have carport as part of my Boat Palace AND A drive in garage with doors where large boats were built. It will garage either Mustang or Honda. So one in carport, one inside. Both open onto that large rock driveway I have put in.
I miss a convertible. I had one until I moved to Oklahoma and a stick shift five or six speed I forget which with moonroof similar to Cougar, very fast after I came here.
Look at 2016 in the $35,000 price range red white and black black.
Jackie Monies:
A few years ago, I commented on this blog that I was considering buying a Mustang. Well, plans change.
About two years ago, I finally gave in and bought a 2015 Camaro RS, crystal red metallic tintcoat, pretty well loaded. It’s not an SS, and it’s not a convertible, but I’m having the time of my life.
I have wanted one since I was 14, and, 47 years later, I finally bought one.
My advice to you: If you can swing it financially, buy that Mustang, and enjoy every minute of it.
Mrs. Rick and I drive somewhere nearly every weekend. It’s like being newlyweds all over again.
For those of you who have Facebook accounts I have a special request posted on the A & J Facebook page. Any help will be appreciated.
Ghost, I’m so happy for your friend that her service will be all that she wished. I’ll be thinking of you and of friendship tomorrow morning.
Yes, I am happy you are doing as she asked. Even the balloons. Go ahead and release them my friend. I have done enough damage to our universe, we will just add them to my footprint and debt.
And at 10 a.m. I will be listening to beautiful music and sending all the good thoughts I can toward Mississippi. Thanks to you I can even visualize her services. I will light candles in her memory and pray.
And if you ever decide you will accept my gift of flowers there are enough pink flowers in my workroom for memorial silk flowers for your sister, your mother and your friend.
Bob I remember that one. Isn’t it in book?
Yes, Bob, I’ll look on Facebook.
Smigz, I too will think of them tomorrow, with love and sorrow. Good that the weather will be nice for the service.
As for the Bible story which seems to have caused dissent, I’ve been very puzzled by the whole thing. I saw nothing bothersome at all! Have not read the Bible much. Don’t anyone explain it to me, please! I can look it up if I want.
It’s a shame that emb has been so disturbed by a non-existant insult. I hope we can all settle down and recover, back to the good feeling we had before.
Love to all the Villagers from Charlotte Christian, Derry NH
Jackie, are the black Mustangs at Bob Hurley’s?