Water, in all its forms, is interesting to depict. Owing to its reflective nature, it often is best represented by negative space. A lake can be understood simply by drawing a line of trees on the far shore. Snow, as on the coats in the last panel, is “drawn” with the mere absence of dark. But to me the more interesting thing about this cartoon from two years ago is the tracks in the snow. Arlo and Janis always walk single file, as they do above in Panel 4, because it’s conducive to dialog and to the camera’s point of view—at least I think so. It’s the same reason people on TV so often sit on the same side of the breakfast table (as do Arlo and Janis, now that I think of it). Anyway, the tracks in the snow were left by two people walking side by side, and for much the same reason they walk single file. Side-by-side tracks better fit the format of visual storytelling. Artistic license! Don’t sit down without it.

Snow Fun
By Jimmy Johnson
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228 responses to “Snow Fun”
The air we breath. We share that with every single living thing.
Think about that. It is not ours. Just loaned, a gift. What are we doing with the gift?
My late husband said he would not want to live in my mind for five minutes. Wonder why?
Very short cut off jeans and tee shirts or faded denim (thin) short sleeved shirts tied beneath the breasts is probably still uniform of those who wash Yachts. Bikinis weren’t allowed by marina management as I recall.
Chemical splash didn’t seem to bother us. I do wish I had a picture of me then. I was in my forties and so fit, worked so hard.
Funny what we look back on.
Jackie, I expect you will be well on your way to becoming that fit again by the time I see you. 🙂
I didn’t say, but the nearby gym I had been using folded last week. Due to circumstances, I have not had time to find another, but someone recommended a new, local branch of a small chain. I was using one of their gyms in a nearby town at the time my sister was ill. On the days I went to visit her when she was in long-term acute care in another city, I would be there at 5 AM when they opened; work out; go home to shower and change; and hit the road to see her. So I never use the excuse “I don’t have time” for not going to the gym.
I am trying to put my gifted air to its best possible use.
Morphy, I would like to ask a favor. Would you refrain from mentioning emb in future posts? I ask because those posts have made me feel very uncomfortable. I feel certain that, out of kindness, you will do so. If you feel you are unable to grant me this favor, I will have to stop reading any of your comments to spare myself distress.
My day will be devoted to helping my friend’s son (who is my First Godson) and his family complete her final arrangements, since I’ve had more recent experience with that sort of thing than they have. They are on the way from out-of-state now, and her sister and I will meet with them at the mortuary when they arrive.
I located her space in the family burial plot early this morning and had the cemetery supervisor flag and clean it up. As I had hoped, she will rest next to her mother.
I hope everyone here will indulge me as I post these updates. Somehow that helps me.
So glad you are there to help. This is a time of great stress and confusion to most people. Make that all. Even experienced ones Ghost. Post away.
I better not have to reverse that much body abuse before I meet you Ghostly one. You would be attending my memorial no doubt.
As my Weight Watcher’s friend said, “But won’t I look good in those purple hip huggers?”
This is one of my favorite hymns in instrumentals. I was raised on hymns played on a gasping pump organ in the hallway. My grandmother sang only hymns or tragic songs from the end of century. So, I truly love old hymns.
Turned on Pandora and this began to play. It is not just a God we near but the eternity that is our world. The visuals in this recording make that clear, we are the earth, the water, the dust in the wind, the trees, the flowers. All of that is what we were and what we become, never dying, never completely gone.
I’ll continue to Weight Watch in memory of my sister, who had great results and was a Lifetime Member and Class Leader. But I will not go so far as wearing purple hiphuggers. Or any other color.
Anything that helps, Ghost, anything that helps
This is not Näher Mein Gott Zu Dir
But amazing non the less.
Ghost, it helps us, too. Most who frequent this spot have experienced losses, and your words are a catharsis. There are many ways to experience the death of someone we love; sharing and celebrating that love is a beautiful one.
Ghost: I know from experience that the process of writing about what you’re going through can make the passage easier, so up-date as much as you want. Since I have never been the one with primary responsibility for such arrangements, I suspect I will learn things – and selfishly hope that by the time I need to know them they will have been long forgotten.
“And, in the end
The love you take
is equal to the love you make.” ? Paul McCartney
Sounds like you should receive an abundant supply.
Smigz, very refreshing to be addressed, and so well put too. I am not immune to the concern for the distress my words cause. Indeed the very reason I may no longer post at all. To my mind, the only occurrence I have addressed emb out of blue, was to appreciate a humorous turn. I thought I was free to do, and could find friendship. It did not work. I will not promise to ignore what I consider offensive, and find it more respectful to name someone than to speak vaguely. Which is why I appreciate your words so much. I can say metaphorically, if emb were to stay in his lane as it were, I would have no cause to pull him over. I have no wish to be village cop. But I choose not to draw my blinds either.
It is the best I can offer. I could not ignore a kind request without answer.
Almost posted, had to add. Demand for retraction remains. Named, and in the same public manner as the offense was given.
I still feel I am shouldering the blame of a former shade. Can someone direct me to the archive where I can learn what this is about?
GR6, good to read you, and to see your humor already is amazing. You are providing guidance to another family when they need. Very impressive, sir.
Morphy we had a troll. Some of us knew and some believed she was real. Then some decided that I, the most public of people was also a troll. Because I could not be what I said. Me, who guarded the gates against trolls for thousands of Facebook and Internet groups!
I left the Village because I felt I was causing unrest and disent. I came back. That was the joke that I am anonymous for even my Facebook pages are public and I use my own name.
Argumentative posts may appear as trolls. I never argue, just mildly outrageous but I am in person too.
Tone it down, dial it down, say it’s good enough for government work.
Jackie, I had observed that process. I guess I would have to consult archives as to whether I was yet active or not. Keep in mind before reading next, I have miss stepped in past, none are perfect, and I have thanked you personally for letting it pass.
The way I recall that passage you were in the midst of frantic level activity. There was a contributor who actively doubted anyone was capable of such activity, and would not accept your ample evidence. I had my doubts on both sides (sorry) but did not understand the importance. Perhaps I should have spoken on your behalf then, and did not.
Is That supposed to be me? Or is there another?
I really do appreciate your advice, and Second Timothy, and similar requests for quiet. But I have been offended in a way I am unable to communicate apparently. Being identified as a plague of demonic possessions is not something I am willing to abide. And I do not believe a claim of ‘not what I meant.’ I felt the meaning was quite clear. Demand stands.
Reread and saw in yours, I think your person is just fine. Keep doing it.
I do find it curious, that I am being approached to change.
If that is because I seem more reasonable, you may want to consider that.
Thank you, Smigz and R.A. I’m happy you understand.
Morphy, thank you for your response to my request. I appreciate your consideration for my distress.
No, we had an earlier true plague, if not demon, a true troll. Her “name” was “Suzy”, if it was a her. She is over on The zDark Side still.
I am opposed to people who use “handles” or alias and have always been. I believe you must stand for all you say or do under your legal true name. That comes from a journalistic background and a legal one. My bylines were always me, as were my adjudication. Only I was responsible..
Sorry Ghost, I will remove you from this statement that follows. I think you have valid reasons.
People should never hide behind alias or Internet handles. It is easy to say things you know are inflamatory if no one knows it is
you. When I over step it is a real person doing it.
Hmmmm, troll you say. Didn’t Mountain Mindy experience trolling at some point?
TR, dreams are strange and seem to get stranger with the years. For me people, times, and places comingle for little good reason. Some involve people and units from Vietnam at base camps in Desert Shield. My mind is scrambled!
Mine involve almost all dead people whow move from time period to time period and place to place.
I no longer have the snake dreams which mysteriously ended wih
Mike’s death. Mike was a Sigma Nu and they are known as Snakes. I would only agree with that for James Carville who joined Sigma Nu on his second go round at college.
Anyone else here a Sigma Nu?
Jackie, thank you for more information. I am familiar with Suzy’s work, as well. One of a few reasons I never felt the need to contribute there. I am trying to work out what prior [erased evil, but acknowledging it] wrong is being credited to me.
You have a good reasoning for your policy, and acknowledge others feel differently. Count me among those happy that my real name is not called out as demonic. Try as we may, not all will agree with us. Nom de plume is an ancient tradition,as well. Self-restraint can be exercised under any handle. And should be expected. I’m still working on it.
Dreams can be wonderful. I still dream of the house that I grew up and just the other night did. However the house was renovated after we left and this dream was kind of a mix of when I lived there and what it has become. I have had dreams about where I used to work and of course the occasional walking into a classroom late in the term realizing that I have not attended class all year.
The most pleasant and beautiful dreams were of my parents. Both times it was about 6 weeks after they had passed on. Those dreams gave me great comfort.
I had a nice dream of my Father-in-law and I could tell that it upset my mother-in-law, because she had not dreamed of him. I told her not to worry, someday I’m sure she would. About a year later she was worried sick about one of her kids and couldn’t sleep. On the day when a decision was to be made, she finally took a nap on the couch. That was when her husband came to her smiling, saying everything was OK. She started to follow him to the garage when he stopped her and said “Oh you can’t go back there, I’m still working on something”. Then she woke up. Minutes later she received a phone call and the “crisis” with her child was averted.
Jackie, sandcastler™ is a real person. My handle is used at all points I post on the internet. Further, as Jimmy could attest, it is my public email account for friends, acquaintances, and family.
In the early years of the internet handles was what everyone went by. Carry over from Ham or CB radio? I’ve no idea. Even gamers back in the old board game days had handles. My guess, we early internet cowboys all migrated to the internet range from those other ranches, bringing our handles along. Over time some grew up and rediscovered their real names, others didn’t.
sandcastler™ is a carry over handle from those days. Its meaning is now a might obscure and out dated. At one point it described what I did for that thing called “making a living.” Today, in some form of retirement? I still use it, for it feels like a good pair of boots or a sweat stained hat.
Morphy, I use my real first name and a slang term for my hometown, where I was when I started posting here. There were more Marks posting then, so I wanted to distinguish myself from them. I have now found out that the T-Town is not only used for Tuscaloosa, AL, but Tulsa, OK. Trust me, I use it for Tuscaloosa, where I was born and spent around half my life.
My quote of Timothy was not to ask you to change, but to not mix it up with emb to the distress of others. Obviously you were quite distressed yourself and I would not want to be referred to as the inhabitor of the Gadarene swine either.