I don’t get much exercise. By that, I mean I don’t participate in any regular, repetitive actions where the primary purpose is to move muscles and blood. My physical activity tends to come from whatever project has caught my attention, whether from necessity or for amusement, usually the latter. Being the kind of obsessive personality I am, I tend to go at things all or nothing, so when I’m active, I tend to be very active. Of course, when I’m not active, I sit a lot. So, I figure if I physically work hard two months and sit around the next two months, I’m doing all right on average. Right?

Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)
By Jimmy Johnson
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203 responses to “Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)”
If anyone has Sirius/XM, try channel 68, Spa. Nice relaxing music.
Must be nice and warm nr Decorah. Nobody is brooding the eaglets. However, suspect somebody is close enough to defend them. Peace,
Among other things, Morphy [whom I will write personally when I get around to it] asked me questions relating to my family. It’s none of anyone’s business, but for now I will own to having 2 bright sons, both old enough to have grown kids [N.B. That does not say if they have any.] Anyway, I just wrote them an email, which includes this:
‘As my two favorite philosophy majors, you may be interested in an article in the 27 March New Yorker, ‘A Science of the Soul.’ It’s about Daniel Dennett, who, in his own person, is to me an example that refutes his logical argument that the self is ‘nothing but . . ..’ I own and have read his [book, 2003] Freedom Evolves, and don’t believe it, though it has caused me to think more deeply [without concluding anything] on the nature of the self, the likelihood of a Hereafter, and other such. Last month after supper [I think], Stuart told me I was ‘having too much fun’ theologizing. Guilty.’
Interesting article, although I believe that promoting the benefits of reading to this group is “preaching to the choir” – https://www.fastcompany.com/3048913/how-changing-your-reading-habits-can-transform-your-health
Rick: laughing hysterically over Beelzebubba.
I agree with all over today’s strip, and Ruth Anne, I too especially enjoyed the heron at the start, both for how lovely it was and for the way it gave a sense of setting.
Great article about reading, Ruth Annne!! Thanks!
Would like to point out that Jimmy has upped the ante with the current strip with his artwork and composition. His artwork has been about the best he’s ever done. The heron was only the most obvious.
I opened the strip that night and exclaimed aloud, “Look at that heron in flight!”
Jimmy I love this strip with all the characters reunited. Please make Arlo see it Gene’s way.
This strip hits me close. I am planning to relocate to the deep South again, going home. Wish I had the energy to build. I own the plans already for the Mississippi coast, a scaled adaption of Beaulieu, Jeff Davis’ home.
Music to accompany today’s strip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56nHBah7mdE
TruckerRon, happy belated birthday and just as many birthdays to follow as you wish! Thank you for the advice about choosing a telescope. We, too, live in an area polluted by light, and did not know some telescopes might be more effective at handling this. My husband loves research, and will enjoy that process almost as much as the joys of the telescope itself.
Debbe, I applaud your good sense. I have now chosen to ignore posters who upset or offend me, or posts about them. Fortunately, almost none of the posters here fall into those categories so I still have lots to enjoy (as well as all Jimmy’s gems).
I have no dog in this (or any other) fight, so I will merely observe for the benefit of all the Villagers, as I have done before, if there is something here you do not wish to read, the down arrow or scroll key with solve that little problem for you.
Otherwise, one may get inadvertently caught up in the low-budget Japanese remake that seems to be currently playing at the Village Movie Theater, “The Clash of the Egos.”
It seems my opening line: “Sir, as you are dangling the hook, against my better judgement, but in a sincere effort to move the conversation forward rather than to allow it to stagnate yet again, I will make another imperfect attempt.” Is the only one that mattered. A conversation requires each party to view others as peers, apparently not possible here.
I accept your pogrom, because an insufficient number spoke in support.
In the interest of community, the man who wrote in support of all natural voices, except the lurid Billy Bee, will remain silent.
The man who presents as “more equal than others” will remain and feel a win.
It is for the rest to decide if it is a hollow victory.
Thank you all for voicing your opinions.
Hat tip: Mr. Orwell
Ghost, another way to put it is to paraphrase Dory from Finding Nemo.
“Just keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling.”
Painting…. third day and it still looks good. woohooooooo! it may take me forever sometimes, but it is so cool when it all works.
From Merriam Webster, online: ‘Definition of pogrom for English Language Learners: the organized killing of many helpless people usually because of their race or religion’.
Nothing I’ve written here, or done in my life that I remember, comes close. If this is your metaphor for my query, ‘but [I]would first be interested in what others have to say’, it seems to me to be characteristically overdone. Simply asking how people respond to a situation is hardly ‘killing’, and the Village likely is not mostly ‘helpless people,’ though most of us are probably vulnerable in one way or another. Why be so hostile?
OB: Music for Earth Day. Sorry to get back so late. One thing that occurred to me is ‘The plow that broke the plains,’ mostly an orchestration of familiar rural hymns and other tunes referring to the devastation that resulted from plowing up the tough prairie sod followed by a drought that gave us the ’30s dust storms. Good music, and their may be CDs not accompanied by a narrative. Peace,
Music for the film is by Virgil Thomson. Maybe leaving the powerful narrative in wouldn’t hurt. Would you like me to request it for next Friday Favorites. I’ve something to memorialize. Peace,
Morphy: I hope my citing something [from the net or from relevant paper sources] does not make me the “man who presents as “more equal than others”. Most of us have our areas of expertise or special interest, and many are willing to display them here. I bow to many Villagers in their knowledge of popular music, current celebrities, spectator or participatory sports, almost anything having to do with TV or movies, and Southern cooking. I’ve some knowledge of, and much interest in, the organic world and its history, the doings of nesting raptors, and G&S. If I touch on something of interest or concern to you, it does NOT follow that I am aiming my offering at you. To jump to that conclusion is, I believe, academically referred to as ‘ideas of reference,’ but that itself is beyond my competence to discuss professionally. I did not, for instance, have any idea that you were interested in population biology.
Not just Morphy: If you are not interested in posts on ‘the organic world and its history, the doings of nesting raptors, and G&S’, or any other of my hobby horses, take the advice of others above: Scroll! Peace,
Captain Nancy:
Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Don’t forget – you have only tonight and tomorrow to finish your Shakespeare’s Birthday shopping.
Avon is always a good source this time of year.
Happy belated birthday, Trucker Ron! You are so fortunate – not only by having these additional years, but your realization of what is really important.
When I think about age (which is as seldom as I can get away with!), I am thankful that I have lived long enough to realize what is important in life. Family… friends… a sense of being of use to others. Things are not important (just necessities).. personal drama serves no purpose…
I can say now that I like myself – mostly. That is something also that I had to learn on my journey.
Lovely. Me too, except I think about age a lot, most often constructively. And I do appreciate senior discounts, and coeds that hold doors for me. Not sure about being called ‘Sir’; had two+ yr. of that in USAF and the Reserve, until I did Uncle Sam the favor of resigning. Definitely don’t want to be called Dr. when volunteering at the Hospital.
Jackie, does that mean Oklahoma is losing The Most Interesting Woman in the World?
There were just two adults at the MT nest, but one flew off. First time I’ve seen 2. Other adult was then working on a vole [I think] to feed the nestlings. [There are 3]. Only the female incubates, but I don’t know re brooding, feeding, and such.
I may have seen that film – back in HS when studying the Dust Bowl.
Do remember hearing about musicians finishing project on their own tick.
Next Friday is Arbor Day – new thoughts and dedications.
GM Debbe
Good morning Villagers….
I love my Jeep!!
The past three days have been fast and furious with doctor appts. and a PO appt. Dad is in seventh heaven sitting in the front seat (no, turn right here, no turn left here, I ain’t ready to go home yet!! he said) I try to bite my tongue as it has been a long four months for both him and me with me not having ‘wheels’.
I put tennis balls on his walker, I was close to the brink of going nuts with the dragging on the floor…seems he is putting more weight on it. The tennis balls do a good job of picking up cat hair (imagine that), think I am going to put a couple of swiffer sheets on them…just might work, you know 🙂 !
TR, a very, merry belated birthday wish to you..and many more too.
later gators…..