I don’t get much exercise. By that, I mean I don’t participate in any regular, repetitive actions where the primary purpose is to move muscles and blood. My physical activity tends to come from whatever project has caught my attention, whether from necessity or for amusement, usually the latter. Being the kind of obsessive personality I am, I tend to go at things all or nothing, so when I’m active, I tend to be very active. Of course, when I’m not active, I sit a lot. So, I figure if I physically work hard two months and sit around the next two months, I’m doing all right on average. Right?

Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
203 responses to “Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)”
Jean and Steve……lol!!!!!! Never thought of that way!!!
GR 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd4E9ePUrok
Looks like all 4 eggs hatched this yr.
Since so many seem to think they are entitled to believe their own version of the “news” these days, perhaps I will choose to believe this one. After all, it does come from that noted scientific journal, Cosmo. 🙂
Lora’s updated post of her latest work: https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18058158_1630342727006698_9164451214489523722_n.jpg?oh=46862afed61528551792b96a679fb995&oe=598F2363
Nope, Llee, you definitely didn’t kill it.
It is a beautiful day today as I took my 3.5 mile walk today. My allergies are acting up or else I finally succumbed to the creeping crud that has hit my entire family. My son ran the Boston Marathon a week ago today and after driving to Fort Wayne for my BIL funeral, found out on Wednesday, that his son had pneumonia. He decided to see his own doctor as he had been fighting bronchitis for a while and found out that HE had pneumonia too! Thankfully running a marathon did not do him any harm. I did not want to go to work today, but figured that I would put in a half day and go home. I actually feel much better. I guess moving around helps.
In case you are interested, here is a link to my sister’s website. http://www.spiritualhands.org/artist-biography/
She is a very talented artist. Life is on hold right now, but she won a grant to go to Italy in June. She invited my wife and told her that the trip is definitely on. She feels like this is something very positive that she can do. Plus she has already spent money with the grant and would lose it if she did not follow through.
OK, who knew all 12 of these words? I did…although I was disappointed that one of them did not actually derive from Thomas Crapper.
Yep. I knew ’em all. Fun.
Ghost: I got 11*, and am guessing that, among those who missed just one, not being familiar w/ Australianisms is the major reason. Another related slang term is biffy, or just biff. Comes to mind in particular w/ ref to archaeology. One of the most useful places to seek archaeological treasures is a sufficiently old biff. Everything objectionable has long decomposed, and the biff is where all the broken pottery and such went.
Also, mid ’60s, a tactless dean who thought he was funny introduced a new faculty member who was on crutches, mentioning that she’d broken her ankle en route to the biff. Not everything one thinks is funny or clever is always perceived that way by others. She didn’t stay, but I’ve no idea why. Faculty was getting large enough not to know everybody. Totaled less than 50 when I came in ’58.
Had mixed feelings about him; he backed me up in an academic dustup I’ve mentioned before, when a prized athlete earned an E in Human Anatomy. Also, he could be an interesting companion on long drives home from intercollegiate meetings downstate.
*Still proud of getting all 10 of those prominent arches/other landmarks as seen straight down from the air some years ago. Multiple choice.
Sunday, my wife and I saw the movie “Unforgettable.”
It wasn’t.
It seems that you and I are not only greatly similar but also have greatly similar families.
Trapper Jean:
He very well might have, come to think of it.
Your question reminds me of a drawing of a house’s exterior and front lawn that I once saw in my high school sophomore psych class. It was meant to be a test of long-term memory, and, supposedly, participants were able to remember a fair amount of the house’s details years after viewing the drawing for only a few minutes.
I still remember it myself, but I don’t know if my memory is still accurate or if it is creating its own memories.
The big question that I’ve never been able to answer: Did the furniture have Freudian slip covers?
Evening Three:
Males who hold hands in a circle and then throw themselves bodily at other males are
called the apex of machismo in this country.
(The next two are a little late. I had forgotten that I have them in the total list.)
April Fools’ Day: The day that aggression, anger, hostility, and hatred sometimes
masquerade as humor.
April Fools’ Day: The one day that you have an excuse for being stupid.
Steve, your sister has a nice touch. And thanks, folks, for the encouragement. 🙂
It’s no secret that I am interested in politics, but my wife barely knows who is president and doesn’t want to. That may answer some questions right there, but tonight she told me that I was beating a dead horse. I told her that she could think of it this way. You’re in a buggy being pulled by a horse as fast as he can run. As you pass people they yell at you to shout “whoa”. But “he’s dead” I reply. They yell back ” why doesn’t he stop?” I answer “I’ll be dammed if I know.” ” I have no idea what you’re talking about” said my wife”. So I went through it again, but I was beating a dead horse apparently.
Morning Three:
Vice Versa: an assistant Nissan
hellth care
(I wrote the last one years ago. Since that time, I have seen it in the popular press, all of which means that someone else most likely wrote it years before I did.)
There are two types of people in the world: Those who think that there are two types of people and those who don’t.
‘There are probably two types of people in the world, those who realize they are … .’ Best leave the rest up to whomever.
Today’s ‘Hi and Lois’ is profound.
26 April was a Saturday in ’52.
From a FB friend.
I belong to no organized political party. I’m a democrat.-Will Rogers
Meg, don’t mention snakes to Janis!
Ghost, after the third glass of champagne the rats didn’t know or care if they were demented. Good study.
Jackie, did a stack of books fall on you?
They might yet! My fainting couch has three to four foot stacks covering the cushions.
No, I got a bladder infection and the antibiotic gave me even worse symptoms. On way to primary doctor for an antidote.