A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)

By Jimmy Johnson

I don’t get much exercise. By that, I mean I don’t participate in any regular, repetitive actions where the primary purpose is to move muscles and blood. My physical activity tends to come from whatever project has caught my attention, whether from necessity or for amusement, usually the latter. Being the kind of obsessive personality I am, I tend to go at things all or nothing, so when I’m active, I tend to be very active. Of course, when I’m not active, I sit a lot. So, I figure if I physically work hard two months and sit around the next two months, I’m doing all right on average. Right?
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203 responses to “Socks and the Settee (Ouch!)”

  1. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Guess that makes me a septuagenarian!

  2. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Happy Anniversary to you and your wife April. I hope you have many more.

  3. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Sorry TR. I thought your wife’ s name was April. I need to proof read.

  4. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    It is strange that O’Reilly’s ratings never went down. Everything considered, it is difficult to reach any conclusion except that this country is being run by stupid old white guys. Falling directly in the middle of that parameter myself makes it somewhat difficult to come up with an alternative. Do they not teach history in school anymore? I think that we had a discussion once about how history should be taught versus how it is actually taught. As an eternally flowing spring of old sayings I can only offer “History is written by the winners.”-unk.

  5. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    How will we know if the government shuts down? Trump will play golf in Florida everyday instead of three days a week.

  6. emb Avatar

    ‘Do they not teach history in school anymore?’ ‘They’ may teach it, or some version of it, but most students seem not to learn it. Peace,

  7. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Evening Three:

    I am number last.

    Every day is the end of the world as we know it.

    What do you call a monkey in a blender set to “chop”? Rhesus Pieces.

  8. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Oh Rick, that last one is just awful.

  9. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Excellent Earth Day ending: Out in my backyard about 7:45. Got about 7 feet away from the bottle tree and realized the owl was sitting on it again. We stared at each other for a few moments; he looked away from me for a bit, he looked back at me and then flew away. As soon as he was gone, a large black snake slithered from the bricks beneath the bottle tree to a better hiding place in some bromeliads.

    I’m assuming it’s a male since it’s the smaller of the pair in my recent picture and assuming it’s the same one since I doubt there’s more than one so tolerant of our proximity.

  10. emb Avatar

    Laura and Rick:

    Maybe that gross post exemplifies the difference btw. girls and boys, as in the pre-reader lesson: ‘sugar and spice* and everything nice’ vs. ‘rats and snails and puppy-dog tails’.

    *Personally, always thought sugar and spice were overrated, but will testify that some are made of everything nice. ‘What ain’t we got? We ain’t got dames.’

    Ruth: If that’s a male, he may have a less habituated mate around. In FL, their young, if any, may have already fledged.


  11. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Thank you.

    Anyone can write a good pun.

    It takes a special talent to write a painful one.

  12. emb Avatar

    For some reason, laptop suddenly won’t open document files. This may delay a posting or more. Will take to ER Mon., I think.


  13. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    emb: We’ve been hearing owl “conversations” for over a month; we assume there’s a nest in the neighborhood but have not been able to discover where it is. The Audubon Center for Birds of Prey in Maitland (the town next door) posted a picture last week of a barred owlet that they returned to its nest with the help of a volunteered bucket truck. It did not appear to be anywhere near fledging – still fluffy. They also have a “baby owl shower” every year in May; in exchange for donations visitors get to see some of the babies (and adults) that they have rescued or are rehabilitating. That also makes me think it’s early for owl fledging, around here anyway.

    The Center does great work and is a fascinating place to visit if you’re in the area. http://fl.audubon.org/chapters-centers/audubon-center-birds-prey

  14. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Morning Three:

    Take your time and do things right; never try to sprint through a cow pasture.

    Ever wonder if anything has been removed from books so that you can’t have certain

    Maybe some people are looking for a religion that won’t interfere with their private life.

  15. emb Avatar

    Happy birthday [traditionally celebrated today], Bill. Among other things, we have Bill to thank for phrases such as “a fool’s paradise,” “a sorry sight,” “dead as a doornail,” “Greek to me,” “come what may,” “eaten out of house and home,” “forever and a day,” “heart’s content,” “slept a wink,” “love is blind,” “night owl,” “wild goose chase,” and “into thin air.”


  16. emb Avatar

    Rick, you posted while I was writing. All 3 are good, but the last is profoundly true. Peace,

  17. Llee Avatar

    YES! Thank you, Jimmy. And the endless restating of what JUST happened. And … well, you get the idea.

  18. Terry Avatar

    emb – just a moment to say you are a good man. I always enjoy your comments.

  19. emb Avatar

    Terry. Thanks and peace,

  20. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Jimmy, you nailed it today. Documentaries should answer your questions, not provide more questions which they then fail to answer.

    Had fun yesterday. Found out local library branch was having a book sale. So, I killed two birds with one stone and got a library card and bought some books. Proceeds go to supporting this branch so it was a win/win situation.

  21. Debbe Avatar

    ::Good morning Villagers…..

    Rick, I will never think of Reeses Pieces the same way again….

    On the history channel is a show called ‘American Pickers’, Dad and I enjoy watching that…the junk they salvage from these places is unreal. Like the blue jeans with the Levi label that are probably as old as I am…so would that make them sexagenarian Levi’s?

    …and the sun is out here in SIN, finally.

    Looked online for a stationary pedal bike for Dad, found one at Wal Mart. It just has pedals with straps, and you also can use it for your upper body. The past 4 days of ‘going’ have just worn Dad out, and he slept until until 9:30 this morning….I actually stood there to make sure he was breathing.

    Gotta make a chocolate milk run…


    (dang it feels too good to run myself to the grocery store 🙂 )

  22. Debbe Avatar

    Llee…how is your current painting coming along??

  23. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    On this day in 1616 at age 52, England’s “National Poet” left this mortal coil, leaving everyone much the worse for such an early departure.

  24. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Debbe and emb:


    I truly appreciate it.