This old A&J from five years ago reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist for a look/see. Which further reminds me, I need to get a dermatologist. I’m afraid of what I’ll hear; when I think of the hours I spent lying on a blanket in the broiling sun, I marvel I’m still around. Of course, for most of us guys the object was to drink beer all day and be around scantily clad women, who were the serious sun worshippers. Now, I get my vitamin D in reasonable doses, working in the garden, messing about with boats and always covering up responsibly—as do the women around me. I don’t drink beer all day anymore, either. *sigh*

The Golden Years
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
300 responses to “The Golden Years”
oops! *hair
(I should always re-read before posting!)
GfO, welcome to the Gaffers Club; from a non-sexy, long hair male, who still hears well.
What a beautiful start to a Sunday, the mission video and classical guitar music. And yes, I know it is 11 a.m. but I am just getting up. The dogs have been barking for hours and I refused to admit it was day. The cats get this aloof look and say “Hey, that wasn’t me!”
They however, would like their litter box emptied and some fresh put in. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Funny, this is first place I visit now and the last, daily.
Love, Jackie Monies
I KNOW I have mentioned that we usually have a contest for the “Saltiest Salt” annually when my boaters congregate in the back yard. Most are between 55-80, male and have both gray hair and beards. They often let beard get longer for this purpose and even the hair.
Portapotty deliveryman was late one year with potties and he asked my husband if it was a family reunion of Amish? Yard was full of gray hair and beards.
I have to confess that indeed I do remember my roommate once a year when I have a couple hundred gray bearded ambulatory men milling about. She didn’t know where to look!
Love, Jackie Monies
Well, I was going to point out that Loon made the strip today–but of course I wasn’t fast enough to be the first. Fun, anyhow! And a plethora of Sean Connery’s–my goodness. YAY!
Rereading Jimmy’s comments about needing a dermatologist: ours is a beautiful female, blonde and named of all things Dr. Lovelace!
Mike keeps mentioning he needs to go see about the facial skin cancers that need cutting off. We keep telling him that until he gets done with chemotherapy we don’t think she will want to cut anything off.
He says it wouldn’t hurt to have them looked at?
Love, Jackie Monies
To paraphrase “Groundhog Day” I think JJ was talking about A loon, not THE Loon. 🙂
Jackie, I once compared this blog to the bar on “Cheers”, and you once commented that you “love this bar and grill”. If that is the case, I propose we post a sign I once saw in a bar…
Gentleman: No Shirt, No Service
Ladies: No Shirt, Free Drinks
I just realized that the current story going on with Prince Valiant would have bored me when I was ten but thrills me today!
I have about the same percentage of black and grey in my hair and beard as Sean Connery but I have more hair on the top of my head. I also don’t have the accent. 🙂
Jackie, it often takes a disaster like getting hacked or a disk crash to wake people up to the need for backups (and multiple backups). I have problems with my kids because they don’t want the backups running during their prime time on their computer, nor do they want it happening during the middle of the night since their computers are in their bedrooms and the disk accesses make enough noise to wake them.
Watching neighbors clean out their do- it-yourself pool for the beginning of their “season”, an event I always dread. It is a rental house and has been for years and years. Right now I’d have a hard time saying how many are living there! Numbers change a lot, increasing existentially during summer months.
Turns out one of the males was once married to my yard lady, so I have been told their activities are not too legal. Sigh!
In this part of Oklahoma, winter and fall are best months, when peace and quiet reigns the colder it gets.
The yard lady is a hard worker, so I hope the ex-husband doesn’t scare her off.
Love, Jackie Monies
SF 11:27PM “vote for a centrist at your next election or even better a statesman/woman if you can find one, we need them more than politicians!” We’ll keep voting as right as possible, since they all get watered down, once they’re in and unfortunatly, you do have to be a politician to get elected in the first place, that is, one wrong word, one misstep that the opposition blows up and you’re out. .. emb – about shaving the dome, my wife wanted to do that to me. She’s all bald from her chemo and I’m getting pretty thin on top, I’m always getting it short on the sides, so I don’t have a silly ring of hair. I was shaving her irritating stubble off and she said she’d do my top, hey! hang on, it’s going to be gone in a year or two anyway OK?
Just back from seeing Jersey Boys. Excellent movie, Clint Eastwood is a directing genius.
GR6, from what I hear tell, those rules don’t apply at certain pools in Vegas. 😉
TR: I love Prince Valiant—beautiful drawing. I heard once the only reason most if not all of us are still getting it in our Sunday papers is that it’s part of a package with other comics the paper wants, so they have to print it. I hope they never can get rid of it!
As far as I can tell from the photo you posted, Connery didn’t shave his pate, or hadn’t for 4-5 days before the photo. His eyebrows are black [naturally?] and >symmetrical > mine. So is his nose. Mine veers to the left, possibly from a mugging in ’45. 99.44% of my hairs are white. Nobody has ever said I looked like him, not in my hearing at least. Did he have a bass voice?
Ghost, look up the TaTa Top. I won’t post the direct link on a family site, but you will probably enjoy this.
Part of the “#FreeTheNipple movement”? Ooh Kay…
I guess with a digital camera and an iron-on printer, you could make your own TaTa t-shirts.
All the gray hair and beards got me watching Kris Kristopherson videos on Youtube. One of my absolute favorite songwriter/singers who coincidently has gray hair and beard. It is absolutely impossible to believe he is 78 years old now. He wrote such beautiful music and the lyrics are fantastic. I had forgotten about the marriage to Rita Coolridge and the songs they did together.
And darn it, by the time he was flying for Petroleum Helicopters out of Lafayette, LA I was married and gone! Now I bet he was really interesting to know when he was young?
It must be strange to hear your music recorded over and over and over by so many different voices.
Love, Jackie Monies
#FreeTheNipple is driving our local Targets crazy. Groups of young mothers show up and nurse while shopping. Texas Free Rangers 😉
Jackie, you might enjoy this book:
Outlaw: Waylon, Willie, Kris and the Renegades of Nashville
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Yeah, garden gnomes are always funny, aren’t they?
Thanks David. I like the way Jimmy did the expressions and body language of Venus and the gnome. Looks like two teenagers caught making out and trying to look uninterested in each other.
I have tried to post a link to the earliest version of this site ( I think) and it doesn’t show up. So I will try something different. enter the same website/index517-18.htm