This old A&J from five years ago reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist for a look/see. Which further reminds me, I need to get a dermatologist. I’m afraid of what I’ll hear; when I think of the hours I spent lying on a blanket in the broiling sun, I marvel I’m still around. Of course, for most of us guys the object was to drink beer all day and be around scantily clad women, who were the serious sun worshippers. Now, I get my vitamin D in reasonable doses, working in the garden, messing about with boats and always covering up responsibly—as do the women around me. I don’t drink beer all day anymore, either. *sigh*

The Golden Years
By Jimmy Johnson
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300 responses to “The Golden Years”
GR6, that was a great song! In my case I got to reflect on how blessed I’ve been to be married over 3 decades and far, far away from the tumultuous dating scene. Bliss (and even the struggles of marriage) beat dating drama hands down!
Jackie and Jean, here’s a different take on Ghost Riders of the Sky.
TR, our three plus decades of marital adventures has taught me: patience, restraint, voyages with a loved one can bring the unexpected, plus she is always right. 😉
Here is hoping the link opens properly. It is likely a place we all wish to be, just maybe not as disjointed as Escher.
Thanks for the Shenandoah quotes, Debbe. They are great.
Big thanks to Debbe, I found the dialogue to Shenandoah absolutely intriguing. Thanks to Mark, I found the Ghost Riders in Scotland just as so. Where else but here would I find stuff like this? It is the diversity that is so great!
We aren’t showing off knowledge, just sharing what we find interesting or funny or fascinating. That’s what makes this more fun than real life. Real life can be kind of draggy sometimes.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, are you saying life in here is not real? OMG, I have been sucked, unexpectedly, into a Turning Machine. All of you seemed so adult like, nothing resembling a thirteen year old. I feel so stupid.
I meant MY real life, taking care of cooking breakfast for mom when I don’t eat breakfast. Taking clothes to nursing home/rehab for third time because no one seems to make up their minds about what he has to wear. Changing sheets because I can’t get cats and dogs to groomer, so hair everywhere. That kind of REAL LIFE.
You all make that bearable for me, the mundane and time consuming stuff we all do.
“Into each life a little hair must fall.” I forget author of that quote.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, as Debbe might phrase it, ‘Just yoking.’ 😉
Did you mean Turing?
That’s all right. I wrote Neptune when I meant Uranus in a column I published recently. That’s what comes of no longer having an in house copy editor.
Jackie, that is why we should try to do in real life what we do here. Entertain, amuse and share because we all need the break!
Good catch emb. Siri is too quick some days, always trying to guess where I’ve been or am heading. Turing was a true genius. Too bad he was treated so shabbily for his sexuality. I fear the world missed out on much due to his early and tragic death.
Jackie: “Into each life a little hair must fall.” I’m sure some of the guys have variations on that. At 61 years young I still have a full head of hair, but they have all turned fairly transparent. My wife calls it ‘silver’ but she’s always been willing to tell fibs to comfort the suffering.
Here’s something my daughters were shrieking about:
TR, thanks for a hearty chuckle. As for those ‘silver threads’ we have been blessed with, I think of each as a sign of self improvement. Once the tapestry is complete you have earned the privilege to speak your piece in peace.
GR 😉 I do love Bonnie Raitts’ voice, but still, the song belongs to Linda….here’s one for ya:
Sandcastler…ya should have seen this one coming:
Yee haw! Debbe you rock my heart, but it belongs to another.
But then, I’ve always marched to a different drum…until I married my husband at the age of 45 (first and only marriage)….but, we’ll live a lot longer since we have each other…
Mark, is there a link to those two guys singing that song in English? You know, where it can be, like, understood?
Jackie and Nancy, you are welcome..reading those quotes this morning made me want to watch the movie……and I DON”T know where it is……but, it was fun. Each quote brought back to my image of that particular moment in the movie….especially when Jimmy set fire to the train!
ya’ll have a pleasant evening…..My husband has supper ready for me….God, I love him…he does take good care of me…..despite…both of our ‘defects’………………………but, isn’t that what true love is….reference quote from the movie…ya gotta like them, then ya fall in love with them….
Loon…bless you….
Debbe 🙂 I see your “Silver Threads and Golden Needles” and raise you a “Blue Bayou”.
Delightful. No doubt concocted as a lesson in interethnic harmony. As near as I can tell, the one providing the perch is a Massai giraffe, the one seeking refuge a reticulated giraffe, from the semi-desert country farther north. Those reticulateds are handsome beasts. Thanks, emb
I’m with the giraffe that looks like a chicken.
You think you know your pet – my cat, Blacklight, watched an entire episode of “The Joy of Painting.” She rarely watches tv, and even then only for a couple minutes if something catches her attention. The whole episode kept her captivated. She doesn’t even look at ME that adoringly!
What was being painted, Lady Mindy?