This old A&J from five years ago reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist for a look/see. Which further reminds me, I need to get a dermatologist. I’m afraid of what I’ll hear; when I think of the hours I spent lying on a blanket in the broiling sun, I marvel I’m still around. Of course, for most of us guys the object was to drink beer all day and be around scantily clad women, who were the serious sun worshippers. Now, I get my vitamin D in reasonable doses, working in the garden, messing about with boats and always covering up responsibly—as do the women around me. I don’t drink beer all day anymore, either. *sigh*

The Golden Years
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
300 responses to “The Golden Years”
Odd that you would mention earthquake insurance.
Because Lancaster is near a fault, we have had some shaking over the past thirty years.
Last week, I added it to my house insurance, and it cost a whopping $80.
Not exactly a lot for a very real threat, I think.
By the way, I purchased an umbrella policy a few years ago to extend all of my coverages to a million – one of the best decisions I ever made.
‘eMb – You’ve bragged about her before and every time you do, I feel sad for not knowing her.’
I hear that a lot. From the people that did know her, I still get comments [e.g., when I volunteer weekly at the hospital] like ‘Best boss I ever had.’ Wife was head nurse [there’s a fancier term now] on a med-surg floor for a dozen years or more. I’ve a lot to be grateful for.
Mindy/Indy: Sorry / that typo. emb
So maybe I should add some earthquake insurance to homeowners policy which is due right now anyway? Hope the fact Oklahoma seems to be leading nation hasn’t made them up it. When I renewed and they rewrote last year the tornadoes in Oklahoma and Arkansas, along with wildfires, had caused huge increases.
Right about the umbrella policies too.
The one type policy I have absolutely needed and cannot buy where I live is flood insurance. Hence the huge expense I have gone to and continue (ie. the rock walls and ditches) to handle the flash flooding into my creek and across my front yard. I am an ignorant city slicker who had no idea you could not buy flood insurance everywhere in America if you wanted it!
So, deep ditches and big rocks and lots of concrete and maybe I can go back to sleeping at night when it thunders.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, we live in hurricane land, buy our flood insurance from FEMA. Reason we use FEMA is because nobody down here will write flood policies. Besides, anything happens, we get a niffty new trailer. 😉
Someone told me that when Camille hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1969, many businesses had no coverage for wind hazard (probably because of the cost) but did have fire coverage. An amazing number of those businesses “caught fire” during or right after the storm, seriously blurring the determination as to the primary cause of the loss. In 2005 (Katrina), most homeowners had wind hazard coverage but many had no flood insurance, being, as they thought, too far inland to be flooded. Wrong. Lots of court cases resulted, to determine whether the totally missing homes blew away before they washed away.
And no extra charge for the formaldehyde fumes coming from the trailer paneling, sand. 🙂
I am driving down to see agent anyway so will have the flood insurance conversation again. I tried contacting FEMA before, called government flood insurance # at 1-800. It seems that Pittsburg County Oklahoma which has flood areas all over it (not from lake but from creeks and rivers like mine) would not comply with government requirements to get it. Does that surprise me?
When Camille hit we were in Hawaii. We came back, went to coast and I cried for two months straight, couldn’t bear to go back. Mike’s family had a camp but it was about two blocks inland from beach. Nothing was left except concrete slab and a pair of binoculars.
I used to watch the ocean liners/tankers/etc. go by my backyard on the Mississippi levee and worry about the levees breaking. We never thought it would be the little levees out in suburbs that would break and flood New Orleans. My house by the big levee was high and dry and did not flood. Amazing.
Love, Jackie MOnies
There we were in Memphis watching the TV reports for Camille… We were stunned when the remnants of Camille came straight up the Mississippi Valley and gave us record flooding. That’s when I learned that driving a car at normal speeds into a foot of standing water was a very stupid idea. The engine did not flood, but I certainly impacted my steering wheel.
Regarding the conversation concerning screen names: My gentleman friend, who formerly wrote a far-ranging blog, gave me the name. Really rather simple…
I live in Gallia County in Ohio – first name Gloria, sometimes known as Glo. So –
Gallia = Galli
Gloria = glo
I rather like it!
I’ve know several Gloria’s, Gal, but none who went by “Glo”. I like that.
If I’m not mistaken, more people died in Pennsylvania from flooding caused by the remnant low of Camille than the total number of folks it killed in Mississippi. Never underestimate the seriousness of flood waters.
Gal 😉 Back in the day, no band could ever get booked into a USAF Airman’s Club or NCO Club unless they could play “Gloria” and “We Gotta Get out of This Place”.
Debbe 😉
Jackie, about my screen name…”Ghost Riders in the Sky” has always been one of my favorite songs. “6” is my lucky number. Put them together and you get what does sound like a military radio call sign. And, oh yeah, there’s this…
For the pet lovers who worry about their pets’ state of mind, here’s a column about pet psychics:
Ghost, Ghost, Ghost – THIS link
You’re welcome ladies. 🙂
And an earworm for the day:
Good morning Villagers….
Jackie, you wear me out after reading all the things going on in landscaping your yard….I know one thing, you won’t be able to say: “get off my lawn” 🙂
Indy Mindy, I love your sense of humor….it does keep us from going insane…at least mine does. It’s warped sometimes….had an egg fight yesterday in the packing room…..I lost. Ding dong, the Boss is gone 🙂
Can’t post two links at a time so here is today’s groan…I mean grin:
I thought of you, EmB, when I saw those paintings…… 🙂
GR 😉 Those songs take me back to the good, old sock-hop days. They were always held in the school gym, and you were not allowed to wear shoes on the floor.
Eric Burden and the Animals….here’s one for you:
Woo hoo…thanks Indy Mindy for the eye candy…and we’re both posting links to the Animals….cue in Twilight Zone music…….
Rick…thanks for the info on Chrome…..I’ll ask my son about it, and he runs that Malwearbytes on my computer too….I too automatically delete all spam and never open any emails if I don’t know who they are.
Websites….not too many I visit…., GoComis, Lolcats and of course U tube…and the Drudge Report….like I don’t get enough depressing news at night when my husband channel surfs the news stations
…”bubble headed bleach blonde, comes on at five…..she can tell you about a plane crash with a gleam in her eye…….”
First thing I thought of when the work ISIS was used in the news:
Typo…the word, actually isn’t it an acronym?
Dang good album though by Dylan….”Desire”
In case you upgrade to Windows 7 or 8, I suggest you also consider using Internet Explorer.
Although it is not as easy to use as Chrome, it’s winning the security war right now.
It’s supposed to be safer than either Chrome or Firefox.
Apple’s OS and browser are still the safest, but that safety is chalked up to its small share of the market.
Scammers and hackers usually go after the large schools of fish.
Rick, my IPS also provides virus protection. Our telephone company is a small co-op, and they separate my spam from some of the emails I get. Thanks for the advice…. 🙂 Ian, my son, says my computer is so old, it wouldn’t be able to handle Windows 7 or 8…so here I sit. 🙂
TR….interesting article….thought of this when I read it: